Posts in Connecting to Universe
21 Tools I Use to Connect to the Universe

Spirituality is a broad term nowadays with many differing perspectives. The main idea is that you believe in something bigger than the material & physical world. As you grow and change your spirituality might grow and change with you. Here are 21 tools I use to connect to the Divine Universe that I believe is helping to guide me through life. 

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10 Advantages to Connecting to the Moon Cycle

The Moon Cycle can teach us so much in life, but most importantly building a connection to the Moon can create a flow to your life instead of that constant push & pull you feel. I have always had a fascination with the Moon, but I didn’t start adamantly following the cycle and each phase until my late 20’s. I didn’t know life could be this much easier and by learning from each phase and honouring myself it has brought a whole new way of living into my life. 

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Monthly Mental & Spiritual Health Practices

In life we can be easily swayed by the nonsense that surrounds us and influences our lives. In order to not be dragged down by the challenges in life we HAVE to step up and choose to create joy and peace as regularly as possible. There are day-to-day practices that I do to stay right side up in this chaotic world, but there are also MONTHLY mental & spiritual health practices that help me to trust in the bigger picture & remember that there is always light even in the darkness. 

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Feeling Stuck? Step out of the box with these strategies

Sometimes in life we find ourselves stuck - whether it’s in a relationship, a job, a place, a situation, an emotion, a mental state, or even physically. For some reason we don’t know how to break free because we have become comfortable in the way we have been living. I am here to remind you that there is greatness around the corner. You are not the only one to experience this feeling of being stuck and you will get through. 

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Mental Health Morning Routine

Every single day we receive the chance to start fresh and it is your choice on how you are going to proceed throughout the day. Do you want to start fresh by carrying yesterday’s stress? Do you want to give yourself time and space to become the best version of yourself? Do you want to mentally prepare yourself to tackle today with strength, grace, and a positive mindset? 

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Guided Meditations - The What, How, Where, When, and Why

Meditations are becoming a hot topic around mental health these days and I know there are some people out there that are intrigued, but can’t seem to figure them out. Do you often say to yourself “how do I quiet my mind” or “how do I ‘see’ anything”? Are you already a fan of meditations and want to learn more about them? Do you know nothing about meditations and really believe they aren’t for you?

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Connecting to Nature - Finding Spaces Near You

In life I believe one of the best ways to disconnect from the stress and chaos that surrounds us is to go to nature and connect to the peace and serenity of Mother Earth. This can mean many things and can be done in all sort of different ways. We can connect to nature by meditating outdoors, we can go camping or do some sort of other activity that brings us outside, we can even go in search of wildlife of specific plants & trees.

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Why Are We On This Earth? Spirituality & My thoughts

I always think to myself that there must be a greater purpose to life with our own individual soul path including lessons, challenges and goals to get there. Clearly there is something bigger than us? It doesn’t matter what you believe in, but I’m pretty sure we can all agree that there is a sun that tells us the time of day, a moon and the stars to tell us when it’s night and the ever changing weather that can be controlled by no person. 

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7 Journal Entries to Stay Inspired, Confident & Supported through Life

Journalling is one of my favourite mental health practices. I find it helps me to be more vulnerable with myself, learn what affects me most, and discover what fuels me. Over the years my journalling practice has changed as I have changed and grown through life.

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10 Tips for Cleansing & Clearing Your Space & Yourself

In life we can get bogged down and heavy because of all the hats we wear, all the tasks that need to be accomplished, all the people we interact with, all the challenges we face and all the emotions we experience. Sometimes these things bring positive energy and a lot of the time they bring negative energy, draining energy, stressful energy, chaotic energy. 

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4 Lessons to Move Through the Spring Equinox & My Experiences

In the cyclical pattern we live in it’s important to recognize the different phases and how we can better move through each one. Here I want to share some of the teachings the Spring Equinox brought forward this past March, how I moved through this phase and the results I have experienced over the last 3 months. 

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My Top 5 Fav. Mental Health Practices

Today, in the year 2019, mental health is becoming a well-known aspect of health in general. Society is starting to understand that working out and eating healthy are not the ONLY ways to stay healthy. It is also important to note that mental health is not just for people who experience any sort of mental illness, but it is something that everyone should practice in life. 

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How to Set Intentions for the New Moon

Have you heard that connecting to the Moon Cycle and each phase will help you to create a flow to life? Are you stuck on how to actually build this connection? In this blog I will share some of my strategies about the New Moon phase and how to set yourself up for success heading into a new cycle. It’s time to step away from the dysfunction and actually start flowing through life.

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Cycle of Life, the Moon & the Seasons

We are surrounded by cycles in life, yet the majority of us think of life as linear. This linear mindset sees a path in which we should follow and when we step out of line we feel like we end up doing things wrong. The moments that life shifts us backwards we begin to experience limiting beliefs; for it is in those moments that we think less of ourselves because we are not moving forwards.

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