Connecting to Nature - Finding Spaces Near You

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In life I believe one of the best ways to disconnect from the stress and chaos that surrounds us is to go to nature and connect to the peace and serenity of Mother Earth. This can mean many things and can be done in all sort of different ways. We can connect to nature by meditating outdoors, we can go camping or do some sort of other activity that brings us outside, we can even go in search of wildlife of specific plants & trees. The main idea of all of these is to get away from the concrete jungle and all things that were adjusted by the hand of man and truly see and experience what Mother Earth has created for us. 

There are many healing properties of Mother Earth, from the simple idea of creating the air in which we breathe to providing a space where we are reminded to stay rooted to our goals, growth takes a lot of work and time, and everything has a season in which we should honour (for example: planting seeds in the spring, harvesting in the summer, letting go of the old in the fall, and recovering & healing in the winter. 

You might be thinking “Yes, I know that connecting to nature and Mother Earth is important, but how do I do that when I live in a city?” Or “We aren’t all lucky to live in the mountains surrounded by so much wilderness like you Sydney”.

Well, this is exactly why I put together this blog for you. Today I want to share how you can find spaces to connect to nature where you live without having to drive hours to get there. Yes, it can be great to drive out of the city, disconnect from cell service and survive in the wild for the weekend while camping, but we need to learn how to connect to nature on a more regular basis. 

Why do we need to connect to nature on a regular basis?

This is a great mental health practice that allows us to create our own balance in life. When work is becoming too stressful, or that to-do list is ever growing and we can’t seem to find a moment where our kids stop asking for help, this is when we need a moment in nature to find that peace and clarity and connect back to our true selves. 

Here is a list of the top Nature Inspired spaces you can look for in your town or city.

  1. Regional/Municipal Parks

  2. Provincial/State/National Parks

  3. Dog Parks

  4. Bodies of Water (i.e. Lakes, Ponds, Rivers, Oceans, Streams, Wetlands, Canals etc.)

  5. Sports fields (i.e. Soccer, Baseball, Track etc.)

  6. Urban Green Spaces

  7. Protected forests

  8. Town/City botanical gardens

  9. Green belt/Nature reserves

  10. Walking/biking trail system

Most major cities and towns have some sort of nature inspired green space, it’s your job to figure out where these might be and how to include visiting them on a daily basis. 

Yes a daily basis is the best way to build your connecting with nature, rather than just waiting until you are WAY too stressed or bogged down by the chaos of life. However, this is supposed to feel like work, it’s a way to disconnect from work, so if you are stressing out to just find time to get to nature then maybe you should take today off. BUT this doesn’t mean it can be your excuse every day. 

Now you might be asking, but how can I include this in my daily routine?!

Well, here is a list of things you can do in nature that won’t make it feel like another task on your to-do list.

  1. Go for a bike ride

  2. Read a book at a nearby park

  3. Take a break from work and eat lunch at a park or by the water

  4. Go to the wetlands and see what type of birds are there

  5. Take a walk through the botanical gardens and learn about the different flowers there

  6. Meditate while sitting under a tree

  7. Your walk or bike ride to work can include passing through a park

  8. Play with your dog at a dog park

  9. Journal while in a designated urban green space

  10. Take a walk through a forest and try to name different species of trees

  11. Do yoga outside

  12. Meet up with some friends with a coffee and enjoy a stroll through a regional park

  13. Join a work out class that takes place outdoors

Allow your practice of connecting to nature to grow as you grow through life. Don’t let the routine of it stop you from actually building that connection. 

Are there ways you connect to nature that I didn’t list? Do you know of different areas in your town that allow you to connect to nature? Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear your input and how you connect to nature!

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