10 Advantages to Connecting to the Moon Cycle

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The Moon Cycle can teach us so much in life, but most importantly building a connection to the Moon can create a flow to your life instead of that constant push & pull you feel. 

I have always had a fascination with the Moon, but I didn’t start adamantly following the cycle and each phase until my late 20’s. I didn’t know life could be this much easier and by learning from each phase and honouring myself it has brought a whole new way of living into my life. 

I have learnt a lot from the moon, as she affects not only our emotions and energies, but also the energies that are surrounding us through life. 

Here are the top 10 advantages I believe you can experience when you choose to connect to the Moon Cycle. 

#1 Learning to not be upset when my emotions take over

One of the biggest advantages I have learnt is to not get upset with myself when my emotions seem to take over my life. 

Usually these emotional periods can be explained by a specific phase in the Moon Cycle. So when I start getting emotional in life I always look back to see which phase we are currently in and then I remind myself that I’m not crazy (because I totally feel crazy sometimes) the moon is just influencing me and the energies around me. 

This is when I take time to rest, or find some peace & quiet so I can flow through this phase much easier. 

#2 Honouring each phase of life

The Moon teaches us to honour every phase, as no phase is more important than the next. 

I have found this to be so important especially in those difficult or challenging times that happen in life. Instantly I get mad or upset and just want to connect back to happiness and good times.

But the Moon reminds me that this is just a phase. There will most likely be some sort of lesson that I can gain from this phase at some time or another, but for right now honour myself as I move through this difficulty and remember that it won’t last forever. 

#3 Learning to listen to myself

By connecting to the Moon Cycle I was reminded that I have valuable wisdom within me and all I have to do is listen. Not just listen to my mind, but listen to my heart, my intuition and my body, for they are telling me what I need and what I desire.

I am grateful for this connection, because now I listen more than ever before. 

#4 Reminding me to guard my energy

Sometimes I forget to guard myself because life gets hectic and then next thing I know everyone else’s stress, worries & frustrations are affecting me. 

Full Moon is a time when energies are at an all time and I am always quickly reminded to guard & protect myself from the other energy that is surrounding me through life. 

Most days I remember, but the days I forget to I am quick to be reminded because I become easily agitated or frustrated. These are the moments that I am most grateful for the Moon, because beforehand I wouldn’t have known why my good mood had quickly turned sour. Now I understand that if I’m not careful the energy of other people can quickly latch on to me, without my realizing until it’s too late. 

#5 Setting intentions & dreams into the universe at most opportune times

The Moon tells us right off the bat when we need to get clear on our intentions & desires, when we need to take action on our goals, when we need to listen for answers & guidance, and when we need to release, rest and heal. 

The Moon is deeply connected to the universe and all the energies that are surrounding us in life. So, when she says set those intentions you know it’s the best time to tell the universe what your desires are in life. This is a time for manifesting!

#6 Learning that hustling 24/7 is not necessary 

Connecting to the Moon I learnt very quickly that hustling 24/7 was not necessary. As I said in advantage #5 - she tells us when the most opportune time to take action is, but she also tells us that we need to rest & heal during each cycle. 

She gave me the courage to take a break when I felt like I needed one. The Moon reminded me that listening to my body, mind & spirit is most important, even if society is saying I will get left behind if I rest. 

She reminded me that there is always a bigger picture to life that we can’t see, so don’t run yourself into the ground in the present moment just because you can’t see what’s behind the door of the future. 

#7 Learning that hustling 24/7 is actually not healthy 

The Moon actually taught me that not only is hustling 24/7 not necessary, but it is actually NOT healthy. 

Yes there are cycles in our life that provide opportunities and you want to take advantage of those while you can, but in each cycle we need to remember all the phases that will help us achieve success. 

One of these phases is to rest & heal. 

It’s not rest & heal after it’s too late.

It’s rest & heal in order to refuel and reenergize yourself to come back stronger and ready to take on the next phase. 

#8 Releasing & letting go of what is not serving you needs to be a regular monthly practice

Before connecting to the Moon Cycle I knew releasing & letting go was necessary in life, but I always assumed it was a practice you would use when needed. I never thought of this as something to check in on monthly. 

The Moon reminds us that there is always something we can work on releasing and letting go. From cycle to cycle it may not be big things, but it could be small belief systems from childhood that no longer serve us, or maybe even a bad habit we’ve picked up that is causing us to waste time that could be better served elsewhere. 

It is important every month to take time to reflect on what might not be serving you any longer and take the appropriate actions to release & let go. 

#9 Listening to my intuition & the messages around me bring guidance & answers

For a long time I was closed off from my intuition and seeing the repetitive signs that were coming forward in my life. I chose to not see these messages and it ended up bringing forward big life lessons for me in difficult ways. 

In reconnecting to the Moon Cycle I am reminded that my intuition and these reoccurring signs are bringing forward guidance, direction & answers to questions I’ve been asking. 

It’s no coincidence when you see a sign that catches your attention and it reflects something in your life that you’ve been asking about, or you’ve seen the sign show up in several places more than once. 

The Moon reminded me that this is the universe bringing forward answers & clarity to questions I’ve been asking. I am so grateful to have strengthened my intuitive knowing and now I can trust my gut and where it leads me. 

#10 Life happens in cycles, when one is difficult not to worry because it won’t last forever 

The Moon teaches us that life happens in cycles, and we don’t just see these cycles from her, but also from the Sun and the way we experience different seasons throughout the year. Even in our calendar year there is a cycle, each day is a cycle, even in an hour there is a cycle. 

We are constantly surrounded by cycles, which means that life is not linear, it is cyclical. 

This is a beautiful reminder that when you are in a difficult cycle of life it will not last forever. Good times will come again. 

It is through experiencing those harder times that we appreciate the good times so much more!

I am forever grateful for all the Moon has taught me and continues to teach me. These are only the beginning of advantages to connect to the Moon Cycle and there is so much more that it will bring you in life. 

After 4 years of actively learning to release and let go of my fears, worries, doubts, past pains, and all the energetic blocks and resistance I’ve been carrying, I decided to put all of my knowledge together in the form of a book. This is a spiritual tool to guide and support you in learning what you are carrying that needs to be released, while also giving you many different strategies and practices to actively release the energy that no longer supports you. Check out the Releasing Guidebook.

Releasing Guidebook

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This EBook is a great support tool for your overall growth, happiness, success and fulfillment.

We have to be willing to release yesterday’s junk in order to receive tomorrow’s treasure. Check out the Releasing Guidebook here.