Is Staying Busy Allowing Us to Hide From Life?

find lasting happiness
We are a culture of people who have bought into the idea that if we stay busy enough, the truth of our lives won’t catch up with us.
— Brene Brown

Have you ever used the excuse of being too busy in order to give yourself the time you deserve?

Did you think you were too busy to stop and work through your emotions? Did you have strong emotions about something and not wanted to work through them so you pushed them down and buried them deep? Did you think at least one time in your life, ‘oh I’ll have time for that later’? Have you thought about leaving the job you hate, but stopped yourself because you don’t have time to look for another job or even to figure out what would make you happier?

I hate to break it to you, but you will never find the time in the future if you aren’t willing to stop and give it to yourself now. Take a moment, remember that this is your life, you are the ultimate decision maker in what is high priority and what isn’t. Now are you going to continue to sit there and tell me, ‘ya, but I don’t have time’ and continue to list off all the things on your to do list? Once again, sorry but, you do have time, you are just choosing the wrong things to spend it on.

Ultimately you have the power to say no to something that is not important; to say yes to self-care and giving yourself an hour each day (at least); to prioritize things differently on your to do list that better suits you and the life you actually want to live.

It’s hard, no one said life was easy.

When you see people on social media and think they have it all, well you don’t actually know where they came from and how much work they had to put in to get to where they are today. So stop judging others and thinking they have it easier than you, stop complaining about your ever growing to do list, stop hating on the job that steals your soul and doesn’t give you the satisfaction you need in life.

I dare you to write down 5 things every day that you want to change, things that you have the power to change.

This cannot include I want a million dollars, or a fancy car, or any of the material things. It can include, I want to have the time to eat healthier, I want to start my own business, I want to have more time for my family. Now once you’ve written them down, try and think of how you can achieve those 5 things. What would you need to change in your life in order to make those 5 things happen? Now think of your life once those 5 things come true. How does it look different? Does it change your lasting happiness? Does it create less stress, chaos and frustrations in your life? Does it allow you to connect back to your soul purpose and find balance?

Remember, this is your life, and believe it or not, you have the power to change that which no longer serves you.

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