How to Set Intentions for the New Moon

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Have you heard that connecting to the Moon Cycle and each phase will help you to create a flow to life? Are you stuck on how to actually build this connection?

In this blog I will share some of my strategies about the New Moon phase and how to set yourself up for success heading into a new cycle. It’s time to step away from the dysfunction and actually start flowing through life.

I find connecting to the Moon Cycle and honouring myself through each phase helps me to balance myself mind, body and spirit. In building this connection I am giving myself time and space to also connect to myself, what my dreams & desires are, and how I feel in the current moment. During the beginning of a new cycle (p.s. it always starts with the New Moon) I make sure to move through a ceremony, whether it’s self-led or a group practice, to build this connection and integrate the healing & manifesting mind, body and spirit.

How do we start?

First, I want to note that it’s important to understand the entire Moon Cycle and what each phase means and how we can be affected by it. You can do the research yourself, or take my quick and informative Moon Cycles Workshop to learn all about each phase and start building your connection to the moon. (Click here to learn more)

After learning more about each phase we understand more about the Cycle and how we move through it. One thing that is important to note is that we must give ourself time and space to heal at the end of each cycle. No matter how hard or easy that cycle of your life was, we always need space for healing.

If I have not taken the time to heal in the proper phase then I always make sure to open up the healing space for myself in a New Moon ceremony. You see, being the beginning of the cycle, the New Moon is a time for beginning; a fresh start; and a rebirth. In order to set myself up best to move towards a fresh start, I need to release and let go all that no longer serves me.

What does this mean?

Sometimes we hold on to negative energy, whether it’s our own or someone else’s, we hold on to negative relationships, we may hold on to negative emotions, or even past pain and trauma. We might not know all that we still are holding on to, but once we recognize it we are able to release and let go. In order to accept and welcome the new we must make space by clearing the clutter from within.

What about the intention setting part?

Yes, my favourite part of the New Moon phase is being able to set my intentions & dreams for my future. Whether our intentions are short-term, for this Moon Cycle, or long-term, for the next 6 months, we are able to connect back to ourselves and dream up our biggest dreams for life.

I have practiced setting intentions in different ways, but the one that I prefer is when I categorize my intentions. I look at different areas of my life, which helps me expand my intentions, rather than focusing on just one area of my life I am choosing to dream about balance and how I can grow in different facets. Some of my categories include: Business; Personal; Relationship; and Adventure.

The Strategies I choose:

  1. In a New Moon ceremony my first practice is to write down all that I wish to release. Afterwards, I burn the paper I wrote on and ask the universe and the moon to help me release and let go.

  2. Next I choose to connect to my intentions by writing them down in my journal. I ask the universe and the moon to support and guide me towards these dreams. I trust that what is meant to be will come at the right time. It is so important for me to actively put that trust out into the universe.

  3. I move through a guided meditation to allow the healing and manifesting to be integrated mind, body and spirit. I do this in a number of different ways:

    a) I listen to the meditation I have channeled for my Moon Cycle & Equinox/Solstice Workshop.

    b) I listen to the meditation from the membership I am part of, Sacred. Asha Frost is an Indigenous Medicine Woman who is a mentor, and space holder for all things magical. Click here to learn more about Asha.

These are some of my strategies for connecting to the Moon Cycle and setting my intentions during the New Moon. Check out my Moon Cycle Freebie here. I have a Guide & Worksheet that you can download and use as you move through the Moon Cycle.

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