Guided Meditations - The What, How, Where, When, and Why

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Meditations are becoming a hot topic around mental health these days and I know there are some people out there that are intrigued, but can’t seem to figure them out. Do you often say to yourself “how do I quiet my mind” or “how do I ‘see’ anything”? Are you already a fan of meditations and want to learn more about them? Do you know nothing about meditations and really believe they aren’t for you? Well I would love it if you would read on because I believe this can truly help you in your personal growth journey!

There are so many different types of meditations so today I am going to focus solely on guided meditations. 

We will begin to uncover the how, what, where, when and why for guided meditations.

WHAT is a guided meditation?

A guided meditation is simply someone else leading you through meditation with their vocal prompts. 

The idea is to find a moment of solitude to focus on the where you are being lead through the meditation. This can include a journey the meditation is guiding you on, or a series of reflections and thoughts in order to change your mindset. Meditations help to integrate healing and learning mind, body and spirit.

HOW do I move through a guided meditation?

In order to truly move through a guided meditation and get the most out of the experience it is best to be sober. You are showing up to do the work for yourself in life. Would you show up to your job under the influence? Probably not, so honour yourself with that same higher standard you give to your effort at work. 

You need to create a moment of solitude for yourself that includes:

  • A quiet room

  • Turn off phone and other distractions

  • Get into a comfortable position either sitting or laying down

  • Take some deep breaths to connect to yourself fully

Everyone talks about clearing their mind and I know some people struggle with this or are unsure of how to do it. It’s not necessarily about clearing your mind because that does take a lot of practice, but it is about REFOCUSING your mind on something else. 

Guided meditations help you to step away from life, disconnect from the routine, the to-do lists, the worries and fears. By taking those deep breaths you are telling your body and your mind to calm down and relax, notice how that makes you feel. 

It’s important to then focus on where you are being led. The guide is telling your mind what to see in the meditation which literally just means use your imagination. If you cannot see anything don’t get worried because it can take time to develop this as most of us haven’t used our imagination since we were kids. Listen to the words and allow them to guide you. It’s as if you are listening to a TV show with your eyes closed, or someone giving a motivational speech. 

It’s important to have an open mind and if it directs you somewhere else just take note and then move back to the guide. 

Also, if you fall asleep that is OK! The healing stills happens on an energetic level so don’t fret, just take note of how you feel after the meditation is over. Do you feel lighter? 

WHERE do I feel the affects of a guided meditation?

This is a great question because you can feel these affects absolutely anywhere. All of us feel differently so it’s fun to see how guided meditations affect you. 

Sometimes I feel lighter all over after a meditation and I have almost a tingly sensation through my body. My emotions can be lifted completely because some days I become stuck in a negative downward spiral and after moving through a guided meditation I am reconnected to my authentic self and I am reminded of joy and peace. I can even experience a sudden jolt of inspiration and the energy to shift forward from receiving some guidance or direction through a meditation. 

I believe each and every guided meditation has a different purpose and can resonate with us all differently. When you start to open yourself up to the positive transformations and affects guided meditations have you are able to recognize where you are affected and how you have grown. 

WHEN should I do a guided meditation?

Is there are good time? I’d like to think anytime is a good time to do a guided meditation, but there are definitely times that are better than others. First, it is important to note that in order to get the most out of guided meditations they should become a regular part of your mental health routine. If you were to only listen to them once every couple of months you wouldn’t be getting the most out of this practice. It’s like going to the gym, if you only go once every couple months you will not get in shape. 

Now we have determined that anytime is a good time because it should be part of your routine if you are wanting to use this as a mental health practice. But as I said, there are better times than others to do a guided meditation. 

When you are feeling down, maybe experiencing some negative emotions or have low energy you can use a guided meditation to step away from these negative ego driven thoughts or emotions and reconnect to inner strength, self love, and your authenticity. 

If you are trying to move on from your past because of some trauma, whether mental, physical or spiritual, you can use guided meditations to release, heal, learn and grow through your past. 

Other than the hard times I believe listening to a guided meditation is great for reminding yourself of your courage, bravery, strength, love, dedication, passion, support, dreams, and anything else positive and up-lifting. 

WHY should I practice guided meditations?

The purpose of mental health and personal growth is to strengthen your mind while continually evolving your being through life. 

Just as physical health is important so is your mental and spiritual health because we are a product of all three of these, not just one. 

Guided meditations is a great mental health practice because it stretches your mind to see a new perspective away from the chaos and stress of life. It also brings forward healing and learning through a self-led-practice (yes you are listening to a guide, but you are doing this on your own time with the help of yourself). 

Guided meditations help us to connect back to what is important in life by connecting to peace and joy rather than being guided by fear or stress. 

As with every mental or spiritual health practice, take what resonates with you and feels good and leave the rest. This is your journey so remember to honour yourself through your practice and have gratitude for the space to grow.

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