Why Are We On This Earth? Spirituality & My thoughts

Why are we on this earth_ Spirituality.jpg

I always think to myself that there must be a greater purpose to life with our own individual soul path including lessons, challenges and goals to get there.

Clearly there is something bigger than us? It doesn’t matter what you believe in, but I’m pretty sure we can all agree that there is a sun that tells us the time of day, a moon and the stars to tell us when it’s night and the ever changing weather that can be controlled by no person. 

There is an entire world filled with people each living their own life, learning their own lessons, facing different challenges, and working towards goals that they are passionate about. What I believe in can be a different opinion then that of my brother, my cousin, my best friend from childhood or even a complete stranger that lives on the other side of the world. There is something within each one of us that makes us different from the next. I am not talking about only our genetics, both physically and characteristically, but also energetically - so our deepest emotions, our moral standards, and our intuition when we feel if something is right or wrong. 

This, I believe, is our spirit, or our soul, and it can change, grow and heal just the same as our bodies and our minds throughout life. 

So back to my main question - Why are we on this earth? 

This is a big question, and I don’t think any of us can answer it in one sitting, but I do want to shed light on a few of my thoughts surrounding this. 

I believe there is a bigger reason as to why we are all here and maybe we only learn this at the end of our lives before we die, which is why we are always in search of the true answer. But, I do believe individually we each have a different reason as to why we are here living life and this reason was given to our spirits, or our soul, the moment we came into existence, the moment we are born. This is called our soul path and the universe is constantly directing us to this path and trying to help us achieve the goals laid out along our path. 

When we become disconnected from our authentic selves and we start living a life for someone else’s dreams, or are trying to live up to the judgements of another, we face challenges and life lessons that the universe throws our way to try and connect us back to our soul path. 

In life, when we are connected, and moving down our path we tend to be following something we are passionate about, something that brings us joy, and something that truly makes us feel like we have a sense of purpose to life. It is along this path that we are able to gain wisdom, learn life lessons, and share our truth in order to grow and evolve to constantly become a better version of ourselves. 

So, why are we on this earth?

We are here to experience all that life has to offer, to follow our soul path in order to better society as we see fit, to create relationships that are supportive and loving, to stand up and share our truth, to heal from our past as well as our ancestors past, and to grow and change as the world grows and changes around us. 

What keeps me going?

The idea that I was put on this earth for some reason, even if I don’t know what it is yet; to continue to try and be my best self and maybe I can inspire others along the way to connect to their soul path and their authentic selves; to continue to learn new knowledge and differing opinions that will help me grow and evolve. I want to be open to sharing positive energy, creating a loving and supportive community and to help remind others that we are all just learning as we go. 

This is what is important to me right now and so I will continue to move in the direction I am heading. If I start to feel intuitively that I need to shift or redirect then I will be open to honouring myself through that next phase of life. 

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