Mental Health Morning Routine

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Every single day we receive the chance to start fresh and it is your choice on how you are going to proceed throughout the day. Do you want to start fresh by carrying yesterday’s stress? Do you want to give yourself time and space to become the best version of yourself? Do you want to mentally prepare yourself to tackle today with strength, grace, and a positive mindset? 

It’s time to create a morning mental health practice that is right for you! So, here are my tips and tricks to start your day on the right foot.

#1 Personal Growth — Not professional growth

It’s important to remember that you need to give yourself time each day for PERSONAL GROWTH, not just professional growth. During work hours you can improve and grow professionally, even if you work from home, it’s time to start separating your personal growth and your professional growth. 

The morning is a great time to reflect on how you have been learning, healing and growing through life and I find the best way to do this is through starting a journalling practice. Writing your thoughts and emotions down is a great way to learn from them with a new perspective. 

When journalling I prefer to have different prompts to get started because in the morning I don’t always know what to write about. So each day I refer to different questions and prompts in order to learn about myself, how I process situations, stay connected to my dreams & goals, and even how I have healed from my past. 

My response to each prompt isn’t long, maybe a couple sentences and I usually try to answer or respond to 1-3 prompts. So it’s quick to fit into my morning routine and is a great way to grow on a personal level. 

#2 Set yourself up for success

We all get to experience our own inner critic that tries to hold us back, put us down, and it just makes life difficult mentally. 

The morning is a great time to set yourself up for success and shut down that inner critic. By this I mean it’s important to not let those limiting beliefs take over, especially as we start a new day. 

When you are journalling with your prompts try and not focus on the negative, but turn your responses into something positive. When we think and write negatively we are allowing that inner critic to get stronger and we are handing our power over. It’s important to journal with a positive mindset in order to create a successful environment for your day. 

If a journal prompt is having you reflect on something that was difficult try not to focus on your negative emotions, but write what you learned from the situation or how you were able to move forward rather than become stuck. 

Here is an example of one of my morning entries when I was reflecting on a really difficult moment when I experienced a lot of limiting beliefs, doubts, fears and worries.

September 8th morning entry:


  • Yesterday afternoon/ early evening was hard

  • A flood of negative emotions like worry, fear and doubt came rushing in

  • I didn’t know how I would continue

  • For a moment I considered how death would be easier


  • First I messaged mom, but I was resistant against all she was saying

  • I didn’t want to hear it because she didn’t have the same worries & fears

  • Then she told me to breathe

  • Once I started a controlled breathing exercise my mind started to work through and process


  • To relax, to remember that answers don’t come all at once

  • To be supported

  • I asked for a sign, like Eagle, to remember to trust

  • Then I remembered about an animal sighting I had earlier in the day


  • Earlier in the day two llamas crossed the road in front of me

  • At home, in this moment, I remembered this encounter and looked up the meaning

  • “It’s been a long haul, but you’re just about there, so hang in there.”

  • Wow! Wow! I needed this

  • Grateful that my team sent me the message before I got lost in my emotions

  • Thank you

You can see that I started my entry explaining the negative that I had experienced, but then I allowed myself to move through the process that helped me shift forward, which will be a great reminder in the future when I experience those negative limiting beliefs again I will know what I need to get through. I then focused on the gratitude for receiving a message of support in the moment that I needed it. 

Always allow your journal entries to set you up for success, rather than focus on the difficult and the negative. 

#3 Cleansing

In order to not bring yesterday’s stress and tension, or negative emotions into today cleansing will help you to create that fresh start

The practice of cleansing is simply giving yourself time and space to start fresh. This could mean a release guided meditation, using smoke or plant medicine, using crystals, or a controlled breathing exercise all with the intention to cleanse and clear your being

Whatever it is you decide to do make sure you are sending the right intentions up into the universe in order to move forward.

State “I am clearing and cleansing myself of any negative emotions, any stress or tension, any negative energies that do not serve me. I am choosing to start this day cleansed and connected to my true self.”

#4 Affirmations

Starting each day with affirmations is such a great mental health practice. You are literally stating how you want to experience this day and what you wish to affirm in your life. 

I always start each day by writing 5 affirmations which not only creates a positive mindset for myself, but it also connects me back to what I desire most in life

Here are some examples of the affirmations I write daily:

  • I am worthy to feel supported and loved.

  • I am open to receiving abundance.

  • All good things come my way now.

  • I am successful in all that I pursue in life.

  • My emotions do not control me, but I learn from them.

  • I am surrounded by joy.

  • Abundance flows into my life.

  • I am open to receiving guidance.

  • I trust the universe and my path.

  • Love surrounds me with everything I do.

  • I am filled with gratitude for how far I’ve come and where I am headed.

  • I am moving towards my dreams.

#5 Gratitude

The Law of Attraction states that whatever we think, say, or write the universe will bring more of it into our lives. So, when we focus on the negative we are simply asking for more negative to come into our lives. We need to actively work at turning our thought process around in order to bring greatness into our lives. 

By starting each day with gratitude we are not only creating that positive mindset for ourselves, but we are also sending up those thoughts, emotions, and words to the universe to bring more into our lives. 

Also, by taking the time to recognize what we are grateful for in life we are allowing ourselves to focus on the good and in turn we are letting go of the negative. 

#6 Guard Yourself 

The last thing to add into your morning routine is guarding yourself. This practice truly sets you up for success each day because you are choosing to be surrounded and affected only by positive thoughts, emotions and situations

By putting a shield or guard up around yourself you are creating a barrier against anything negative. You are asking the universe to help protect you against negative situations, energies, emotions and people. 

The days that I forget to guard myself I find I become drained more easily and I soak up the negativity that surrounds me. This usually means that my inner critic will come out and try to persuade me that all my fears, doubts and worries are true. 

In order to guard myself daily I picture a shield around me that only has positive beautiful lights and energies flowing through the shield. I ask my Divine Team to only allow these positive energies to pass in and out of my shield. I ask Bear medicine and Wolf medicine to stand guard and help protect my shield from all negative energies.

If you are wanting to learn more about guarding yourself I have a workshop that teaches all about how we are affected by negative energies and how to guard yourself. This workshop also includes a daily meditation that will help you create your shield to guard your energy. Click here to learn more

It is so important to start our day right in order to keep that positive mindset and move through the day with success, rather than holding onto yesterday’s stress and tension. Use these tips and tricks to create a morning routine for mental health that best suits you! 

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