An Empath’s Healing Gifts | Soul Purpose

All empaths have specific healing gifts they bring to the world, but oftentimes it’s our people pleasing tendencies that lead us to try to help others from a misaligned and disconnected energy. In this blog I will share the three main healing gifts of an empath along with what you need to stop doing as an empath. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor who works with empaths and people pleasers to understand their energy & emotions shifting from exhausted to empowered.

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Energy Forecast for September 12th - 18th | Self Reflection through Change

Self reflection is the energetic space for acceptance, compassion, and understanding to lead you with purpose and empowerment. Every week Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, connects to the Universe to share the energy update through intuitively channeled Divine messages for the collective. During this week the energy and emotions that the Moon is amplifying is about reflection & introspection, which can be experienced in two different ways. Read the full blog for journal prompts, spiritual reminders, and a message from the Universe.

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Meditation to Raise Your Divine Frequency | VIDEO

Understanding the difference between low vibrational energy and emotions versus high vibrational energy and emotions is extremely important for everyone, especially empaths and people pleasers. Every single person has their own individual divine frequency and when you are connected to your Spirit you can feel this frequency of energy guiding you through life. This meditation is meant to support and guide you in the process of raising your divine frequency, especially when you find yourself in a low vibrational energy. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor & Meditation Guide who specializes in emotional wellness and spiritual connection.

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11 Things to Look for in a Spiritual Mentor BEFORE Working with Them

Choosing a spiritual mentor to work with can be a very delicate process because it’s your life that is impacted from this decision. How do you know it’s the right spiritual mentor for you? In this blog I want to share 11 things you need to look for in a spiritual mentor before you start working with them. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor who works with sensitive souls, intuitives and lightworkers to help strengthen their intuition, feel connected to the universe, and follow their soul path.

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Energy Forecast for September 5th - 11th | Change is Inevitable

The Universal Energy this week is all about change, both internal and external change. Every week Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, connects to the Universe to share the energy update through intuitively channeled Divine messages for the collective. During this week the energy and emotions that the Moon is amplifying is about taking action, creating change, overcoming obstacles, and allowing solutions and clarity to find you. Read the full blog for journal prompts, spiritual reminders, and a message from the Universe.

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Meditation for Self Love | VIDEO

You are created from unconditional love, but years of doubt and insecurities are keeping you blocked from your true self. You desire to be a wealthy, healthy, peaceful, loved, authentic version of you. When you embody self-love everything you desire flows to you with ease. Use this guided meditation as a way to strengthen your self-love. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor & Meditation Guide who specializes in emotional wellness and spiritual connection.

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Signs of the Wounded Feminine Energy

Trusting your intuition and flowing along your soul path with the support of the Universe is extremely challenging if you carry wounded feminine energy. This blog shares what feminine energy is, the difference between distorted and divine feminine energy, and 3 signs that point to your feminine energy being wounded. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor who works with sensitive souls, intuitives and lightworkers to help strengthen their intuition, feel connected to the universe, and follow their soul path.

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Energy Forecast for August 29th - September 4th | Embodying Your Higher Self

The Universal Energy this week is asking you to dream, believe and find aligned and intentional action on your spiritual journey. Every week Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, connects to the Universe to share the energy update through intuitively channeled Divine messages for the collective. During this week the Moon Cycle is encouraging us to understand and embody our Higher Self. Read the full blog for journal prompts, spiritual reminders, and a message from the Universe.

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Meditation to Open Your Channel to Receive | VIDEO

Your desires are most likely to receive more blessings, abundance, love and clarity. Rather than only focusing on manifestation rituals and affirmations, it’s time to start actually opening your channel to receive. This guided meditation will help you start the journey of opening your channel in order to receive whatever it is you are desiring. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor & Meditation Guide who specializes in emotional wellness and spiritual connection.

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Meaning of Shadow-Worker & Lightworker | Understanding Ego & Spirit

Understanding your ego is the process of shadow work, while understanding your spirit is the process of light work. Both are important for enlightenment, especially when you desire to pursue your soul purpose. This blog includes the meaning of both a shadow-worker and a lightworker plus how they’re important for bringing harmony to your ego and spirit. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor who works with sensitive souls, intuitives and lightworkers to help strengthen their intuition, feel connected to the universe, and follow their soul path.

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Energy Forecast for August 22nd - 28th | The Art of Slowing Down

It is the week of Monday, August 22nd to Sunday, August 28th 2022 and we are being reminded of the art of slowing down and holding grace and appreciation for ourselves. Every week Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, connects to the Universe to share the energy update through intuitively channeled Divine messages for the collective. During this week the Moon Cycle is encouraging us to rest and relax for integration and embodiment. Read the full blog for journal prompts, spiritual reminders, and a message from the Universe.

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Meditation to Let Go of Worried Thoughts | VIDEO

Worry is a never ending train of thoughts that keep you filled with fear, doubt and anxiety. Learning to bring awareness and compassion into yourself when worry creeps in is how you shift your energy and find peace once again. Meditation is a great tool to help you change your focus from worry to acceptance. This guided meditation will support you in letting go of your worried thoughts. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor & Meditation Guide who specializes in emotional wellness and spiritual connection.

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Strengthen Your Intuition with Oracle Cards

How do you trust your intuition? Strengthening your intuition in order to make aligned decisions on your soul path is a commitment you make to go beyond your fear of the unknown. Oracle Cards are a divination tool that you can use to strengthen your intuition. This blog provides tips for strengthening your intuition and using oracle cards. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor who works with sensitive souls, intuitives and lightworkers to help strengthen their intuition, feel connected to the universe, and follow their soul path.

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Energy Forecast for August 15th - 21st | Control Issues & Trust Issues

Reflection and introspection is how you understand where you are holding onto resistant energy around following your soul path. Every week Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, connects to the Universe to share the energy update through intuitively channeled Divine messages for the collective. During this week the Third Quarter Moon is triggering your control issues and trust issues. You can heal this wounded energy if you are ready to look within. Read the full blog for journal prompts, spiritual reminders, and a message from the Universe.

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Morning Meditation for Connection & Protection | VIDEO

Starting your day from a soul centered space allows you to trust your intuition, share compassion easily, and live with peace and joy. This guided spiritual meditation will support you in connecting with the universe and protecting your energy so you can stay in a high vibrational state. A daily meditation practice keeps you aligned with your soul path so you can joyfully pursue your soul purpose. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor & Meditation Guide who specializes in emotional wellness and spiritual connection.

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