Meditation to Open Your Channel to Receive | VIDEO


Your desires are most likely to receive more blessings, abundance, love and clarity. Rather than focusing on manifestation rituals and affirmations, it’s time to start actually opening your channel to receive. You are most likely blocking the blessings from coming in and this meditation will help you clear the block to receive more. 

I am a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide and I work with women who are ready to own their authentic truth while trusting their intuition and living in alignment with their soul path. Every client I work with in the Spirit of Air group program knows that they are worthy of more, yet they feel resistance in their connection with the universe and they don’t always trust their intuition. They can see the problem they are facing and they don’t know how to find the solution. This is why they trust themselves enough to take the leap and join me in a year-long journey of connection in order to strengthen their intuitive abilities and open their channel to receive clarity, blessings and more. 

The guided meditation I am sharing with you here is meant to help you start the journey of opening your channel in order to receive whatever it is you are desiring. Law of Attraction is all about the energetics and if you are carrying any ounce of resistant energy then your channel to receive is closed. You can check out the meditation now if you are ready.

In this blog I will share more in-depth what it means to carry resistance around receiving and how tapping into your receptive mode will help the blessings, clarity and solutions flow into your life.

Who is this meditation for

You believe in the power of manifestation and you know that the Law of Attraction is real. You understand that everything is energy and you really do want to be able to let your intuition guide you through life. The main problem you experience is that when you are stuck in a problem or a challenge pops up on your path, you aren’t sure how to overcome it. Frustration, anger, and stress become real issues and you feel the pressure to find the clarity you need. 

When I look deeper into the subconscious beliefs of my clients and how their habits and behaviours were built from unsupportive thought patterns I can more easily understand why they are carrying the energy of resistance when it comes to receiving. 

Many of us people pleasers, myself included, resist the concept of receiving because our belief system is built on gaining praise by pleasing everyone around us. This belief system builds a strong insecurity around feeling unworthy, unless we put the work in first. We attribute our worthiness based on how much we were able to help everyone else. 

Have you ever received a compliment from someone and you immediately resisted it by complimenting them back? You carry a natural tendency to resist receiving something good. This proves that you are carrying an energetic block in your receptive mode. 

This is simply one of the ways your subconscious beliefs resist receiving. 

When to use this meditation

You can benefit from using this guided meditation at any time, especially when you know you have a fear around receiving something good. It’s not that you are actually afraid of receiving blessings, it’s that you believe you are unworthy of receiving. 

The best time to use this guided meditation is when you find yourself stuck in a challenge, being faced with a problem or you are uncertain on which action step you are meant to take next on your journey. Basically, you are desiring to receive clarity, solutions or guidance in order to move forward in an aligned way. 

What you are needing in order to manifest your dreams into reality is to open your energetic channel to receive. 

How this meditation will help you

This meditation is going to help you to release any resistant energy you are carrying in your receptive mode in order to open your channel to receive whatever it is you need, clarity, solutions or guidance. 

This meditation is a clear reminder that it truly is about the energy you embody that will either help you receive or it will resist your ability to receive. Energy is always flowing and shifting around you and within you. When you resist receiving you are stopping the flow of energy and you are choosing to hold onto the energy of the problem. 

When your mind is filled with, “how can I overcome this problem?”, “I don’t know what direction I’m meant to move in”, “how will my manifestations ever come true”, the energy you are carrying is focused on the unknown and this causes an issue for you. 

After listening to this guided meditation you will shift your energy into one that says, “I know everything is flowing to me and it’s all unfolding for my highest good”. When you open the channel to your receptive mode you state to yourself, “it’s safe for me to receive” and “I’m ready to receive everything I need”. Rather than holding onto the resistance of “how can I figure this out”, instead you carry the energy of “the blessing, solution and clarity are finding me”

The difference between these two energies shows that one is the embodiment of the problem and the belief that you need to figure things out all on your own, whereas the second is the embodiment of trust that it’s all working out and in connection with the Universe you’ll receive the right next step at the right time. 

The question is, do you want to do everything on your own or do you actually want to trust that the Universe is guiding you?

You know the answer that feels right for you. Your next step is to get into a comfortable position, turn off all distractions and press play to listen to the meditation in order to open your channel to receive. 


If you are ready to take your connection to the Universe to the next level by embodying your authentic self and strengthening your intuition then the Spirit of Air program is the space for you. You know whether or not you are ready to take the next step on your journey and commit to living in alignment with your soul path. Learn more about the 12 month group program at the link below. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness