Energy Forecast for August 15th - 21st | Control Issues & Trust Issues


Reflection and introspection is how you understand where you are holding onto resistant energy versus where you are surrendering to the Universe and allowing yourself to flow along your soul path. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Intuitive Guide every single week I tap into the Universal Energy that surrounds us and how, as empaths and sensitive souls, we will be influenced energetically and emotionally. These weekly Energy Forecasts are meant to bring you clarity and support for your week ahead so you can continue to learn, heal and grow on your individual journey of expansion. 

It’s the week of Monday, August 15th to Sunday, August 21st 2022 and the energy surrounding us can feel triggering and overwhelming, especially for those of us who feel pressured to hustle and work hard 24/7. 

Over the Full Moon on August 11th the amplified energy was encouraging us to slow down and allow the Universe to guide us. One of the most common feminine energy wounds we carry as empaths and people pleasers, is our control issues. Your thoughts become fixated on how to solve the problem, you don’t allow anyone to help you, and you over-analyze about 20 different options to lead you forwards.

What if the Universe had a plan better than anything you could come up with?

What if by slowing down you allowed everything to flow together better than you thought possible?

What if by simply letting go of your expectations and your fixation on the end result you were able to feel at peace and actually enjoyed the process of your life?

On Friday, August 19th the Moon Cycle shifts into the Third Quarter phase, which amplifies the energy of introspection, reflection and slowing down to strengthen self-awareness. 

There is constantly new information surrounding you, and you are taking on more and more energy that influences your decisions through the news you listen to, the conversations you have, the experiences you witness, the television you watch, the podcasts you consume etc etc. 

You forget that making the most aligned decisions for your life is done so by tapping into your inner compass, your intuition. It’s not about thinking your way to an answer, it’s about feeling your way to the decision that feels right for you. 

This week you do not have the energy to work hard and complete all the tasks on your to-do list. As an empath and sensitive soul you are easily affected by the energy of the Moon Cycle, and it’s telling you to slow down this week and determine where your priorities lie. 

If you keep pushing ahead like normal then you will lead yourself to situations where you feel triggered, you will become more frustrated, and you will act from bitterness and anger, rather than an aligned and uplifted version of yourself. 

This week is a time to reflect. 

Get to know yourself better. Understand how you are influenced by the world's views and opinions that surround you. Start to notice which opinions actually resonate with your values and which ideas make you feel pressured to act in a way that is misaligned. 

Grab your journal and work through these prompts to better understand your energy right now and how the voice of your soul is guiding you. 

1 - What have I been worrying about recently, which has been triggering my control issues?

2 - If I believed the Universe was guiding me in the direction that is for my highest good, how would I want to feel throughout this week?

3 - When my mind leads me to worries and self-doubt, what do I believe my Higher Self would want me to remember?

4 - Why do I resist surrendering to the Universe in this specific situation? What are the thought patterns that lead me to believe I cannot let go and trust?

These journal prompts are meant to bring you clarity on how you experience life and what occurs internally for you. Understanding where your internal blocks lie is the first step to clearing those blocks and learning to trust your intuition more. You don’t need to control everything in order for your life to work out in a beautiful way. It’s time to work through this feminine energy wound and allow yourself to trust your ability to flow with the present moment. 


A spiritual lesson to guide you back to your Inner Spirit!

Your worst critic is BLOCKING you from trusting your intuition and following the path your Inner Spirit is calling you on.

What is stopping you from trusting yourself?

What is stopping you from feeling connected to the Universe?

How can you start prioritizing listening to your Inner Spirit today?

Learn all this and MORE in the FREE training Break Away from Your Worst Critic.

Click the link & follow the steps to gain access to the free spiritual training.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for August 15th - 21st 2022

Now that you have a better understanding of the main message from the Universal Energy this week, and how it’s impacting your journey, let's see if there is another message from the Universe for the collective. 

I am using Steven Farmer’s Power Animal Oracle Cards  in order to channel a message from Spirit through my intuitive and clairaudient abilities. 

The question being asked this week is, “what do we need most in the process of healing our wounds around our feminine energy this week?”



“Trust your instincts to guide you through this situation.”

Logic and rational reasoning are not your instincts. Your instincts are not something that is thought of in your mind. 

Instincts are a feeling. It's your intuition, your gut, it’s a knowing that you cannot explain with logic. 

The process of trusting your instincts is exactly that, a process. You’ve been taught to not trust the inkling, vibe, or feeling you get from a young age and this has produced self-esteem issues, trust issues, insecurities and a lot of self-doubt. This is the exact representation of someone who has wounded feminine energy. Learning to trust your instincts and your intuition is about healing the insecurities you carry. 

Your inner child doesn’t feel safe when sharing how it feels, especially if you get a vibe to head in a specific direction. So you shut down this feeling within you and you gather all the logic you have in order to make the best logical decision. Sometimes what sounds logically right is actually the exact opposite of how your soul is trying to lead you. 

Your message from Spirit this week is to start paying attention to your instincts more and allowing them to lead you. This is how you will start healing your feminine energy. 

Remember this week is all about reflection and introspection, it’s not about action and quick forward movement. Listen to your intuition then grab your journal and reflect on how you feel and what doubt-filled thoughts are resisting your intuition. This is how the Universal Energy is guiding you this week. 

You can learn more about healing your feminine energy, strengthening your connection to the Universe and uncovering the voice of your Soul in the Spirit of Air group program. If you are wanting to feel more connected to your authentic self and effortlessly flow along your soul path then this is the space for you.

Learn more about the program at the link below to see if it feels like the right fit.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness



For the woman who desires to feel connected to the Universe, trust her intuition and understand her soul path.

You know there is more to life then what we see physically around us and you want to strengthen your connection to the Divine Universe.

Join Sydney and a community of spiritually awakened women who are ready to claim their inner power!



Feeling the uplifting, healing energy of spiritual meditation is a game changer while following your soul path.

Join the Meditation Membership in order to expand your spiritual knowledge and be part of a safe and supportive community focusing on releasing pressure and creating peace.