Energy Forecast for September 5th - 11th | Change is Inevitable


Change is inevitable, it’s how you choose to flow through these changes that impacts your life on a whole. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide every single week I tap into the Universal Energy that is influencing the collective in order to understand how we are being impacted and guided through our individual journeys. These weekly Energy Forecasts are meant to support you as an empath and sensitive soul in building self awareness, healing past pains, honouring your emotions and most importantly following your intuition along your soul path. 

The more understanding you have on the Universal Energy that surrounds you and how it’s impacting your experience, the easier it becomes for you to flow with ease and grace each step of the way. 

It is the week of Monday, September 5th to Sunday, September 11th 2022 and the energetic theme for the week is change. 

Throughout my own experiences over the years I have been witness to the cyclical energy we experience on earth and the powerful phase that takes place during September every single year. There are typically two different energetic themes that begin to influence us through this time each year and how we are impacted individually truly depends on where we are on our own spiritual journeys. 

Change is inevitable. It is the only constant in our world. 

During this week you will find yourself in one of two positions. Take a moment to read both descriptions of these energetic influences in order to determine where you are finding yourself. 


In the Northern Hemisphere as the summer slowly comes to an end and fall is quickly approaching around the corner you have awakened to a feeling of pressure, overwhelm, and a seemingly decreased amount of “time” that you have available. 

As the long days become shorter at the beginning of September, the Universal Energy is influencing you to wake up to the realization that if you’re not careful your life will change before your eyes, and it might not be in a way that you like. This is not to say that during this week bad things are going to happen; it’s to say that you’ve placed yourself or your dreams on the back burner and you’ve continued living in a way that doesn’t fulfill you. This mental state of feeling pressured and as if you don’t have enough “time” is the Universal Energy imploring you to create a positive change in your life. 

This energetic influence is all about awareness and the feeling of waking up to acknowledge that things in your life are not as you wish them to be. 


The summer season typically amplifies the energy of radiance, passion and nurturing your sense of purpose. At least this is the energy you tend to embody throughout the summer when you are working towards living in alignment with your Soul Truths. 

As you have prioritized yourself, your dreams and your passions throughout the last few months, you may be feeling the Universal Energy of savouring each moment, and wanting to celebrate leading yourself from a soul centered space. In the energetic influences you are feeling in this theme, the aspect of change very much comes from an internal space. You may feel as if you have created immense change for yourself in how you choose to live. You are in the field of changes that focuses on embodiment, which is identified by how you show up and live with intentionality on a day to day basis. 

Can you feel into which of these energetic themes is showing up in your life?

One is not better than the other. It’s simply a reminder that we are all on our own journey and understanding where you find yourself today is how you can begin to show up and start supporting yourself in shifting forward. 

The Moon Cycle this week is flowing through the Waxing Gibbous phase as it reaches Full Moon on Saturday, September 10th. The energy and emotions that the Moon is amplifying at this time is about taking action, creating change, overcoming obstacles, and allowing solutions and clarity to find you. 

If you’ve been feeling a calling to take action on something that is completely different than anything you’ve done before, and as much as it feels uncomfortable to head in this direction there is also an aspect that excites you, now is the time to move forward! 

If you’ve been working towards growth in some aspect in your life, whether it’s personal growth, professional growth, relationship growth, but obstacles have continuously popped up on your path, now is the time for you to keep moving. Don’t let the obstacles stop you on the path of your dreams. 

Changes are occurring in your life right now. Are you resisting the change? This will make things a lot harder for you. Are you allowing the change? This will create an effortless flow on your journey. Are you the one choosing to create changes? This will bring harmony into your life in ways you would never imagine!

Change is inevitable and this week can be the beginning of an empowering shift if you allow yourself to embrace the goodness that comes from change. 


A spiritual lesson to guide you back to your Inner Spirit!

Your worst critic is BLOCKING you from trusting your intuition and following the path your Inner Spirit is calling you on.

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Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for September 5th - 11th 2022

Now that we have a better understanding of the Universal Energetic themes at play this week, let’s receive a message from Spirit. 

This week I am using Steven Farmer’s Power Animal Oracle Cards along with my intuitive and clairaudient abilities to decipher the message that is coming forward for the collective. 

The question being asked is, “what do we need to carry through the changes we are being called to make this week?”



Accept your follies and find the teaching in them.

The coyote is known as the laughing wild dog. He is the jokester and incredibly wise, adaptable and efficient. 

Whenever we make mistakes on our journey we tend to berate ourselves, judge and even shame ourselves for our choices and actions. The coyote is a beautiful messenger for us through these times because it is saying “laugh at your mistakes and learn from them”.

You cannot create positive, supportive and uplifting change in your life if you are carrying regret, judgment, blame and guilt around your past. 

You can’t know something until you know it. 

This means that you made those decisions in the past without knowing what you know today. So, rather than judge who you were and what you chose, take the lesson from the experience, laugh off the mistake, and move forward with grace. 

This is the perfect message for all of us as we move through this season of changes. Make sure you take some time with a journal and reflect on the messages that came forward for this week and how they apply to you and your experiences in life. Self awareness is your best friend and will always support you in leading from an aligned and uplifted state. 

If you are finding yourself in a space where change is needed in your life, yet you have no idea what the change looks like or how to go about it, it may be time for you to work with a Spiritual Mentor. 

The work I support all of my clients through is about them better understanding themselves and how to follow their soul path in a way that feels good for them as an individual. 

The Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring program is for the people pleaser who is exhausted, overly-emotional and overwhelmed and is ready to live from a peaceful and empowered state. Learn more at the button below. 

The Spirit of Air Group Program is for the sensitive soul and empath who is ready to start fully embodying their true authentic self, leave their insecurities behind, feel fully connected to the Universe and trust their intuition as they follow their soul purpose. Learn more at the button below. 

The Spirit of Air group program is starting soon for the next round. Make sure to join my email list to stay up to date on all the details!

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness



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You know there is more to life then what we see physically around us and you want to strengthen your connection to the Divine Universe.

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Feeling the uplifting, healing energy of spiritual meditation is a game changer while following your soul path.

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