Posts in Soul Healing Journey
Responsibility versus Freedom | Soul Healing Journey Entry 5

The unsupportive pattern of responsibility was rooted in a lot of pain which triggered a fear of the unknown and it was time for Sydney to heal emotionally and spiritually. Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, is sharing her soul healing journey through the lessons she’s learned and the experiences she has. In the fifth entry she is sharing her emotional healing through a fear of responsibility and a desire for freedom. Sydney is growing through her soul purpose by overcoming outdated patterns and conditioned beliefs.

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Being Emotionally Vulnerable | Soul Healing Journey Entry 4

As people pleasers and empaths we tend to hide our own harsh emotions to not trigger someone else’s past pain or emotional trauma. Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, is sharing her soul healing journey through the lessons she’s learned and the experiences she has. In the fourth entry she is sharing the lessons of being emotionally vulnerable and how her emotions have taught her important life lessons. Sydney is growing through her soul purpose by creating stronger connections with the people she loves.

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Money Mindset & Learning My Soul Truths | Soul Healing Journey Entry 3

Your relationship with money starts with the emotional wounds from your past experiences. Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, is sharing her soul healing journey through the lessons she’s learned and the experiences she has. In the third entry she is sharing a self reflection journal entry where her shadow self expresses pain and fear around money. Sydney’s Spirit leads her forwards with faith and hope in uncovering her Soul Truths.

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Soul Purpose Over Ego Pressure | Soul Healing Journey Entry 2

Learning how our shadow self shows up through past conditioning and outdated behaviours is where spiritual healing begins. Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, is sharing her soul healing journey through the lessons she’s learned and the experiences she has. In the second entry she is sharing how messages from Spirit guide her to the Soul Truths of purpose and overcoming feeling pressured.

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Spirit Speaks to Me | Soul Healing Journey Entry 1

Everyone’s spiritual journey looks and feels different, and yet we are all here to create soul healing. Sydney, the Spiritual Mentor, is sharing her soul healing journey through the lessons she’s learned and the experiences she has. In the first entry she is sharing how it feels to trust her intuition and follow the guidance of the Universe through the signs and messages she receives.

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