Spirit Speaks to Me | Soul Healing Journey Entry 1
A few weeks ago I was spending time in the mountains with my family. My connection with nature and the time I spend outdoors with Mother Earth is a necessity in my soul healing and spiritual expansion. It’s where I feel truly at home. Spending time with family is both amazingly uplifting and soul satisfying, and it can be completely draining and emotionally exhausting.
Life is meant to have contrast.
In the shadows, the challenges and the difficulties we find where we carry resistance and pain. This is our soul showing us where we need to create healing in order to come back in alignment with the Universe, with Spirit.
While I was spending time with my family I fell away from my spiritual exercises, my wellness routine. I’m human, I too forget to stay committed and dedicated. Well, this led to the hamster wheel of thoughts of worry, doubt and fear overtaking my mind and filling me with heavy energy.
I had a lot of good moments with my family over the weekend, filled with laughs, spending time with my cousins 1 and a half year old daughter, enjoying nature, and most importantly time away from the city. I also noticed how much worry and fear filled the in between spaces of conversation. Fear of what’s happening on the other side of the world, worry about the family members we love who are having a challenging time, and doubt in how the future could feel lighter.
I’ve learned over the last couple years that in Human Design I have a line 2 profile, which means I NEED time alone. I am a hermit. The moment I found this out my whole world changed. Well, this particular weekend away I didn’t prioritize my alone time, which is when I implement my spiritual practices to cleanse my soul and connect with the Universe. On the last day, I finally went for a walk along the river by myself.
Spirit spoke to me.
One of the cross country ski adventures I went on with my Aunt during this beautiful weekend in the mountains. Always healing my soul in nature!
Immediately I started channeling messages from Spirit. As I always do, I grabbed my phone, opened the notes section and started recording the messages with voice-to-text. I had been wondering all weekend why Spirit wasn’t speaking to me, why I couldn’t hear the calm, connected voice of peace. On my walk this is what Spirit told me…
“Spirit speaks to me when she knows I am ready. Not when I want her to. Not when I think she will. Only when she knows that I am ready.”
My only job is to get myself into a space of being ready and to listen when Spirit speaks to me.
Spirit has been speaking to me for my entire life. I’ve listened sometimes, I’ve ignored other times, I’ve resisted certain messages, and I’ve trusted at times. Learning to trust your intuition and gut feeling is a journey. Learning to hear messages from Spirit and follow the guidance of the Universe is also a journey. It’s not a flip of the switch, it’s a step by step process.
We have free will.
We get to choose how we want to live.
Before our spiritual awakenings a lot of our choices end up being subconscious reactions to the situations we find ourselves in.
After our spiritual awakenings things seemingly get harder and more challenging, only because our soul is guiding us to heal and evolve through the conscious choices we make.
For almost 2 years Spirit has been telling me that Instagram is not where I am meant to be focusing my energy.
I resisted for a long time because well, I liked scrolling the social media app. At times I’ve stepped away for my mental health and to bring a cleansing energy into my life, but I would always crawl my way back. At the start of 2022 I finally made the decision that I would listen and I would stop posting on Instagram for my business. What a relief I felt moving through me!
Even though I stopped posting, I was still creeping in the background. I may not have been taking action on the app, but I was still allowing my energetic aura to hold space for it. There are a lot of good things that have come from Instagram in my life, but I had to honour my Spirit and the message my intuition and gut feeling were telling me. I don’t have the energetic bandwidth to be connected to this app. Everyone’s different, so everyone gets to make different choices in life. My hermitness was saying, let go and move on.
One of the reasons why we resist, ignore and deny signs and messages from the Universe is because our conditioned behaviours, societal beliefs, and outdated programming leads us to believe there is a specific way to live and we have to follow the “rules” in order to be successful.
Let’s be bold.
Let’s go against the grain.
Let’s trust our gut feeling even when it’s uncomfortable and terrifying.
Let’s choose to live freely, following our inner authority, living out our purpose, pursuing our passions and prioritizing the experiences we desire.
This is clearly the first of a new series I am creating for my blog - Sydney’s Soul Healing Journey. I hope my words here bring you inspiration to follow your gut feeling, to listen to your intuition, and to feel courageous in healing your shadow self.
I feel so lucky to acknowledge that Spirit speaks through me, and so I will show up here every Sunday to share the messages from Spirit and my own soul healing journey. Step by step is all we can do, but who are you choosing to BE in the process?
Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,
Sydney Smith
Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness