Posts tagged wellness
How Can We Find Joy?

Often in life we think of the things that create joy for us as the days, weeks, months and years pass by. In mainstream society our success is determined by the job we have, the relationship we are in, and the things we have purchased. I ask why is this all considered success? Why do we believe that joy comes from the people, possessions and professions in our life?

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BALANCE - Change & Being Resistant Towards It

Do you plan each and every moment of your life, including the next 5 - 10 years? Do you want to be in control always? When you make plans are you very analytical in your process, making sure you have all of the information before moving forward? Do you enjoy being comfortable and having your routines? Does the unknown scare you and you avoid it at all costs?

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Don't Trade Your Authenticity for Approval

In the moments where we are authentic we are being true to ourselves and our journey. Everyone has struggles, everyone makes mistakes, there is no perfect person, as we are all just learning as we go and when we finally recognize this we can step forward with authenticity. When you are open to growth and learning along your journey others see you for who you truly are, and you become surrounded with like-minded people.

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