Manifesting Lack or Manifesting Abundance?
“When you have thoughts of lacking something you aren’t manifesting to receive more, you are manifesting a lack. So change your mindset and see the abundance, so you manifest abundance.”
We are often told in life to manifest our dreams and desires and that will help us to move towards them in the future.
This is so very true. When we put out those positive thoughts about things we desire in life the universe has a way of helping us towards them. Now let me mention that this doesn’t work for everything, because that which we desire must me meant for us, and if it’s not meant for us then it may never come, but that doesn’t mean that something better won’t come.
Something we are not told is that when our mind starts to think about the areas we are lacking, those thoughts are being manifested as well. Crazy, right?! You might be thinking, but I didn’t manifest it so it shouldn’t work that way. I hate to break it to you, but manifesting is not an action that we do when we are ready. Any thought that moves through our mind is a manifestation in itself. Yes, you read that right. Your thoughts are being manifested into the universe the moment you think them.
So, what does that mean for your future?
Well, it could mean that the universe is receiving a lot of conflicting ideas for your future and may get confused on which ones to send your way, or they may just stop all together with those specific conflicting manifestations. For instance, if you are manifesting abundance in your life, the universe hears that loud and clear and starts putting things in order to send you abundance. When all of a sudden you start thinking about how you are lacking in financial support, and you don’t have enough to pay your bills. Now, the universe is receiving the message of lack, and not enough, so there becomes a confusion between abundance or lack. Should we send abundance or lack? Well, lack was the last thing manifested, so maybe they want a lack of money now. This is when the abundance train stops moving towards you.
So what does this all mean?!
We need to be really careful about the way we think. We need to become more mindful of the way our thoughts formulate. We need to work hard on changing our negative mindset into a more positive one.
This is when you ask, but I’m lacking in money, how do I change my mindset around that?
We need to learn to not focus on the lack, but be grateful for the abundance we do have in our lives. Did you buy groceries this week? Be grateful that you were able to fill your fridge for your family this week. Did you call your service provider and ask for a better deal on your monthly cell phone bill? Be grateful you have a smaller cell phone bill and see it as abundance coming into your life.
Learning to see the abundance in new ways and standing in gratitude for it will help you to flip your mindset from lack to that of abundance. The more you can think of the abundance and be grateful for it, the harder the universe will work in sending you abundance.
It’s a fake it till you make it kind of process.
Believe you are truly abundant and you will become abundant. Learn to manifest abundance and stop manifesting having lack.
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