BALANCE - Change & Being Resistant Towards It

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Do you like change?

Do you plan each and every moment of your life, including the next 5 - 10 years? Do you want to be in control always? When you make plans are you very analytical in your process, making sure you have all of the information before moving forward? Do you enjoy being comfortable and having your routines? Does the unknown scare you and you avoid it at all costs?

Are you resistant towards changing both in life and as a person?

In life there is only 1 constant. There is only 1 thing that we can always count on and that is CHANGE.

Don’t believe me?

Well take a moment and think back on your life. What is one thing that has always been there, never faltered, every step of the way leading you into the next phase or cycle of life? Change.

Now that we know this I wonder how you can still be afraid. Think back on the changes that have happened in your life. Maybe you were scared or nervous leading up to the change, but in the end was it bad? Or did you find a new way to live and were you able to adjust into the change? Did the changes make you a better person, allowing you to grow from new lessons? Did the change bring new people into your life?

At the start we may be resistant to change, but in the end it usually is for the better. Sometimes it takes us a bit longer to adjust to this new normal, but we become stronger, better versions of ourselves through change.

Now, once again, think back on the changes that have happened in your life and leading up to them were you stressed out? Did you create fears and doubts in your mind, causing anxiety, depression, anger or even frustration? How did you feel going into the new changes? For this is the part that we need to discuss.

We have already determined that change is the only constant in this world.

Also, from change we know that our lives become better, we become stronger, and we learn new lessons for life. So in the end, change is always happening (we can’t change that!), but we can find the positive in those changes once they have happened. If you can sit there and agree with me as you read this, that yes, change is always happening, and yes the changes that have happened in your life have given you more than you thought possible and you have become wiser because of them; then I still wonder, why are you so resistant to change? Why do we put ourselves through turmoil, creating a negative space in which our minds take refuge leading into change?

Don’t you think that if we were able to embrace changes, become excited about something new and what it might bring, we might actually move through the process more seamlessly, finding balance along the way and being more mindful about our feelings and thoughts as we welcome this change and growth into our lives. If we can accept that change happens all the time, and usually for the better, then why put ourselves through so much negative head space in resisting change.

So this is where we vow to CHANGE our mindsets about CHANGE.

Yes, in the moment some changes may be extremely difficult, but we know in the end all will be ok and we will be stronger. So, let’s make the process easier for us, creating more flow, peace, and clarity as we move through into the new. When we step out of our heads and stop building up this negative wall towards change it becomes much easier for us to see the light, receive the wisdom, and enjoy the process.

Next time an opportunity comes forward that invokes change in your life, I ask you to step back, think of the process and where it might lead you, and create forward movement with an open mind and allow yourself to soak up the entire process. Remember - change equals growth; growth is wisdom, knowledge and strength; being open to growth and change allows you to self-heal by being more mindful, and create balance mind, body & spirit.

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