Posts tagged emotional wellness
Emotional Wellness Affects Your Intuition | Episode 140: Syd the Expert

Following your soul path is the ability to decipher your emotions apart from your intuition. In this episode of the Carrying Connected Conversations podcast, Syd shares her expertise as a spiritual mentor around all things intuition. She explains why your intuition is blocked and how it’s important to understand your emotions if you want to live intuitively. Listen to the episode or read the transcript.

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Are Your Workouts Functional? | Episode 139: Angie the Expert

In this episode of the Carrying Connected Conversations podcast, Ang is bringing her fitness expertise and sharing about how lifting heavy as a workout can be beneficial. She is wanting to shed light onto important information that a lot people might not consider in their workout routines, and that is tying in complex movements in order to turn your heavy lifting into a more functional workout. Listen to the episode or read the transcript.

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3 Spirit Guides to Start Connecting With | Episode 135: Syd the Expert

Feeling connected to the Universe to receive clarity and guidance starts with what Spirit Guides you are asking for support from. In this episode of the Carrying Connected Conversations podcast, Syd is sharing her expertise on spirituality, more specifically which three Spirit Guides everyone needs to start connecting with. Syd also shares how this practice will strengthen your intuition and how to start talking to your Spirit Guides. Listen to the episode or read the transcript.

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3 Ways to Create an Active Lifestyle | Episode 134: Angie the Expert

Working out and living an active lifestyle are two completely different intentions when it comes to your physical fitness. In this episode of the Carrying Connected Conversations podcast, Ang is sharing her expertise for your physical fitness journey, and more specifically creating an active lifestyle. Ang shares that an active lifestyle is different from simply working out because your intention turns it into a lifestyle. Listen to the episode or read the transcript.

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What does Grounding Yourself Mean Spiritually? | Episode 131: Syd the Expert

Whether you are feeling pressured in life and constantly stressed out or you feel as if you are floating through life completely lost, you have one key issue and that is that you are ungrounded. In this episode of the Carrying Connected Conversations podcast, Syd is sharing all of her expertise on the spiritual meaning of grounding yourself. Being grounded in life is to be connected to your soul and fully tapped into the innate wisdom you carry. Listen to the episode or read the transcript.

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Fitness Helped Me Find Happiness | Episode 130: Angie the Expert

Being on your fitness journey can feel extremely overwhelming especially if you don’t know where to start, you’ve tried everything and it’s been unsuccessful and you just aren’t happy in your body. In this episode of the Carrying Connected Conversations podcast, Ang is sharing her experiences of those breakdown moments when she didn’t love her body and she was completely frustrated after doing all the physical work to look better and she still felt like crap. Listen to the episode or read the transcript.

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5 Tips to Living A More Peaceful Life | Episode 127: Syd the Expert

We all desire more peace in our lives, however at times it feels like peace is somewhere in the future once we reach our desires. In this episode of the Carrying Connected Conversations podcast Syd is bringing her expertise in emotional wellness to the listener. She is guiding co-host Ang and the listener through the main 5 tips everyone needs to create peace in the present. Listen to the episode or read the transcript.

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5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Your Body | Episode 126: Angie the Expert

Working out and eating healthy are only touching the surface on understanding your body and it’s abilities. In this episode of the Carrying Connected Conversations podcast Ang is letting us in on 5 important facts that most people don’t know about their own bodies. Ang is sharing exactly how to prevent some of the most common health issues we see people experiencing as they age. Listen to the episode or read the transcript.

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Why People Pleasing is Bad | Episode 122: Syd the Expert

People pleasing happens most often from people who have a kind and compassionate heart, but there is actually a huge problem with your people pleasing tendencies. In this week’s episode of the Carrying Connected Conversations podcast, Syd brings her expertise to the table and shares why people pleasing is bad and how to start the journey of healing this unsupportive habit. Listen to the episode or read the transcript.

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You Are What You Eat | Episode 121: Angie the Expert

Understanding what you eat on a daily basis is a huge part of living a healthy and happy life. The saying goes that you are what you eat. In this week’s episode of the Carrying Connected Conversation podcast, Angie is sharing her expertise on physical wellness and nutrition by diving deep into the importance of understanding macronutrients. Co-host Syd is coming in with zero knowledge and has a ton of questions around yo-yo dieting and how it actually affects us in a negative way. Listen to the episode or read the transcript.

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Trauma Bonding as an Empath | Episode 118: Syd the Expert

Trauma bonding is when your relationship with someone strengthens because you find comfort in mutual pain. In this episode of Carrying Connected Conversations Syd shares her expertise on emotional healing as a spiritual mentor and what that looks like for people who trauma bond as empaths. Ang brings forward great questions to better understand Syd’s point of view of what trauma bonding means and how trauma bonding affects your relationships. Listen to the episode or read the transcript.

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The Truth About Weight Loss | Episode 117: Angie the Expert

Understanding your weight loss journey as a woman can be extremely stressful, especially when you are not seeing the results that you want. In this week’s episode of the Carrying Connected Conversations podcast, Angie is bringing her expertise to the table as a physical wellness coach. Angie is sharing knowledge on weight loss and the key tips you need to reach success in losing those pesky 10 pounds. One of the best tips she has to offer is all about lowering your expectations so you can increase your results. Listen to the episode or read the transcript.

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