3 Spirit Guides to Start Connecting With | Episode 135: Syd the Expert


Feeling connected to the Universe to receive clarity and guidance starts with what Spirit Guides you are asking for support from.

In this episode of the Carrying Connected Conversations podcast, Syd is sharing her expertise on spirituality and connecting with the Universe. She shares the importance of connecting with your Spirit Guides and more specifically which three Spirit Guides everyone needs to start connecting with. There is bountiful support that surrounds you in the Universe and being able to simplify spiritual connection will help you on your growth journey. Syd also shares how this practice will strengthen your intuition and how to start talking to your Spirit Guides.

Listen to the episode now to gain insight on Spirit Guides, intuition, connecting with the Universe and receiving clarity for your spiritual journey.   

You can continue reading about the conversation Syd & Ang had on the podcast through the transcript below. 


Ang: Hello and welcome back to another episode of Carrying Connected Conversations. This is Angie chatting at you because this week is going to be all about Sydney’s expertise. Today we are going to be chatting about 3 Spirit Guides to start connecting with. Before we even jump into this conversation because I have so many questions, I want to see how Syd’s doing and check in with her. There are lots of things that I am ready and raring to chat with her about. Syd, how are you doing today?

Syd: Hello hello! I am doing good. I am excited to hear all of your questions. I’m excited to talk about all things Spirit Guides and let everyone know what the three Spirit Guides are that you should be connecting with.

Ang: I love that! Why don’t you just start listing them off. What are the top three and I want to know why you chose those ones as your top three.

Syd: Okay. As you guys listening probably already know this, especially if you are into spirituality. Spirit Guides are the beings, the energetic beings that you can connect with to receive support, guidance, clarity, answers, comfort. Them along with your angels, ancestors, and animal guides are your Divine Team. It is your team of Divine Beings who are there for you and ready to help you. They are with you and everyone has their own divine team. The three spirit guides that I believe everyone needs to start connecting with are your Guardian Spirit Guides, which is the one that is there to protect you. They are exactly as I said, your guardian. They will guard you, protect you and they have a strong energy, so if you are ever going into a difficult situation you call them in so you can feel protected. They are the perfect Spirit Guide to have with you by your side through all situations. 

The next Spirit Guide that I believe you need to start connecting with is your Runner. You can have many Guardian Spirit Guides and many Runner Spirit Guides. You have many Spirit Guides. Usually there is a team leader, as I like to call them, which is the main one you connect with. Your Runner is the Spirit Guide you send out ahead of you so they run in front of you. They clear your path. If you are calling something in, they clear the path for that thing to come in. I often, not often, always. I always connect with my Runner if I am driving anywhere. Even if I am just driving to the grocery store I will say, “clear the path of all obstacles and make sure there is a perfect parking spot for me”. That is the perfect way to connect with your Runner. If you are going on a roadtrip or you are flying anywhere, you can connect with your Runner. It’s the Spirit Guide that run’s ahead, clears the path, clears the obstacles and ensures your safety in whatever journey you are about to take, whether it’s big or small. 

The third Spirit Guide that I believe everyone needs to be connected with is maybe what some people wouldn’t consider a Spirit Guide, but I believe it is your Spirit Guide. This is your Higher Self, the energetic being of you who has lived through everything. Your Higher Self is the energetic version of you who has learned all the lessons, lived all the experiences, lived through all the timelines and has received all of the desires and blessings. They are the one that holds all of the wisdom and really can guide you on your path. Connecting with your Higher Self is a great way to remember that you have a direct energetic connection with the version of you who has already succeeded, who has overcome whatever challenge is in front of you, and who has learned all of the lessons. Being able to connect to that Spirit Guide in specific can really bring a sense of security internally to you. 

Those are the three Spirit Guides that I really want to focus on. The reason why I chose them is because they really encompass all aspects of your life, but more importantly they are the Spirit Guides you are going to connect to on a daily basis. We have Spirit Guides that help with our relationships, with your work especially as an entrepreneur. You can have a Spirit Guide for absolutely anything that helps in any aspect of your life. I believe these three, your Guardian, your Runner and your Higher Self are the ones you want to be connecting with on a daily basis. 

Ang: Wow! I love that you were able to break that down because it really makes sense. My first question, there are obviously three Spirit Guides you want to talk about so there must be even more. I really like this idea that each one is specific and has a specific way to help you. I am using that word help because obviously your Higher Self can help you by understanding that energetic version of you. It really helps to show that connecting with them on a daily basis, if anything it helps you to further connect with yourself. I would always say that my Higher Self is my Higher Self. I would not have personally categorized my Higher Self as my Spirit Guide, but the way you explained it really makes sense. It’s that energetic version of you that knows all. 

The next question I want to ask is, when do you want to start connecting with the others? At what point do you want to start connecting daily to other Spirit Guides? Or do you want to keep the conversation geared towards these specific guides?

Syd: It sounds like your question really is when, when are you connecting to them? I am going to go off of that right now. The reason why you connect with your Spirit Guides is going to give us a better understanding of when you are going to connect with them. I like what you said about your Higher Self and always seeing them as your Higher Self, but now with what I shared you are seeing how it can be your Spirit Guide. 

The term Spirit Guide they are literally what that says. They are a Spirit that is here to guide you. You know that you are a Spirit yourself. You are a Spirit in a human body, so your Higher Self is a version of you, it is your Higher Self, but you are a Spirit, so your Higher Self is a Spirit who is here to guide you. So when are you connecting with them? We can so easily get trapped into Ego, we can easily fall into a victim mindset, we can easily forget and identify as humans and only humans. All of this can be very limiting, so I believe daily connection with Spirit, whatever that looks like, if you believe in a God, a Higher Power, the Universe, you call it Source, you call it Spirit, whatever it is that you believe is this Higher Power is also Spirit, which I believe is also you. Daily connection with Spirit is about remembering that you are more than a human being, you are a Spirit, you are energy. Daily connection with these Spirit Guides is helping you to tap into your energy as a Spirit. It’s helping you to remember that you are not alone, it’s helping you to remember to ask for help rather than stay in this mindset of you have to do everything yourself. It’s helping you to remember to ask for clarity, to ask for guidance, and it’s also helping you to remember to see the signs and messages that they are sending you. 

When is a great time to connect with your Guardian? Like I already said when I explained it, it’s anytime you are moving into a difficult situation and you want to feel protected. For me, as an empath, I have an open and inviting aura which means energetically I am susceptible to other people's energies and emotions. Anytime I leave my space, especially if I live with other people it means if I leave my bedroom. If I walk into the rest of the house I know that I am going to be interacting with other people, I call in my Guardian Spirit Guide before I leave my bedroom. I make sure they are with me and I talk about setting up a protective shield to protect my energy. I ask my Guardian Spirit Guide to stand in front of my shield to protect my energy and to make sure that only light, uplifting, compassionate and loving energy can move into and out of my shield. I literally have my Guardian with me at all times of the day. 

My Runner, when is the perfect time to connect with your runner? This is really when you are doing something that you know is going to require some sort of journey. For instance, it could be if you are driving to the grocery or you have to drop your kids off at school or you are going on a vacation. You can call your Runner in those instances. I also call my Runner in, for instance, I had a situation a couple months ago where I had to deal with my insurance company. I had to call the insurance company and handle some things, so I asked my Runner to run ahead in that project, in that journey, and asked them to make sure the right insurance agent picks up the phone and will help me. I asked my Runner to remove all the obstacles, not from a physical or literal journey that I am taking, but more of a figurative journey that I am taking. There is something I have to move through that obstacles could show up on, so I ask them to remove all obstacles from the figurative path. I also use my Runner for my work day, if I know I am going to have a client call I ask my Runner to go ahead and remove all obstacles so the client call can go smoothly and everything works out.

Ang: It’s interesting because the way that you tap into your Spirit Guides, if anything how I am seeing it it’s like a muscle. The more often you tap into those Spirit Guides to ask for the guidance and support the easier it will come. I am coming from a place where I would only see my Higher Self as that guiding source. I would never break it down in a way to see your Guardian as a way to protect or how your Runner is there as your team lead to go ahead and clear the path. They are very very specific, but again the more often that you practice it, the easier it is for you to receive clarity and receive support and guidance in exactly what you need. Whether it’s figuratively or literally that you need that help or support. I guess this would absolutely coincide with your intuition then. How I have always seen my Higher Self is as my intuition. Would you say that tapping into your Spirit guides also helps to strengthen your intuition?

Syd: Yes, definitely. Everything that we are talking about in regards to Spirit Guides, Higher Self and spirituality, we cannot see. We cannot see our Spirit Guides, the only time that we can see them is through our clairvoyant ability, which is your 6th sense. Every single person can be psychic. Psychic is your clairvoyance, your clair-abilities are the ability to see clearly, to know clearly, to hear clearly, to feel clearly something that is not in your physical world. We can do a whole podcast episode that is just on that. Your intuition includes those clair abilities. Your intuition is your internal compass. It is your internal guidance system that is based on what is best for your well-being. There is no logic that is included in it, it is simply you get a feeling that this is the direction you feel called in, and your intuition always acts based on what is best for your well-being. 

With your intuition and your clair-abilities, we are saying that you can’t physically see anything and it’s very much a feeling based. Your Spirit Guides you can’t physically see either, it’s all feeling based. 100% it strengthens your intuition because you are tapping into your self as a Spirit, you are tapping into your energy. One of the biggest blocks that stops you from trusting and feeling your intuition is when you are living from your mind and you are trying to logically explain everything, over analyze and overthink everything. You’ve forgotten to tap into your body and the way you feel. 

Earlier this month Ang you explained the nervous system and how your gut is like a second brain. You can feel when your chest feels heavy or when your throat feels clogged and there is a deeper meaning in what is happening. Your intuition is a feeling that you feel in your body and everyone feels it slightly differently. When you are connecting with your Spirit Guides you are not saying that you physically see someone standing in front of you, we are saying you are imagining, you are visualizing the energy of this Spirit that is with you. When you take a second and breathe deeply, you call in your Spirit Guide, what you are doing is tapping into the feeling of their energy. That is what helps you to strengthen your intuition because you are focusing on the way that you feel and your intuition is a feeling that is within you. By practicing connecting with your Spirit Guides, you can ask for their names. 

A great way to get to know them, and feel their energy in the process of strengthening your intuition you can set up a mini meditation for yourself and set the intention that you want to meet your Guardian Spirit Guide. You want to meet the Spirit Guide that is here to protect you and guard you, then say, “please come forward”. As you breathe deeply you get a feeling of the energy that is shifting in your environment. You may ask for their name, you may not receive a name at that moment, you may receive one later on. All of this process is helping to strengthen your intuition because you can’t prove what the name of your Spirit Guide is, you can’t physically prove that they are there with you in the room, you have to trust in what you feel. When you trust in what you feel you are strengthening your intuition because it is a feeling.

Ang: Okay, I want to clarify this. You are saying that it is a feeling that you feel specifically after you connect with your Spirit Guides?

Syd: My intuition?

Ang: Your intuition yes?

Syd: No. I felt my intuition long before I connected with my Spirit Guides. It’s something that I’ve been able to strengthen as I’ve connected more with my Spirit Guides on my journey.

Ang: I understand. The reason I am asking this is because I’d like to know, correct me if I am wrong. There are some times where people get confused with their intuition. You can believe something is a certain way, because again it’s a feeling you can’t explain. I’ve come across some people that feel they are very connected with their intuition, but in reality it’s completely wrong. This is where I am asking you to correct me if I am wrong, where people get the wrong connotation that spirituality is woo-woo because the people who are focused on their intuition and it turns out their intuition is incorrect.

Syd: Okay, to better explain your intuition so maybe this helps. If you and I are going into the same situation my intuition might tell me something completely different than what yours is telling you. It’s not to say that one is right and one is wrong. It’s saying that my intuition is telling me what’s best for my well-being and your intuition is telling you what’s best for your well-being. At the same time, your intuition can change because what’s best for your well-being in this moment can be completely different than what’s best for your well-being in the next moment. As new information arises it can shift how your intuition is guiding you. When your intuition is guiding you it’s not necessarily meaning that it’s only going to guide you into beautiful moments filled with blessings and opportunities. Your intuition can very well guide you into a challenging situation because you are meant to learn something from that situation that will help you to evolve. Your intuition is going to guide you into uncomfortable things because your intuition is part of your Spirit and your Spirit wants you to grow and evolve. Looking back on something and saying that your intuition led you into the wrong situation you can’t actually prove that because in that moment you felt that your intuition was leading you in that direction, now where you are at your intuition is telling you something differently because you are in a completely different moment. Does that make sense?

Ang: Ya it definitely does. It does make sense. 

Syd: At the same time, I will go off of what you were thinking when you asked the question. Fear is a feeling and fear can make you believe that you are following your intuition when you are not following your intuition. Emotions are also a feeling. When I say you have to tap into your feeling and you have to trust your feeling, that is a very simplistic view of what your intuition is. I actually have a year long group program where I teach people how to trust their intuition because going off of a one time podcast is not going to help you in trusting your intuition. You need to know and understand your emotions, you need to understand your fear and where it’s coming from in order to be able to decipher when your fear is speaking, when your emotions are speaking and when your intuition is speaking.

Ang: Absolutely yeah. It’s definitely deciphering which one is speaking to you at that time. Is it your fear? Is it your intuition? Is it your HIgher Self? I think sometimes people would get confused on which one is coming forward, and if they follow it it could lead them astray. I guess that is what I was perceiving in how people could think their intuition is wrong, they may not actually be listening to their intuition. It could be fear-based, or ego or something completely different. This is why you are saying it’s important to connect with your Spirit Guides because it’s amplifying not only the feeling of your intuition, but if anything it helps to guide and support you. It’s not to give you answers or that psychic ability. It’s to help you get to the direction you need to go in order to evolve, but without training the intuition by tapping into your Spirit Guides, it’s going to be a lot harder for you to understand and decipher which voice or vision you are trying to follow. Like your clair-abilities.

Syd: Ya exactly. I think the thing that people struggle with the most around their intuition is that as humans we have our limitations. We don’t always trust ourselves, we have belief systems that can be limiting. We have thought patterns that can be limiting. We have self-doubt, insecurities and imposter syndrome and all these things that can sway us off course from listening to our intuition. The reason why I teach my clients to connect with their Spirit Guides is because oftentimes for us humans it’s a lot easier for us to trust someone else’s opinion and someone else’s advice. This is actually not the best opinion and best advice for your life because that other person is not living your life. Whereas your Spirit Guides are a great resource for you to ask questions, ask advice, ask opinion, ask for clarity and guidance and solutions. For you as a human it feels like it’s not coming from you, so it’s a bit easier to trust, whereas me as a Spiritual Mentor I’m like, but it is coming from you. Because you are a Spirit and as a Spirit you are connected to all things, so you are connected to your Spirit Guides. In a sense they are part you and you are part them. 

I think a great tip for everyone to walk away with is to simply start talking to them. Even if you don’t know their name, or you don’t know who you are talking to. The best way to build a connection with your Spirit Guides, to more easily receive clarity, to more easily receive signs and messages and to understand what those signs and messages are, is to start talking to them on a daily basis. 

Ask them questions. If you are worried about something or you are concerned about something, share your worries and concerns with them. State, “Divine Team I feel you here with me, I call you into my space. I am really worried about my financial situation. Can you please take my worries? Can you please take the weight of the energy of these thoughts that I am carrying?” Then breathe deeply and feel them take that worry away. You can ask them for signs, you can say, “hey Spirit Guides please come to me now. I would love to receive a blue butterfly on my path today as a sign that I’m making the right decision in my line of work with this specific project”. Then live your life and wait for that blue butterfly to show up. If you don’t receive a blue butterfly then that’s a sign. 

Also, sharing your gratitude because they are the workers behind the scenes. They are lining up the opportunities on your path. They are guiding you away from trouble. Very much saying, “thank you Spirit Guides. Thank you for guiding me. Thank you for taking care of things behind the scenes. Thank you for bringing me abundance.” Even if you don’t see the abundance yet, have that gratitude ahead of time. 

All of these types of conversations are very much going to strengthen your connection to your Spirit Guides so you are more easily able to feel them and so you are more easily able to trust them. Lastly it will help you to strengthen your daily practice of connecting with them.

Ang: Absolutely and I love that you brought up that you have a whole year program coming up too. The first question that I asked you was, are there more spirit guides? Clearly from the sounds of it there are plenty more, so not only can we talk about this in another episode I think if people are really looking for extra guidance and support. We talked last week how having a support system is extremely beneficial in many ways. It sounds like if the listener is wanting to understand more about connecting with Spirit Guides and how to better connect with yourself, the Spirit of Air Program is really the place you need to be for the next year. All of those answers to the questions I had are all going to be within that. Maybe we can talk about it in another episode later on, but I do believe this program will be a great place for everyone to start their strengthening processes in connecting with the Spirit Guides as well as deepening that connection with their intuition. 

Is there anything else that you want to touch base on based on the three spirit guides we talked about? The Guardian to protect, the Runner which is your team lead to clear the path ahead figuratively or literally, and of course your Higher Self, the energetic self that knows all. What else do our listeners need to know?

Syd: I think you wrapped it up beautifully there. There is so much information I gave in connecting with your Spirit Guides. I would suggest the listener to go back and listen to it again with a fine tooth comb. Grab your journal and a pen and really listen to what I shared and write down what connects with you and resonates with you. I filled you in on a whole bunch of tips that can be super beneficial. Go slow, start the practice, start connecting, asking for their name, and beginning to feel into their energy. 

Exactly as you said Ang, if the listener is somebody who wants to go deeper into this and wants to learn all the other Spirit Guides, and specific Spirit Guides for you and your life. Who you should be connecting with? Or maybe you’ve already felt that there is a Spirit Guide with you and you want to get to know them more. You want to know if they are meant for a specific aspect of your life. As you said Ang, the Spirit of Air Group Program is the space where I go so much more in-depth into that. 

The clients I’ve been working with that are currently in the program for the last year have met Spirit Guides they didn’t even know they had. It’s completely changed their experience with connecting with the Universe and asking for signs. One of my clients had said she has always been a very anxious person and through this program she has never felt so calm and clear in her entire life. She feels like she completely left that anxious version of her and in the year that we’ve worked together she hasn’t been experiencing anxiety at all. It really is a massive shift in being able to create a calm, grounded version of you in your spirituality, in connecting with the Universe and trusting your intuition. 

I will be sharing more about this in the week’s to come, so if you are not on my email list then definitely join. The next run of the program will be starting in March, so stay tuned for that if you are interested. 

Ang: Yes! I love all that extra info Syd! Listeners, you know how to get into Syd’s world. Check out the link in our description below. As you heard from Syd this is not her first time running this program. There has already been a lot of success and testimonials of people who have been in her direct energy. 

With that said, don’t forget to hit that 5 star rating, especially if this conversation has sparked some interest or at least made you want to ask yourself some of those deeper questions. Which Spirit Guides do you have? Or which ones are you not tapping into enough of? We are sending you so much love from now until next week! Next week is the fifth week of January which means we have our bonus episode coming out. This is our second bonus episode with our new structure of the podcast. You do not want to miss it. New episodes are every monday at 3am EST. 

From now until next week we are going to send you all the love! Bye everyone!

Syd: Bye!!!