What does Grounding Yourself Mean Spiritually? | Episode 131: Syd the Expert


Whether you are feeling pressured in life and constantly stressed out or you feel as if you are floating through life completely lost, you have one key issue and that is that you are ungrounded.

In this episode of the Carrying Connected Conversations podcast, Syd is sharing all of her expertise on the spiritual meaning of grounding yourself. Most people see grounding yourself as spending time with your bare feet on the Earth, but as Ang learns from Syd, it’s actually so much more than that. Being grounded in life is to be connected to your soul and fully tapped into the innate wisdom you carry. Ang is asking the questions of how to become grounded whether you are a beginner or you want to take your practice to the next level.

Listen to the episode to hear Syd share her spiritual expertise on the meaning of being grounded, how it affects your life for the better, and what you can start doing today for a simple practice. 

You can continue reading about the conversation Syd & Ang had on the podcast through the transcript below. 


Ang: Hello and welcome back to another episode of Carrying Connected Conversations. This is Angie chatting at you and I am so excited to be chatting at you because I am not going to be chatting at you for most of this episode. It will be Sydney because we are doing our expert call with Sydney. It’s all about grounding yourself and I am pretty excited and interested to know more about this topic. I obviously have my own personal grounding practices, but Syd is the expert in this. I am excited to dive deep into what this looks like for her, for her clients and of course everything in between. 

Without further ado, let’s check in with Sydney and we will start our convo from there. 

Syd, how is it going?

Syd: I am doing really good today. I am excited to share this topic, excited to get into it and excited to hear your questions. Excitement all around, so let’s get into it.

Ang: Let’s talk about grounding, I’m sure some of our listeners have heard of this term grounding before. Here is a question for you. How do you know when to ground yourself? Or what does being ungrounded look like for you?

Syd: I think that’s a great place to start because there are a lot of different perceptions of what grounding yourself means. I am coming from a very spiritual space of what grounding yourself means. I have experienced in my own life to feel what it’s like to be ungrounded. I’ve seen with my clients, even with my friends and family members when they are ungrounded. To be ungrounded is when you feel lost. You feel lost in life, you don’t know what direction to head in, you don’t know where you are going, maybe you don’t even know who you are. You can feel a sense of disconnection. I had a friend say this to me once, that she felt like she was always floating. She felt as if she wasn’t here physically on earth. She was moving through the motions of life, doing the things we are meant to be doing, but she didn’t feel a sense of presence of being here and experiencing it. 

In this space of being ungrounded you can feel a lot of self-doubt and uncertainty around your life. It’s very much living from your mind, you are in your head space and you are constantly thinking about everything which is what produces the feeling of being disconnected. It’s what produces the self-doubt, the uncertainty and the feeling of being lost. This describes what it is to be ungrounded. 

If you are feeling this then you know that you are not grounded, so your next step in life is to get grounded. 

Ang: Okay, so you are the expert. I am assuming you have also had some experience with this. What made you become aware that grounding yourself needs to be part of your everyday life as a practice, or once in a while when you become ungrounded. How do you know when to do this?

Syd: I’ve had several different experiences in my journey when I’ve felt ungrounded and I’ve recognized I needed to become grounded. The most recent one, and it’s something I can still experience on a daily basis. I can move through life very grounded when all of a sudden something happens and I become ungrounded. It’s not a lesson you learn once, you fix it and then you move forward. It’s a reminder that for those of us that are empaths, we are constantly being affected by our environment. We are taking on different energy, different opinions of other people, different values of other people, different belief systems. There are so many things that pull you away from yourself. 

Ultimately being grounded is not just about being grounded to Mother Earth, it’s about being grounded to yourself and your truth. Being grounded is what creates a calmness within you. You feel calm, you feel fully present and rooted in this moment. 

For myself, over a month ago I talked about shifting my perspective from lack to abundance. For me, a huge part of that shift is because I carried this belief system that output equals input. Basically it’s the amount of action I take equals the amount of money I will receive, or the amount of joy, or love I will receive. This is a belief system that I took on from my paternal bloodline. I was carrying a belief that my soul doesn’t believe. For myself, in feeling ungrounded that looked like feeling very pressured, a lot of stress, and feeling a lot of forcefulness in action. It’s not that someone else was forcing me. It’s not that someone else was pressuring me. It’s not that I was carrying someone else’s stress. It’s that this belief system that I’ve been conditioned to carry, all of a sudden is leading me to live in a way where I am not grounded. I am not present in this moment, and I’m not calm. I’m not living life from a soul centered space. Instead I am living life from this pressured state. 

I can tell that I am ungrounded today when all of a sudden I have a massive to-do list and I think, “I’ve got to get all of this done”. I’m feeling a sense of needing to rush and needing to get it all done. This is because stress is leading me and pressure is leading me. So that is a moment where I say, “Sydney, you’re not grounded. You are living from your mind, from a belief system you were taught, your emotions are being affected, your thoughts are being affected. We need to get grounded back into your Spirit, back to Mother Earth. Become rooted in this present moment so I can take action from purpose. I can take action from a soul-centered, calm and connected state”.

Ang: That makes so much sense. I want to take in the example you gave personally, but the one your friend or client shared. The example where she felt like she was floating, because I can say that has 100% happened to me. You feel like you are floating through life. Your example you just gave was, “I have so much shit to do, I need to reground myself before I get it done”. Those are obviously two different scenarios, so are there different ways to ground yourself based on your situation? If so, how do you pick? Or is there a general rule of thumb you like to follow?

Syd: Yes there are different ways that you can practice grounding yourself. Ultimately the intention of all of them is very similar. For my example of being in a state of pressure and being in my headspace of forcefulness and living from a conditioned belief, what I am saying is that I am not acting from my Spirit. I am acting from my Ego. The Ego which runs fear, it’s not aligned with my true authentic self. 

In the same example of feeling as if you are floating, you feel as if you are making the moves through life yet you are floating. From this example, you probably don’t even know who you are as a Spirit. You can’t be grounded in this physical world. That’s what it is to be grounded, you live in this physical existence and yet you are still rooted to your soul, your Spirit, in this physical existence living this human life. If you are floating or you are feeling lost, it’s because you are living from the way you were taught to live, which could be from your conditioned beliefs. Maybe you took it on from your parents, if they never felt rooted in their spirit. They possibly could have felt that floating sensation for a lot of their lives. Maybe you have felt grounded for a lot of your life, but then your living situation has changed and the person you are living with is very ungrounded. As an empath you’ve taken on that energy, so now all of a sudden you are in this floaty space because you aren’t fully in who you are as a Spirit, while also living this human existence. 

This is something I had to talk to my friend about. She is very much wanting to be in this Spirit energy, and she wants to be in that space, yet she is not grounded living this human experience. It’s about finding the balance in being able to be in Spirit, connected to your soul, while also being present and grounded in this human life, letting your Spirit lead you. She knows her Spirit. She knows what her Spirit is calling her to do. She feels her intuition. She very much understands logically what her Spirit is asking her to do, she just can’t physically follow that guidance because she’s not grounded. 

Ang: That is so interesting. It sounds like ultimately, no matter what the situation is, it still has this common ground where it comes from this belief system. Even if it was a belief system of, like you said earlier, input equals output, or it could be a belief system that you don’t know who you are. At the end of the day, how I am understanding this so far, is that the first step is uncovering the belief system that you carry. Correct me if I am wrong, but is there something you would do beforehand or after the fact to help you stay grounded?

Syd: Right. So, I guess I didn’t really answer your question because you had asked for practices. I think what I had just shared was what was needing to be shared first. So I love that you are guiding it back to, Sydney what are the practices? Hahaha!

Ang: Hahaha! No, it was needed as you said. 

Syd: Yes exactly. The very first step is grounding yourself. It’s why I say grounding yourself as a spiritual practice because I am giving a lot of the spiritual knowledge of how this very physical practice is affecting you energetically. 

A lot of the way that people say grounding yourself is to go outside, with bare feet is the best, and stand on the earth. What you are doing in this practice, is you are vibrationally connecting with the earth’s vibration in an energetic way. The energy of the earth vibrates at a specific frequency. This frequency affects our own frequency and it’s very cleansing. A lot of the time the reason we lead from pressure or we are feeling lost is because we are at a frequency, an energetic frequency or vibration, that is not aligned with our divine frequency. 

As a Spirit we have a very divine frequency. What I mean by this, is if you are feeling joy in your life, fully and completely, you feel a certain way in your body. There are so many different things that can cause you to feel joy. What causes you to feel joy is going to be different than what causes me to feel joy. The way that I feel joy is going to be different than the way you feel joy. Ultimately, that is us living in our divine frequency. 

When stress comes in, when the feeling of uncertainty, self-doubt or the feeling of being lost comes in, we are not vibrating at our divine frequency. So the first step to ground yourself and guide yourself back to your divine frequency is to ground yourself with Mother Earth’s frequency. Go outside, put your feet on the earth and take some deep breaths, and this will shift your energy. This is the very first step because a daily, or regular, practice of this is what’s helping you to become grounded energetically. Then you can more clearly understand what are the belief systems that are making you feel ungrounded. What are the behaviours and habits that are leading you to feel ungrounded? What are the thought patterns that lead you to feel ungrounded? You won’t be able to determine this stuff while you are still ungrounded. You first need to get into the grounded state energetically, in order to determine those answers. 

Bringing in the spiritual practice, for myself, how I see grounding yourself is not only being rooted to Mother Earth, like I keep saying being in this physical reality and in this physical presence. It’s also about getting rooted into your soul wisdom. We are all connected via the Law of Oneness. There are many Universal Laws, and one of them is the Law of Oneness. What it says is that we were all created from the same energy of light and love. So this means we are all connected from the energy of light and love, which makes us all one. In that, when you become grounded into the earth, what you are doing is you are also rooting into your soul wisdom. 

For my example I said I was living from my head, that is where our Ego resides. I’m going to be making decisions that are not necessarily from my Spirit, from my soul. All of us have a wide span of wisdom, innate wisdom, wisdom we naturally carry that our soul carries from past lives we’ve lived. Your intuition is your soul speaking to you, it’s your soul saying, “I know this is the best decision for me, I can’t tell you why. I can’t logically explain it, I just know”. That is your soul wisdom. Grounding yourself is another way to root. I visualize, when I ground myself, I visualize these roots growing out of the souls of my feet down into the earth. It’s not only connecting me to the earth, but it’s connecting me to this wide stream, not a water stream, a stream of energy, that I naturally carry. The more I tap into the root of my wisdom, all those roots that are intertwining and connected, if I am a tree, the stronger my trunk gets, so the more branches I can grow the more fruit I can bear. I can grow and evolve as a human when I tap into my soul wisdom because it helps me to become stronger, to trust myself, which is me grounding myself. So, that is a lot of information!

Ang: I love it! It all makes sense. I love how you talked about this energetic connection because I think that really is what grounding is all about. It’s getting us back into that connection for us to really be able to tap into that innate knowledge, the innate wisdom. We can’t do that if we are completely ungrounded, or we feel like we are floating or we are so focused on the things we need to do. It’s about taking the time to provide this very intentional moment of reflection of where your energy is currently. Because that’s all you are trying to do, from what I am understanding anyways. You want to connect yourself back to yourself so that way no matter what is going on in this world, you can make a choice of action from the best aligned place. The only way to do that is by having that strong energetic connection with Mother Earth. As you explained it there is a whole scientific way of looking at this from an energetic standpoint. Talking about the atoms. It goes so deep into that. I think this is super important to know, from my question, there really are multiple ways of grounding yourself and tapping into that innate wisdom. 

Here is another question for you Syd. What would be a piece of advice you would give to someone who is starting to integrate a grounding practice in their life?

Syd: I would say, do it daily. I would say, like in all things in spirituality, it really is about the energy. The energy means the way that you feel. Not necessarily feel joy, feel happiness. Not necessarily emotional feeling, it kind of ties in. The people that know what I am saying know what I am saying. It’s not about being in your thoughts, thinking somewhere. It’s about dropping into your body and recognizing how you feel. When you drop into your body do you feel tense? Do you feel overwhelmed? Do you feel like there is a weight on your chest? Do you feel heavy in your gut? That is you tapping into the way you feel which is letting you know where your energy is at. 

In grounding yourself there are many practices. You can go outside and connect to the earth, you can visualize, you can meditate. Ultimately, it’s about how you feel. Are you feeling into your energy? 

Daily start practicing this. Pay attention to how you feel. The more you practice it you are more easily going to acknowledge when you feel grounded and when you don’t feel grounded. Plus, the way you feel grounded may feel different than how I feel grounded. The best thing you can do is determine how it feels for you by doing it on a daily basis. 

Ang: Love it. Now I’m going to take a turn with this question because I want to give you the same question. I’m glad you touched base on this earlier, you said, “those that know what I am trying to say, they will know it”. So this question is now for the people who already have the grounding practice on a daily basis. They understand how grounding helps them. What piece of advice would you give to someone that really has this implemented maybe the same way you do?

Syd: I would say take your grounding practice to the next level by understanding that it’s helping you to connect to your soul wisdom. The first stage of putting your feet on the earth and feeling into the vibration is the first stage of grounding yourself, which I went through. As I continued that practice, I then began to understand that this is helping me to connect to wisdom I carry innately. This wisdom will help me to awaken clarity that lies within me, it will help me receive guidance. We so often look to the opinions of other people to make our decisions, when ultimately as a Spirit, you know what’s best for you in your life. You are just ungrounded. You are not allowing yourself to listen to the messages that are within you. 

If you already have a grounding practice, then visualize roots growing out of the souls of your feet. In this visualization, feel the energy of you are tapping into your soul wisdom. When you are in meditation visualization it’s not necessarily that all of the soul wisdom will become known in that moment you are meditating. What you are doing is you are opening the channel for that soul wisdom to find you in the moments you need it. That helps you to strengthen your intuition, it helps you to decipher the signs and messages you receive from the Universe. It also helps you to feel connected to the moon. There are so many different things it helps you with, but really it’s about rooting into that soul wisdom.

Ang: Wow! This just goes to show that this topic, number one no wonder you are the expert in it because it is so vast. It can really spread into all these different areas and we can really dive deep into belief systems for example or tapping into the innate knowing, and the visualization of it all. I feel like this is just the start of where your wisdom lies, but also with the topic of what we are discussing today, grounding in general. 

Before we close off completely, like I said there is so much more we could talk about with this. Is there anything we haven’t discussed today that you think is important for someone to know? Whether it’s with grounding in themselves or the act of grounding?

Syd: I would say the thing that is coming to my mind right now is if you are wanting to become more grounded and to live a life where you are living in the present moment. You are letting your intuition lead you, you are feeling good in your divine frequency, you can definitely lead yourself on that journey. Everyone has the ability to lead and guide themselves on this journey. 

At the same time, I’ve been on this journey on my own and I know how hard it is at times. We can become lost, even though we are practicing grounding ourselves. We can still feel lost, and overwhelmed when the challenges arise or we find ourselves in a really difficult situation. In grounding yourself you are letting the Universe guide you into what needs to be healed and sometimes the belief systems or emotional pain is so large it can be daunting to try and walk that path on your own. 

If you feel lost, it’s something you want to focus on more, you want to dive into the belief systems that aren’t aligned with you and heal the thought patterns that are leading you to feel ungrounded. If you want to do that work, and gain support and guidance each step of the way so you aren’t doing it on your own, you stay accountable in the integration process. You can have someone else give you guidance in what needs to be healed, this is what I do.

If you are feeling like you are in that place and you want to do the work on your own, go for it. You got this. You can do it. One step at a time. 

If you are in that place and you are saying, “I’m so overwhelmed, I want to dive deeper into this and I’m ready to receive support”. Then you are ready to work with me and we can do the work together. 

Ang: Wow! I love that and thank you so much for sharing that Syd. I was going to close off by sharing all of that stuff because if you are interested in tapping into Syd’s energy professionally, there are so many avenues you can reach her. The best place is right in the description right to her website. It’s the perfect space for you listeners to not only get to where you are wanting to go, but to have someone there with you along the process. That way they can help correct, because we can obviously dive into it on our own, but having the knowledge and expertise from someone who already embodies this in their own life makes the process so much easier. It makes everything so much more direct rather than you trying to figure it out on your own. As Syd is saying, if you are thinking now is the time you want to start focusing on this now is the time to reach out to Syd. 

The next thing I want to say to the listener, if you are resonating with this entire topic on grounding yourself and everything Syd is sharing, stop what you are doing right now and hit that 5 star rating button because that is going to tell us that this topic 100% resonates with you. Of course we will be able to share and dive more into the complexity of grounding in later episodes.

With that said, Syd I want to thank you as well as our listeners, for sharing your expertise. It really shows how and where you are an expert in all things in relation to energy, grounding and connecting and the oneness in itself. Thank you so so much.

Syd: Yes! Thank you so much for sharing all of that! I love talking about this kind of stuff and sharing the soul wisdom that I carry. We all carry our own unique soul wisdom and so that is what I am here for. I am here to help people through the darkness to find their own light. I absolutely love it. I cannot wait until next week, because I am pretty sure we are going to be diving into one of your most recent experiences. It will be a check in for what you’ve been living through lately. 

Ang: I am so excited because obviously right after mine comes yours. We are both moving through some new phases of our life. I am quite excited to be sharing those phases ove the next couple of weeks. From now until we chat at you, I hope you listeners have one of the most grounded experiences living your everyday life. 

Syd: As a side note! We will see you in the New Year! Bye everyone!

Ang: Bye!