Healing Your Inner Child in Your Relationships

How can you feel grounded, aligned and empowered inside your relationships? Whether it’s a new relationship or a long term relationship, you can feel emotionally triggered in many different ways. This blog will share tips on healing your inner child in your relationships and why you become triggered in your relationships. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor who works with empaths & sensitive souls who wish to master their energy and live as light-beings.

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Energy Forecast for JULY 2024 | Follow Your Soul's Path

The Energy Forecast, or energy update for June 2024, is urging you to follow your soul’s path. The energy this month will usher in many opportunities to see clearly how you are holding yourself back, you’ll feel courageous in breaking away from perceived limitations, and you’ll hear the call of your soul purpose more clearly. We uncover the energy shifts each week through the Moon Cycle and how you will be influenced, along with key themes playing out for the collective.

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Energy Forecast for JUNE 2024 | Harmonious Relationships

The Energy Forecast, or energy update for June 2024, is bringing harmony into your relationships. The energy this month will usher in many opportunities to work on your relationships, whether new or old, and you’ll begin to see your own growth through the shedding of old outdated layers of yourself. We uncover the energy shifts each week through the Moon Cycle and how you will be influenced, along with key themes playing out for the collective.

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A Healing Journey with Poseidon | My Earth Angel

Everyone experiences their healing phase differently, whether it’s a mental breakdown or burnout, something leads you to a spiritual awakening which is the catalyst of your healing. Lately I’ve been reflecting a lot through journaling, as I find myself understanding life, my thoughts, and my energy through the written word. This journal entry is a glimpse into my healing journey with my own Earth Angel as my guide, my late dog Poseidon. As a Spiritual Mentor I work with empaths & intuitive beings who wish to master their energy, living from a peaceful and empowered state, rather than drained and exhausted.

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The Questions I'm Pondering | Over-Thinker to Curious Mind

Are you an overthinker or do you simply have a curious mind? Through self-reflection we can better understand ourselves, the thoughts filtering through our minds, and how we perceive the world. This journal entry shows a glimpse into my own thoughts, the questions I’ve been pondering and how I’ve shifted my perspective in a healthy and supportive way. As a Spiritual Mentor I work with empaths & intuitive beings who wish to strengthen their intuition and live as light-beings.

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Energy Forecast for MAY 2024 | Creativity and Innovation

The Energy Forecast, or energy update for May 2024, is calling you into the cycle of your life of creativity, innovation, and the true pursuit of your desires. After the wake of the past Eclipse season, many of us have felt the shake-up of the Universe guiding us in new directions. During this season you see your path unfolding with more realistic steps and the fog of uncertainty begins to clear. We uncover the energy shifts each week through the Moon Cycle and how you will be influenced, along with key themes playing out for the collective.

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Energy Forecast for APRIL 2024 | Slow Down and Breathe

The Energy Forecast, or energy update for April 2024, the Universe is eclipsing the light so you can see the shadows that have been holding you back. We are deep into eclipse season which is when the Universe is trying to align you with your destiny. This is a time to make changes with a clear head and a clear heart. We uncover the energy shifts each week through the Moon Cycle and how you will be influenced, along with key themes playing out for the collective.

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3 Times I Surrendered to the Universe

Surrendering to the Universe is a divine and harmonious union between your masculine and feminine energy. Knowing when to take action and when to flow with trust is how you follow your soul path, creating a life of freedom and fulfillment. In this article I share 3 times I surrendered to the Universe, how it worked out for my highest good, and how this process can make your life more peaceful and enjoyable. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor who works with empaths & intuitive beings who wish to strengthen their intuition and live as light-beings.

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3 Ways My Fear Guided Me into My Dream Life

What is fear actually telling you? Fear is the feeling that stops you in your tracks, telling you not to go in a certain direction. It sparks the fight, flight, fawn and freeze response and it keeps you playing small in life. Fear can often block you from creating changes on your path, whereas in my experience fear has guided me into my dream life. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor who works with empaths & intuitive beings who wish to strengthen their intuition and live as light-beings.

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Energy Forecast for MARCH 2024 | Transform and Unveil Your Gifts

The Energy Forecast, or energy update, for March is all about learning from your past and unveiling your soul gifts. We shift into Aries Season through Spring Equinox which is the beginning of a new cycle. This is a time to wrap up the old by shifting your patterns, and making plans for how you wish to move forward on your soul path. We uncover the energy shifts each week through the Moon Cycle and how you will be influenced, along with key themes playing out for the collective.

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What is Blocking Your Intuition?

Have you ever made a decision for your life and you knew deep down it was the right decision? This is your intuition leading the way. What happens when you stop feeling those intuitive nudges? In this blog I will share 5 ways your intuition is blocked. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor who works with empaths & intuitive beings who wish to strengthen their intuition and live as light-beings.

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5 Lessons I’ve Learned Since My Breakdown

This blog post will bring forward 5 key lessons I’ve learned since my breakdown that have helped me to heal as a human, and expand as a soul. These lessons are reminders for you that you are not alone when the going gets tough and you are struggling to trust in the Universe. As a spiritual mentor and intuitive guide, I’ve experienced the dark night of the soul;  my life’s mission is to support other empath souls in their healing so they can uncover their own light.

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Signs Your Energy is NOT Aligned as a Generator

Knowing your energy type in Human Design is the first step to learning how to live in alignment. You know you’re a Generator, but you don’t know what you are doing wrong. This blog will share 3 signs your energy is not aligned as a Generator and 3 tips on how you can shift your energy to be aligned. Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor who works with empaths & sensitive souls who wish to master their energy and live as light-beings.

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Energy Forecast for FEBRUARY 2024 | Trust In Your Higher Self

The Energy Forecast, or energy update, for February is all about learning to trust your higher self, and healing the shadows that may be blocking the voice of your soul. We shift into Pisces Season which reflects the desire to tune into your inner world and express yourself more. We uncover the energy shifts each week through the Moon Cycle and how you will be influenced, along with key themes playing out for the collective.

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Are You A Lost Soul? The Journey of Finding Yourself

This blog will break down the signs and symptoms of being a lost soul, why you’ve felt this way your entire life, and how to step into your spiritual power through the journey of finding yourself. You find yourself surrounded by darkness, unsure which step to take next, who you really are, or where you are meant go. This blog will offer support, guidance and clarity for your spiritual journey.  Sydney is a Spiritual Mentor who works with empaths & sensitive souls who wish to master their emotions and live as light-beings.

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