3 Ways My Fear Guided Me into My Dream Life


Fear is a funny thing because it tells you what direction not to go in, or it gives you all the reasons why you shouldn’t do something. It’s a feeling within you that triggers the fight, flight, freeze or fawn mode. It’s surprising to look back and see how fear actually guided me into my dream life. 

As a recovering people pleaser and a sensitive soul I’ve spent a good majority of my life focused on how I should take care of everyone else first and I stayed stuck in the limited perspective of how other people viewed me. The resistance I felt in being my full authentic self kept me playing small and ultimately living a life that didn’t fulfill me. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide I’ve learned that my purpose is not about inspiring you and telling you the steps to live your dream life; instead it’s about encouraging you on a path of self-discovery, and showing you how to awaken the voice of your soul. 

How did fear guide me to my dream life?

Why is it important to listen to fear?

What is your fear actually trying to tell you?

This is what I am here to break down in this article, 3 ways my fear guided me into my dream life and why you should be listening to your fear today. 

I was afraid I would feel stuck forever.

The root of my emotional and mental breakdown was that I didn’t like who I had become and my spirit was shaking me up to make a shift in my life. 

I remember sitting in my car for 3 hours, crying on the phone to my mom, with no clear path in sight. I was afraid I would feel stuck in this position forever. 

Looking back I can see what I was actually afraid of, and that’s the known path. Yes, I was afraid of the unknown, but I was more afraid of continuing in the direction I had been heading down. This is because this path led to me feeling stuck in the first place. 

I wasn’t fulfilled, let alone satisfied in life. I was surrounded by toxicity, bullies, and the pressure to follow someone else’s opinions blindly, even when my spirit was screaming at me to break away. 

I’d like to say I contemplated my decisions, weighed my options, and looked at the depth of each choice in front of me before making a shift that would forever impact my life’s journey. But that’s just not the way it went. 

In an instance, I was given an opportunity and jumped at the chance because of the sense of freedom it evoked within me. There were two sides to my fear; the first, fear of the known path and continuing with the toxicity that surrounded me; the second, fear of the unknown path and having zero idea how I’ll figure it all out. In the moment, the fear of the first far outweighed the fear of the second, and that is how I made the biggest decision of my life in an instant. To walk away and begin something new.

How can you tell the difference between fear? When is it time to act?

Many people hide from their fear. You avoid it, push it down and deny it’s really there. This doesn’t mean you don’t feel the fear, what it means is you aren’t willing to further investigate the fear. The emotional weight of fear is so heavy and terrifying that you’d rather look the other way. It doesn’t feel safe to explore the fear itself.

You aren’t alone in this feeling. It’s human nature to stay away from whatever feels unsafe.

The problem with this is that your fear ends up having power over you and your life choices. The next time that same fear pops up it feels even stronger than the first time. This compounds over time and your fear ends up keeping you in a life that feels small, unfulfilling, and purposeless.

This is why inside my group program, Spirit of Air, I guide and support my clients through deciphering between ego thoughts and soul messages. Knowing where your fear is rooted and why it’s holding you back can help you determine when it’s time to act and go beyond the voice of your fear.

Stop letting fear control your life experience. When you are ready to follow your intuition and know the difference between the fear that’s keeping you small and the fear that wants you to expand, the Spirit of Air program will help you simplify the process.

There are so many ways to gain information online, especially knowledge about spirituality with the influx of spiritual teachers. The Spirit of Air program focuses on you becoming your own spiritual teacher. Yes, I provide lessons, practices and tools to guide more purpose and meaning into your life; but really the program is about you tuning into your own knowings, awakening the voice of your soul, and building trust in the feelings and messages you receive.

Keep reading for more on how my fear guided me into my dream life…


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Back to the blog - 3 Ways My Fear Guided Me into My Dream Life

I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to afford to live.

The root of my second rock bottom moment was fearing for my sense of security in life because I could no longer afford walking the path I was on. 

I became an entrepreneur in 2019 and I slowly built my business over the next 3 years while having part time work to support me. In 2022 I moved (for the hundredth time) and decided to commit to my business fully. The issue, I didn’t have the income to make this move with full trust and a sense of stability. I wanted to trust the Universe and the abundance that I was worthy of, but I still had resistance in my beliefs and thought patterns. 

After a year of building more debt, my sense of stability fractured beneath my feet. I remember walking around the subdivision one evening in the late winter, screaming at Creator, begging for it to be over, pleading with my Spirit Guides to shift my experience. 

I was terrified. Fear of lack had overtaken me, and with all the inner work I had done to heal my relationship with money I couldn’t believe where I was standing. Then I sat in silence and asked for support. 

I was afraid of giving up on my dream with my business, and I was afraid of going further into debt. I knew in my heart and soul that I wasn’t ready to give up on my dream. I knew that I didn’t want to stop my work as a spiritual mentor, but I knew something needed to change.

It became clear that I needed to support myself, I needed to support my business, by taking the pressure and stress away. I needed a part-time job. I wasn’t giving up on my dream, I made that clear to myself. I was finding a new way to move forward. 

After this decision, the Universe pieced the next steps together so seamlessly that now I can’t imagine any other way for my path. I got a job in a dream-like way that required minimal effort from me. The positives that came from this shift are endless in my mind, but the most prominent is I was able to leave a city that never felt like home. I’d been desiring to move (again) for 2 years, and by taking this dream job it gave me a reason to move towns.

I find myself in a place that not only feels like home, I’ve also been able to surround myself with like-minded beings, which is something I’ve been dreaming of for a while. I feel more stable financially, working my way out of debt, growing my savings, and now I don’t feel the same pressure around growing my spiritual business. By listening to my fear I was able to create a shift and guide myself to my dream life.

I was afraid of taking up space and being seen fully.

I knew I was carrying a block deep in my subconscious that I wasn’t aware of and it was causing resistance in the growth of my soul-purpose work.  

As I sat in a sacred ceremony with a group of women, our facilitator led us through a breath-work session for healing and awakening. I had never experienced breathwork before, and while the facilitator took us deeper I could feel the resistance emerging within me. 

My ego was saying “no! No! No!” I didn’t want to be there, I didn’t want to go deeper, and I wondered why people enjoyed these kinds of sessions. Everything within me was resisting. The facilitator came over to me, asked how I was doing, with a quick “ok” response, she proceeded to ask how I was feeling, and that gave me the permission I needed to open the flood gates and let myself go beyond the “no” of my ego. 

Fear. A lot of fear was embedded deep in my subconscious. My inner child was terrified of taking up space in the world, she was terrified of being seen fully. The fear of being seen was rooted in believing that someone else’s perception of me matters, and that’s what dictated my worthiness. 

I wasn’t terrified of taking up space. I was terrified of being seen in a negative light. I was terrified that when I took up space it gave more people permission to voice their opinions about me. The more opinions and perspectives in the world about who I was meant the harder it would be to trust myself and believe in myself. 

This fear showed me where I was wounded as a child. This fear gave me the keys to owning my power fully and standing in my authenticity completely. I know that someone else’s opinion of me is only fabricated from their level of perception and knowledge. Nobody can know the depths of my soul, because I am still learning the depths of my soul. I took my power back by acknowledging that me taking up space in the world is only giving me more authority over my own life. 

I’m still moving through this one, as I awakened the fear more recently than the others. I know by seeing this fear and understanding it fully, I will guide myself forwards into my dream life. 

Why is it important to listen to your fear?

Your fears are directly connected to your desires. Your soul wants you to grow beyond your comfort zone, whereas your fear is trying to keep you safe from something. Your fear believes that thing will be the death of you, and when you learn to stretch your comfort zone you show yourself that you are more resilient than you believed. 

The more you avoid listening to your fear, or you deny the voice of fear within you, the more power it will hold over you. Eventually dropping whatever you are afraid of from your conscious mind into your subconscious mind, leading you to be controlled by something you aren’t even aware of. 

I’m not saying go in the opposite direction of your fear always. What I am trying to show you is that the voice of your fear is most likely coming from a direction of not feeling worthy in creating the change your soul truly desires. By comforting and nurturing yourself in the spaces where you are most afraid, you begin to awaken the voice of your soul more deeply. 

This is exactly why I continue to support my clients inside the Spirit of Air group program and my Spirit of the Empath Mentoring program by working through their fears. Walking this path on your own can be challenging, and you can feel blinded by your fears at times. Yet, I know from my own experiences, when we venture through our fears we come out stronger, braver, and more willing to trust our intuitive nudges urging us forwards. 

You are worthy of the life you dream of, no matter how your fear is trying to tell you otherwise. What you are most afraid of right now might be holding a hidden message that has been trying to guide you forwards. Slow down, listen closely, and feel your Spirit calling on you. 

It can be scary, hard and overwhelming to walk the path of your fears. Yet, when you do you are able to bring more peace, fulfillment and empowerment into your life. I will bring ease and comfort to you through this part of your journey. The sacred space of Spirit of Air will invoke the healing, confidence and peace you’ve been desiring.

Are you ready to let go of the weight of your fears? Are you ready to awaken the voice of your soul? Join my group program Spirit of Air to strengthen your intuition, move beyond your fears, and trust the Universal Path for you. 

Until next time, forever holding space for your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness