Who Am I? 3 Moments in my Life that Impacted Who I am Today

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Today I wanted to let you in on a little bit more of me and my story. So here I am sharing 3 moments in my life that have a huge impact on who I am today and the life I have lived. 

One - Did you know I wanted to be an actress?

When I was in high school I spent the majority of my time in the drama department. I loved getting in front of the audience and putting on a show. I loved the community I felt from all the students in different grades coming together to put on a school musical. I was an extrovert and loved telling a good story and seeing all the faces around me captivated by what I was saying. 

I thought this is what I would do. I would be an actress. 

But there was something that was holding me back. I actually wasn’t good at acting. I wasn’t good at portraying a character in a play. It broke me down every time I auditioned for a play and I never got a call-back. I kept thinking next time they’ll see how good I am. 

But in reality I wasn’t good. It took me awhile to come to terms with this fact, but eventually I realized that just because I really enjoy something doesn’t necessarily mean I will be good at it, and that is ok. I was able to let go and move on from this period of my life because it had nothing to do with who I was as a person, people still enjoyed listening to my stories and I could still captivate an audience. I didn’t need to put on a mask and become someone else for people to love me or connect with me, but actually they connected with me and loved me because I shared myself, who I really am. 

I took my passion for sharing stories and being in front of an audience and turned it into sharing my truth, my story, and connecting to others who want to transform their life. 

Two - I have always loved nature and being outdoors. 

I went to sleep-away camp when I was a kid, started when I was 10 and attended every summer until I worked as a counsellor at 17. Through those years I allowed camp to become my second home, feeling just as safe in a canvas tent with 4 other kids my age sleeping beside me surrounded by 250 acres of forest, a private lake, and all the nature and wildlife that comes with it. 

Whenever I am in nature I am able to connect back to the child within me and all those years playing in the forest and creating our own fun out of nothing. I believe all those years at camp has helped me today to understand the beauty of nature and the positives of disconnecting from society every once and awhile and connecting back to nature.

Now, I am sharing the healing power of nature with others, and reminding you to disconnect from society every once and awhile in order to connect to a place of peace and calm in nature. 

Three - When I was younger I had a hard time expressing my emotions and being vulnerable. 

I am a sensitive soul who has experienced a lot of emotions, some good and some bad. I spent a good majority of my life trying to avoid confrontation or situations with high energy and negative emotions. I remember once asking my uncle, who I worked for at the time, if I could go home early because I was sick and I started crying. I experienced emotions so strongly that I easily cried if I was upset, anger, frustrated, or even just sick. 

I didn’t know how to process these emotions and I didn’t feel comfortable talking about them so I used writing as a way to let out my deepest emotions. This is when I started journalling and writing short stories, or poems to process how I was feeling. 

Now I am at a place where I can understand and process my emotions many different ways because my younger self knew that I couldn’t keep it all bottled up inside. At the time I found a way that worked for me to be able to work through those times. 

Again, these are just a couple of the moments in my life that have impacted who I am today. I wanted to share these because I think the give a good look into how I came to be the person I am today. Of course there were many, and I mean MANY, life lessons in there as well but these three moments are a huge part of me. 

I love talking to people, sharing my story, and engaging a group of people to think and reflect on life. 

I can heal myself and find my power when I am in nature. This is how I can come back to a place of peace whenever I am experiencing turmoil in life. 

I am an emotional person and from a young age I have had to learn how to understand and process these emotions in order to not let them control me. 

I’d love to hear some pivotal moments in your life that have helped to create who you are today? Willing to share some of your life lessons? Let me know in the comments!

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