Journal Entries to Create a Positive Mindset when Experiencing Challenges

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Everything in life might not be fine and that’s ok. We go through tough shit. I believe everything happens for a reason, but sometimes the universe sets challenges, heart ache, pain and suffering in our path and we don’t learn the reason until much later. So how do we move through this period with only the knowledge of ‘the reason will come eventually’. 

We need to stop washing over these situations or trying to bury the emotions deep down never to be dealt with. We are told to put on a brave face, find some courage and push through. 

I am here to tell all of you that this is actually the wrong way!

Yes, having a positive headspace and mindset to live in makes life much easier. But this doesn’t come about by just pushing all the negativity or challenges to the side. In order to get back to a positive mindset we need to properly move through and release said challenges, heart ache, pain and suffering. 

A great mental health practice that will help you to process these challenging times from an outside perspective is being completely open, honest and vulnerable with yourself through journaling. When we take a blank piece of paper and write out our truest thoughts and emotions we can process them much easier. After we are open with ourselves and what we are experiencing it can become a lot easier to release these emotions. If we were to bottle the emotions up and bury them deep within us they one day will come back to haunt us and it’s always when we least expect it, or at the worst possible time. 

Why not become in-control of your mind and choose when to process these emotions all on your own in order to truly move forward in life?

So how can we process these emotions and move through this challenging time? Here are some journal prompts that you can use in your mental health practice.


#1 How do you feel in this moment? List every emotion you feel.

  • sad, angry, frustrated, anxious, stressed, hurt, resentment, guilt, fear, self-doubt, annoyed, discouraged, lonely, insecure etc.

#2 What caused you to feel this way? Write out the situation fully, how the actions of others affected you, how your actions have affected the situation. 

#3 What can you change moving forward? Write out all the changes that could help you, whether its changes you can make, the other person can make, or how you change your outlook on the situation.

  • Tell the person you didn’t appreciate the way the situation unfolded

  • If this is reoccurring then change who you spend time with

  • If you cannot change your actions or the actions of the other person (which can only happen if the other person is willing to change), then change your outlook (i.e. this situation does no service to me so I am choosing to move forward while taking the lessons with me)

#4 How can you find support through moving forward? Is there someone who can help you move forward? Is there a community where you feel safe? Can you call on the universe to help support you? Can you support yourself in making the best decisions for you?

#5 How can you move forward? Write out the moments/thoughts/emotions you wish to release from this situation that no longer serve you. 

#6 Connect to positive uplifting quotes, thoughts, and wisdom that will help you to move forward. Write down words that make you feel inspired. 

#7 Write down your goals and desires for life on how you want to act, how you wish to be treated by others, and what you want to be surrounded by. 

  • This can include affirmations, manifestations and intentions for your life

  • For example: I am enough; I am supported through life; I connect to people who love me and have my best interest at heart; I am growing through my emotions and thoughts; I am open to learning as I am surrounded by positive people and positive situations; I am surrounded by abundance and prosperity through love and support

Remember this is for your own personal growth journey and will only work if you take the time and effort to allow yourself the space to grow. These tips will help you heal and grow and connect back to a positive mindset, rather than just hiding from your past trauma which can come back and affect you at any time. 

By allowing yourself to grow through this difficult situation you are creating a precedence for your life that you have the strength and courage to get through anything difficult with the love and support of the universe guiding you in the right direction. 

We all experience challenges, heart break, pain and suffering in life; it’s how we heal and grow through those times that allows us to truly evolve and become better versions of ourselves. 

I hope this blog finds you at the right time in order for you to heal and grow through the challenges you are facing. Are you looking for more guidance than just a few journal prompts? Sign up for my email subscription to not miss out on any other knowledge or wisdom I have to share on mental health and personal growth. Or send me a message if you are interested in some one-on-one mentoring in your life. 


This Guidebook will support you throughout the next year & beyond. If you are ready to step into your next level & truly become the best version of yourself then this is the Guidebook for YOU!

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