What’s worse self doubt and limiting beliefs OR no motivation and procrastination?

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In life sometimes we hit these lulls where we can’t bring ourselves to do the work, whether it’s for school, our jobs, our family, our partners, or even ourselves. There are many different ways we can experience these lulls, but for today we are going to discuss the difference between self doubt and limiting beliefs versus no motivation and procrastination. It’s important to look at the mental health affects that take place with both of these situations and how we can grow and get passed these moments. 

To start, maybe we are experiencing a moment where we just aren’t motivated to put the work in, or we are finding every way to procrastinate possible. 

This can affect us energetically because as we hold on to this idea of procrastination we start to hold negative thoughts around the work we need to do. These thoughts can be ‘the work isn’t important enough to be finished’ or ‘there are other things better worth my time and energy’ or ‘I have a fear of how I can possibly complete this work’. Whether we realize it or not these are the thoughts we are putting out to the universe when we procrastinate. When we hold onto these thoughts we are telling the universe and ourselves that this particular work or job will not be successful and we do not have the knowledge or experience to complete it properly. These become our excuses which in turn breeds more negativity into our minds. 

Procrastination and no motivation is not just a simple action or lack there of because it has greater affects on us and our lives than we realize sometimes. Usually we blame our procrastination on low motivation when instead we need to learn how to change our mindset around that low motivation. 

So how do we get passed those moments of low motivation? We will get to that later… 

First, how does self doubt and limiting beliefs affect our work and home life?

When we start thinking negatively about ourselves we create a bowling ball affect on our lives. These thoughts can bring forward so many other ego driven fears surrounding failure, unworthiness, and inability. If you believe in the law of attraction then you can start to see how self doubt puts out that negative energy to the universe and is basically asking for more of it in your life. 

This definitely affects us energetically and mentally because we are stuck in this negative mindset where we are lacking self-love, confidence and the feeling of being supported through life. Our limiting beliefs are trying to tell us that we are not enough, not good enough, not strong enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, just not enough. 

As much as no motivation and procrastination are tough on us I believe it is much easier to change your mindset around motivation than it is to step out of self doubt and limiting beliefs. 

When it comes to no motivation and procrastination we have to find a way to trick our minds into believing we are procrastinating while reminding ourselves why it’s important to do this specific job. Next time you are experiencing low motivation try this step-by-step process to move out of this mindset.

Step 1: Set a timer for yourself for 5-10 minutes (depending on how long you truly need) and do something that is not related to the job that needs to get done, it needs to be productive or helpful in some way. This is not a time to browse social media.

  • Go for a quick walk (GREAT for clearing your mind!)

  • Do some laundry or a chore around the house (Again, some mindfulness tasks)

  • Read a chapter of your book

  • Watch an educational video

Now it’s time to get to business and remind yourself why getting this job done is important.

Step 2: Write a to-do list of everything that needs to be completed for this specific job.
Step 3: Write out what will happen when this job is finished. What is the reason for this job?

  • If it’s for work maybe you will get a new client.

  • If it’s personal maybe you are healing from your past.

  • If it’s house related maybe you want to create a clean/positive living space for your family.

Step 4: Write out how you will feel when this job is completed.

  • Successful

  • Joyous

  • Proud

Step 5: Picture yourself finishing the job and say out loud to yourself three times:

  • I can do anything I set my mind to.

  • I love the feeling of completing this job successfully.

  • I am motivated & energized to do the work.

By affirming these intentions to yourself and the universe you are creating a positive mindset to do the work that is on your list. Once you complete this step by step process you need to begin your work by setting an alarm for 30 minutes. After the timer is up take a 5 minute break to use the washroom, eat or drink something, and reaffirm the sentences from step 5. Then work again for 30 minutes. Continue this pattern until the job is done.

This is a great practice for those days when we just are not motivated, but what about those times when we are experiencing self doubt and other limiting beliefs?

This is usually something we hold a little deeper within us and it can take more time to step out of this negative mindset. These beliefs can come from trauma we have experienced in our past, or even a belief system that has been passed down through generations in our family, or it can just be a moment of weakness where we let ego take over. Either way we need to work through letting go of these beliefs and stepping back into self-love and support. 

There are a few different practices that can help in this situation and it’s important to find what resonates with you. 

Here is my go-to list of mental & spiritual health practices to step away from self doubt and limiting beliefs:

#1 Guided meditations for releasing (try my free one here)

  • Meditations help to clear your mind and allows for the releasing and healing to happen energetically through your entire being. This is a great practice even for beginners because all you are required to do is listen to the person guiding you and try to picture what they are saying. Even if it is hard to use your imagination to see what they are describing just follow their voice and focus on the prompts.

#2 Tapping sequence (Nick Ortner)

  • This focuses on where you feel the lack and those limiting beliefs you hold within you and through tapping your fingers on specific focal points on yourself combined with strong, confident, affirmations of support and love you are able to step away from those limiting beliefs. This practice helps to break free from self doubt and allows you to tap into your inner strength and confidence.

#3 Journal Prompts (try my free 21 day workbook here)

  • This is a great practice to move through the negative emotions and thoughts and understand where they are coming from. Once you can understand or even just acknowledge they are there it becomes easier to step away from them.

It’s important to remember in this practice of leaving self doubt behind that you are the maker of your life. Sometimes our mind plays tricks on us and we need to challenge our minds to see a different light. Our minds are our strongest muscle, so challenge it, strength it and let it rest and heal when needed. 

Next time you are experiencing low motivation or self doubt I hope you come back to these mental and spiritual health practices to help yourself grow and learn through life. 

Have questions or want to see more of what I offer?

Check out my free Facebook group Shifting Forward where I offer free card readings, intuitive messages and all my thoughts, strategies & tools on personal growth, health & wellness, balance, mindfulness and mental and spiritual health. 

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