Practices to Disconnect from Stress

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Stress can affect our energy levels, our mindsets, our emotions and so much more. We can easily pick up stress from all sorts of situations and people. It’s our job to learn how to disconnect from stress and include these practices on a daily basis in order to connect back to peace and joy. 

So, what are some of the best practices for disconnecting from stress?

This is what I have found works for me. 

Have a Bath or Shower

Physically washing away the negative energy works so well. When you are washing yourself visualize the water washing away any negativity or dark energy that you’ve been holding onto. 

Controlled Breathing Exercise

Taking a deep breath can physically calm you down and release tension that you are holding onto. Do a minimum of 5 rounds of inhaling for 5 seconds and exhaling for 5 seconds. 

Get Outside

Nature has strong healing energy that can help you release stress & come back to peace. When you plan to head out into nature it’s important to not let your mind stay focused on all that is stressing you. Take the time to notice your surroundings, feel the breeze move through you, listen to the sounds that surround you, and all yourself to feel grounded in the moment to Mother Earth. 


Listening to a guided meditation or spending time on your own practicing quieting your mind will help you disconnect from any stress you’ve been holding on to. There are so many meditations that can help you, so find one that you resonate with and allows you to disconnect from any distractions. I have a couple free meditations here for you to download. 

Call on Archangel Michael

We need to remember that asking for help is allowed, especially if we are feeling overwhelmed. Call in any archangels, ascended masters, angels and God to come in an take your worries and cares for you so you can connect back to peace. 

Give Yourself Time

Often stress comes from a fear of not having enough time and a constantly growing to do list. It’s important to remember that you will never get through that to do list when you are filled with stress. It’s also important to remember that there is only so much time in a day and you NEED time to rest and heal. Self care should NOT be the last thing on your to do list. It’s the same as when you get on a plane and the flight attendants tell you in case of emergency to put your own oxygen mask on before assisting anyone else. You need to assist yourself through life  otherwise you will not have the ability to get anything done on the to do list. So give yourself time to just be and to rest and relax. 

Disconnecting from stress doesn’t mean pouring yourself a glass of wine and turning the TV on. Yes, that can help in some instances, but usually it just masks your stress so when you go to start the next day you are still carrying the stress from yesterday. Pouring the glass of wine can be a way for you to relax AFTER you’ve done a practice to disconnect from the stress. 

Remember, it’s your choice. Do you want to continue carrying and holding on to that stress? Or would you rather disconnect and find peace once again?

Stop putting yourself on the back burner and start building up your daily practices to increase your mental & spiritual wellness each and every day. 

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