Energy Update for May 10th - 16th | INTENTIONS, PASSIONS, INSTINCTS
Life comes with many surprises and as much as we hope for the good surprises, more often we are fearing and worrying about the bad surprises that will happen.
You want to be able to enjoy life. Yet, more often than not, you are stressing about all the things you need to do.
You want to be able to receive love & support from those in your life. Yet, more often than not, you are judging yourself and doubting your own abilities.
You want to be able to help people by guiding them back to joy & peace. Yet, more often than not, you feel overwhelmed by their stress and frustrations.
When something difficult happens in your life you try to run away so as to not feel the heaviness of those emotions. The next time a challenge pops up you do the same thing again, run away. What if you took a good hard look at what was causing your exhaustion and overwhelm? Then you would be able to stand in your power, protect yourself and create the change necessary for that challenge to not lead you to burn out.
This is exactly what I am teaching in my newest Masterclass Event - 4 Steps to High Vibes - which takes place on Thursday, May 13th, 2021.
As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I have had to challenge myself and my clients to step out of our comfort zones and be willing to try things differently. We want more for ourselves and our lives. More peace. More joy. More love. More connection. More success. Yet so often we aren’t willing to do things differently to create the more we desire. We get stuck in the same patterns day in and day out. These patterns lead us to experience the same cycle over and over again.
This week’s Self Reflection and Energy Update is encouraging us to create change in our lives so we can learn and grow to experience more of what we desire.
This week we shift into the New Moon phase which is literally a time for new beginnings and a fresh start. In order for YOU to take advantage of this fresh start you need to be ready to try something different. You waste your fresh start when you choose to live the same way you’ve already been living.
My self reflection from this past week leads me to explain exactly HOW I am choosing to live differently. For the full story check out this week’s episode of my podcast, Carrying Connected Conversations. Episode 68 - Dating 101 with Syd.
I’ve always lived a very independent life and not because I’ve wanted to be on my own, but actually because I’ve been extremely afraid of stepping out of my comfort zone.
There have been a lot of blessings that have come from my independence and I wouldn’t change it for the world. Yet, I find myself in my 30’s realizing that I don’t want to be alone forever. I know that I can be in a romantic, loving relationship and still have independence.
So, how do I create that for myself?
One of the biggest reasons WHY I’ve been comfortable with my independence is because I have been TERRIFIED of how a man will perceive me in a romantic relationship. I’ve always been insecure when it comes to opening myself up and sharing my heart and soul in a vulnerable setting.
Those of you who are new to my life might be thinking “really? Sydney, afraid to be vulnerable, that can’t be.” Over the last 3 years I’ve had to learn how to open myself up more, sharing what’s weighing on me, talking about my fears and worries out loud, and expressing my emotions while I am in them.
I’ve always closed this part of me off to the outside world, and in my life only a select few would be given the opportunity to see who I am to my core and how I carry myself.
2 weeks ago I started online dating.
It’s been a hilarious experience so far and I am extremely proud of myself for being so open and vulnerable right away. I’m not hiding myself away anymore. I am going to share myself fully and if it’s too much for you then you know where the door is.
This self-confidence hasn’t always been the way for me.
“At this phase of my life I am tired of waiting for what I desire. So, I am choosing to stand up courageously and ask for what I want. I’m learning more about myself every day and the most exciting part for me… the MOTIVATION far outweighs the FEAR & WORRY. ”
I learnt which part of my journey was creating the low vibrational energy that left fear controlling my decisions. Now I am actively creating the high vibrational energy that allows me to take inspired, aligned action on my path. I feel on top of the world and I am so excited for where this path will lead me.
How does this affect you? Let’s jump into the Weekly Energy Update.
Don’t go anywhere…
2021 Guidebook
For the person who desires more peace, more joy, more clarity, more connection, more love and more self-confidence to reach their biggest dreams.
Intuitive Soul Reading
For the person questioning something about their life and desiring clear answers. Your reading will provide support, guidance, and clarity for the direction you need to take.
Soulful Solo Session
For the person who is lost and overwhelmed and needs support. You will leave the session knowing exactly what the problem is; what steps come next; and you’ll gain courage and confidence to move forward to a resolution.
If you are on this journey and desire more guidance check out the Personal Growth Blog , join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.
If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.
As I connect to the Divine Universe and psychically channel the messages for this next week my intention is to give you clear and tactical advice so you can create a week of ease and grace.
My psychic abilities are not intended to tell you what your future will be, but instead to encourage you to stand in your power and to actively create the life of your dreams right now!
This week the moon is shifting into the New Moon phase, which as I said earlier, is a time for new beginnings and a fresh start. This is the perfect time to look at what you desire for your life and to set clear intentions for yourself and your month. These intentions are not about speaking to the Divine Universe and saying “bring this to me now!” It’s actually about knowing where you can take inspired and aligned action in your life so you can enjoy each moment.
For instance, my intentions this month are as follows:
I intend to add value to the lives of others in all that I do.
I intend to check in with my gut before making any decisions.
I intend to create enjoyment for myself every day by creating moments to fill my own cup.
I intend to protect my energy so I can stay in my own high vibes.
I intend to trust the Divine Universe as I call in abundance and blessings into my life.
I intend to stay grounded and carry peace with me through all my actions.
Intentions are accountable steps you can take in order to create your desires right now. What are your intentions for this next month? What do you desire to experience? How can you keep yourself accountable in creating those experiences?
As I ask the Divine Universe “what does the collective need to know for this week?” we received 2 main messages to carry us through.
Have you taken the time recently to actually uncover WHAT you desire for yourself and your life? If you are dreaming of more, then you need to know what desires your dreams are attached to.
We often believe that having dreams for our future is all about working our butts off until we reach the end result of our dreams. Yes, it’s good to have goals that you are working towards, but life is happening right now. If you aren’t enjoying the process as you work towards those goals then you are wasting your life away.
Knowing your truest desires means you can create those feelings right now. Fire Guardian is reminding you that following your passions literally means enjoying the process as you work towards your dreams and goals. When you are passionate about something it means your heart & soul are excited and motivated in taking action right now.
When you diminish your passions and follow what your mind says you are pouring water on the fire inside your spirit. This week you are being asked to start working on your passions and igniting the fire within. This will always inspire you to keep going, keep creating, keep enjoying and keep living!
This message is literally saying, listen to your heart & soul and trust where they are guiding you. We get so caught up in what our mind says and the logic behind our decisions that we end up creating a life we do NOT enjoy. Your mind drives your worries, doubts and fears to be in control of how you live your life. Your heart & soul drives your inspiration and motivation to be in control of the action you take in life.
The Trust Your Instincts message says, you don’t have to follow societal norms to be happy. When you listen to that gut knowing within you will always follow the path you are meant to be on.
You are here living a life for you. Stop letting everyone else tell you how you should live that life. Start listening to the passion within and the instinctual pull of your heart & soul. Do you want to live a life of enjoyment, fulfillment, and satisfaction? You will only feel these emotions when you follow the voice of your inner spirit.
Enjoyment to you is going to look different than it does for me. Same with fulfillment and satisfaction. So, if you follow my path towards enjoyment then you may never reach it. Your heart & soul tells you what you enjoy.
Always follow your instincts.
Always ignite your passions.
Set your intentions and trust yourself as you create positive change in your life.
Are you ready to walk away from the low vibrational energy of stress, exhaustion and overwhelm?
Are you ready to know exactly HOW to create the high vibrational energy of inspiration, motivation, success, and fulfillment?
Sign up for the 4 Steps to High Vibes Masterclass Event! You will walk away knowing exactly HOW to create a life you love living!
Don’t wait - the Masterclass takes place Thurs. May 13th 2021.
There are so many more Masterclass Events coming out over the next few months. If you are ready to learn more on your spiritual journey so you can trust your intuition, protect your energy and more, then check out the Full Masterclass Series!
I’m so excited to lead you in creating a life YOU LOVE!
Until next time, sending you love & light for each step in your journey,
Sydney Smith
Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness
Are you dealing with a past trauma?
Are you needing help finding your way?
Are you determined not to make the same mistakes again?
Having Sydney as your mentor guarantees you’ll heal and build the life of your dreams.
I look forward to hearing how this week’s Self-Reflection and Energy Update has impacted and supports you! Send me a message, leave a comment below or join my free community on Facebook, Shifting Forward, so we can connect in a new way! You can find the link here.
This is where you can always find me sharing more about mental, emotional & spiritual wellness.
Are you wishing for clarity and direction in your life without having to tell your whole story? An Intuitive Soul Reading is perfect for you. Absolutely every part of your life stays private to YOU, yet you receive exactly the guidance you need to take your first steps.
If this Energy Update resonates with you and you are ready to receive more direct and personal guidance for your life, then book an Intuitive Soul Reading today. You can find all the details at the link below.