How to Manifest Your Dream Life
Gather your notebook and pen, we are going to be talking all about manifesting mantras, journal prompts to learn and grow, how energy and emotions affect your manifestations, what are high vibes and low vibes, and lastly how to create balance between your desires and priorities.
I am going to lead you to better understand HOW TO MANIFEST YOUR DREAM LIFE.
You want more for your life. You have big dreams and you are ready to live those dreams ASAP. You believe in the possibility of more, yet you have no idea HOW to get there. You are ready to live a life you LOVE, and you feel lost and disconnected along the journey of getting there.
What is manifesting? It is the process of bringing your vision, your non-physical desires & dreams into the physical reality that you live in.
Why is manifesting popular? You are inspired and empowered when you see someone else receive their desires in the present moment. Manifesting is the tool they say they used to bring their dreams to fruition, and you are excited to try it out. Manifesting is something EVERYONE can do, it brings the seemingly impossible into the realm of possibility.
As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I often hear the question “how do I manifest my dreams into reality?” and today I want to break down 5 things you need to know to manifest your dream life.
1 Manifesting Mantras
EVERYONE hears that if you want to manifest you MUST use manifesting mantras.
What are Manifesting Mantras? A sentence or phrase focused on your specific dream or desire, and stating it as if it’s already reality in this present moment.
Example of Manifesting Mantras:
I am abundant in all phases of my life. The Universe provides for me in all ways.
My success is inevitable because I decided.
Money is an unlimited resource and always comes into my life.
I am living a happy life with my soulmate. We are surrounded by love & support as we create our dream life.
The idea of manifesting mantras is to switch your beliefs, the thoughts on repeat in your mind, that doubt in your dreams. It’s about letting go of the limiting belief that is holding you back from trusting in your manifestations. By repeating these manifesting mantras over and over, eventually they become your new belief system.
Now, it’s not as easy as repeating the manifesting mantra in your mind 1,000 times for it to come true. Yes, repetition can help and it’s better than not using manifesting mantras at all. BUT, if you are saying the mantra and in your heart you are second-guessing it then it’s not going to work as quickly as you desire.
“Manifesting Mantras are more potent when you are in HIGH VIBES and your energy behind the mantra is one of complete faith and trust. ”
Let’s dig into the other 4 things you need to know in order to manifest your dream life, so this can make better sense.
2 Journal Prompts
Journal prompts are an amazing tool to use to learn from your past trauma, grow with life's lessons, heal any old behaviours, habits or beliefs that are limiting you and so much more.
When you have the right journal prompts you can uncover almost all the answers that you’ve been looking for.
Personal Development & Spiritual Growth
A Guidebook for Connection
For the person who desires more peace, more joy, more clarity, more connection, more love and more self-confidence to reach their biggest dreams.
Intuitive Soul Reading
For the person questioning something about their life and desiring clear answers. Your reading will provide support, guidance, and clarity for the direction you need to take.
Soulful Solo Session
For the person who is lost and overwhelmed and needs support. You will leave the session knowing exactly what the problem is; what steps come next; and you’ll gain courage and confidence to move forward to a resolution.
If you are on this journey and desire more guidance check out the Personal Growth Blog , join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.
If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.
Back to the blog - HOW TO Manifest Your Dream Life
What are journal prompts? They are posed questions to guide you in better understanding who you are, why you are here and what you are here to do. Journal prompts can be supportive in helping you figure out why you feel stuck or lost. They can point you in the right direction to create whatever you desire in your life. Journal prompts are one of the BEST personal development and spiritual growth tools you can use.
We easily get clouded by other people's opinions and thoughts. We judge ourselves based on our past experiences or in comparison to how other people are living. We limit ourselves in what we are capable of doing because of the conditioning that’s been instilled on us as children/young adults growing up in a challenging and harsh world.
Back in the manifesting mantra section I spoke about second guessing your desires and your ability to achieve them, as well as the limiting beliefs and thoughts you carry that say “it’s impossible”. Journal prompts can help you find the root of these beliefs so you understand where they are coming from. When you are aware of what goes on in your mind you have more power to change the heavy, harsh thoughts into light, uplifting and supportive thoughts.
We are always wanting external validation in life. We want others to tell us we are smart, beautiful, capable, worthy, and the biggest, brightest star there is in the world.
Why do we have to wait for someone else to tell us these beautiful, supportive words?
If the only validation you seek is external then you are holding yourself back in so many ways!
Internal validation is when you create a judgment free space in your mind to flow through your emotions, thoughts, and actions. You can create internal validation in each moment of your day, which will allow you to feel supported in creating your dream life.
How does this tie into journal prompts? When you have the right prompts to guide you in your journaling you can better understand yourself in order to create that judgment free space. Rather than waiting for someone to tell you that you’re the biggest, brightest star it’s time for you to believe it and remind yourself.
You are a miracle.
We are all miracles in our own way.
When you can fully believe in your abilities you can trust in the possibility of your dream life coming true.
When you question your ability and HOW your dreams will come to fruition you create blocks and limitations that resist your dream life.
Example of journal prompts that can help you manifest your dream life:
Why are you afraid of taking action outside of your comfort zone?
What emotions do you want to experience when all your dreams come true?
What thoughts pop into your mind daily that resist your dreams?
What do you really think when it comes to achieving your dreams?
If your dreams came true today, what would it look like, feel like, and who would be by your side?
What action steps can you take right now to create your dreams?
Why do you think you haven’t reached your dreams yet?
Why are your dreams possible?
These types of questions are meant to bring more awareness into your life. If you understand your thoughts you have the power to change them when they limit you. If you aren’t aware of what is going on in your mind then it becomes difficult to find the resistance as to why your dreams aren’t coming true.
Journal prompts are not meant for you to sit and judge yourself when the answers become clear. Again, it’s to build awareness so you can create change in order to support yourself moving forward.
It doesn’t stop there, you need to understand your energy and emotions in order to manifest your dream life.
Your thoughts, actions, beliefs & environment makes up the energy you carry. Your emotions also impact your energy.
Energy is not only about needing sleep or needing to eat something so you feel more energized. We need to pay attention to how our thoughts make us feel; supportive and uplifting thoughts give you inspiration and motivation. Meanwhile, judgmental and doubtful thoughts leave you feeling discouraged and worried.
Also, paying attention to our actions. If you are completing a task because you feel like you should be doing it, then you are carrying resentment, bitterness, anger or frustration with you. This is going to impact how you move through the action and the results of the action.
If your beliefs are that you don’t deserve something, or you don’t have the education to back you up, or you couldn’t possibly achieve what you desire, then the energy you carry is again going to to be unsupportive. It will lead you to feeling drained, exhausted, overwhelmed and burnt out.
Lastly, your environment has a massive impact on the energy you carry. You are easily influenced by the people around you, the situation you’re experiencing and the physical space you’re in. If there is toxicity, constant complaining, drama and judgment, it will affect your energy. If your space is cluttered and dirty it can leave you feeling unmotivated, uninspired and frustrated.
In order to manifest your dream life you need to be in the SAME ENERGY today as if your dreams were your current reality. How can you do this? We dream because we want something different than what we currently have.
Your emotions are how you experience life. No matter what is happening outside of you, you can create ANY emotion you desire to feel. Often our thoughts lead us to judging and placing blame on our past experiences, or fearful and worried about our future outcome. This means the emotions and energy you are experiencing in this present moment are heavy, harsh and unsupportive.
We can’t change the past. We can’t live in the future.
By learning about your emotions here in the present you can live a life you enjoy right now. You have to be willing to live differently in order to create the enjoyment you desire.
By being in this light, uplifting and supportive energy your manifestations move into the realm of possibility and it’s easier for you to believe they will come true!
Energy and emotions help you to understand high or low vibes.
The vibration or energetic frequency you live in can either repel your dreams and desires or attract them.
Visualize a time in your life where you achieved an accomplishment and you were celebrating. Did you feel on top of the world?
Visualize a time in your life where you were truly disappointed and angry at how things unfolded. Did you feel like you were stuck in a black hole unable to see the light?
This gives you a great view into high vibrations versus low vibrations. We can’t see the energetic frequency we are in, but we certainly can feel the difference between low and high vibes.
When you are in a low vibration you attract more low vibrational energies. For example if you are always complaining about your life, you will attract other people who also complain and vent about their life.
When you are in a high vibration you attract anything that vibrates at the same high frequency. For example if you are excited about what you are creating and you are inspired as you follow your passions in life, you will attract blessings, abundance and people that bring more inspiration and excitement into your life.
Low vibes = stress, overwhelm, exhaustion, anger, resentment, etc.
High vibes = excitement, inspiration, purpose, bliss, serenity etc.
Take some time to journal through what low vibes look and feel like to you in your life. Then do the same for high vibes. Understanding what it means to you and how it feels in your life allows you to more easily recognize when you are in low vibes and what you can do to create high vibes. Remember, no judgment when in the low vibes, become aware of where you are and choose to act differently to create the high vibes.
Do you want to learn more about creating High Vibes in your life? Sign up for my Masterclass Event 4 Steps to High Vibes.
This brings us to the last thing you need to know to manifest your dream life.
What is the difference between your desires and your priorities in life?? Journal it out. Be real with yourself. What do you desire? What is your priority on a daily basis? Look at your habits and behaviours, whether you intentionally do something or you get caught in the addictive repetition of a habit.
You want to manifest your dream life right?!
Better yet, you want to live a life of your dreams right now!
Are your current desires connected to the dream life you want to live?
Are your current priorities on a daily basis connected to your desires?
You need to stop waiting for something outside of you to change so you can live your dream life.
You need to be willing to do the work to create your dreams right now.
How do you do this? Well you take your desires and you MAKE THEM A PRIORITY.
If your priorities are not connected to your desires then you can do ALL the manifesting you want, but your dream life will never unfold in the way you desire.
What you do today affects how you will live in a year's time, even 5 years' time.
You hold the key to living your dream life. You have the power to create whatever you desire. You are worthy of living a life you love!
Manifesting your dream life isn’t about checking things off the to-do list. It’s about being intentional with how you live today. It’s about BEING in the moment and creating joy right now. The more joy, love, peace, excitement, etc. you can experience today, the closer you are to living a life of your dreams!
Are you ready to surround yourself with a supportive community on your journey of manifesting your dream life? Join my FREE spiritual community on Facebook.
Is it time for you to create more peace & joy in your life on a regular basis? Join the Meditation Membership where you will create more love, more success, more faith, more connection, more confidence, and more joy in a loving, supportive community of like-minded beings.
I’m over here cheering you on as you MANIFEST YOUR DREAM LIFE into your current reality!
Until next time, I send love & light to you on your journey of creating your dream life,
Sydney Smith
Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness
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