Energy Update for March 22nd-28th | Take Action

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Today is a day where I choose myself.

The reason I began this journey over 2 years ago was because I wanted to do something for myself, I desired to live fully for myself. There have been many lessons and challenges along the journey, but the most important lesson that I keep coming back to is: this present moment is the perfect moment to live for me. What does this really mean? Well, that is why I am here writing to you today. In this new weekly series I will be sharing a life update on my past week, which can include anything from what I am learning or healing to what I am celebrating or laughing about. That’s not all… I also want to take a moment to give YOU a quick glance into the energy that surrounds us as we move through this next week. An Energy Update so to speak. As a psychic, medium and intuitive guide I will be channeling the guidance & energy from the Divine Universe so we can all create deeper connections in our own lives. This is a great opportunity for you to take a look at what might be coming so you can be intentional and grounded as you move through the next seven days. Whenever you are reading this, there is a reason you were brought here. The timeline does not matter, take a moment to connect to yourself, listen to the words I speak and as always, take what resonates and leave the rest. Are you ready? Let’s dive in.

Weekly Reflection

Searching for My Soul

On the day of Spring Equinox (2 days ago from writing this now) I travelled from Calgary, Alberta (Canada) to Kelowna, British Columbia. I drove through the mountains and forests, past the rivers and lakes, from one valley to the next. I left the city to find myself along the journey. It is in connection with Mother Earth that I can clearly hear my soul speak loudly again. For I dimmed her voice for too long. I drowned her out with the to-do lists, and the busy ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ nature that I forgot to honor her needs. I ignored her calls and often said to her “soon, it will be time soon.” I realized the soon would never come because I had to make a different choice. I wasn’t able to see that it landed in my hands. Now I have chosen differently, I can clearly see where I made the mistake in forgetting about prioritizing my soul, my spirit, my being. 

This winter has been filled with lessons, integrating the wisdom gained and allowing space for healing. Now I come out the other side and ask myself “how do I desire to move forward?” The answer… by listening to my spirit, creating deep connection with the Universe and being in each moment, here and now. No longer doing to get somewhere. Instead living to create beauty and deep connections. For this is my purpose… creation and connection. Connection and creation. 

Moving Forward

These are the choices I desire to make every day moving forward. Writing them out will help me stay accountable each step of the way. 

  • Prioritizing my connection

  • Writing from my heart & soul

  • Listening to my Spirit and the Divine Universe

  • Creating connection with those around me

  • Being present in this exact moment

This is how I desire to live. 

So, let us see now what is coming. 

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Energy Update

Written & Channeled on March 22nd, 2021

As we transition through the Moon Cycle we are currently halfway between New Moon and Full Moon. This means we are experiencing the energy of the First Quarter Moon which is all about taking action (no wonder I am writing this very first energy update & self reflection). Obstacles may arise and we are asked to push through and keep going. Don’t allow the obstacles to sway you off your path. This week is all about action and taking those first steps. 

After asking the Divine Universe “what can we expect energetically this next week” we are receiving 2 main messages to carry us forward. 

Seer - See Beyond the Current Situation

(from Kyle Gray’s oracle deck)

This message is reminding us that there is a bigger picture to life. As we entered the Spring season in the Northern Hemisphere we are being asked to TRUST in the bigger picture of life and to trust in our higher selves. Seer tells us that there is something more and we don’t have all the pieces to the puzzle at this moment. This does not mean wait until you do have the bigger picture, it means the complete opposite. Take action, despite the fact that you cannot see the ultimate destination. Don’t allow the obstacle to overwhelm you into a state of being frozen in time. Do the work to overcome the obstacle, for you are strong and capable to create all that you desire in life. Keep going my friend. Keep going. 

Shapeshifter - Transform and Unveil Your Gifts

(from Kyle Gray’s oracle deck)

This is where the messages of this energy update all come together and build off each other creating the guidance we’ve desired for so long. Yes, obstacles will occur this week, yes you need to keep going because this moment is not the destination, so continue to trust that there is more you are moving towards. So then we ask, how? How are we meant to push past these obstacles and stay confident in ourselves and our path? Transform and share your gifts with the world around you. These obstacles are asking you to do things differently. The way you’ve been showing up lately is no longer serving you or your ultimate path. Allow yourself to shapeshift, try things differently, view life from a different perspective, connect with people in a different way. You are allowed to change. You are allowed to evolve. You are allowed to shapeshift and be a different version of yourself. Now is the time to take this step.

You’ve been desiring to step out of the box society placed on you. You’ve been wanting to take a chance in a different direction, to see what it is like. This is your chance. This is your opportunity. This is your moment. Over the next week the signs will be popping up in your life. You are being pushed to Shapeshift and show up in a new and exciting way. Stand differently. Tackle the project in a different way. Instead of comparing and criticizing yourself, change and choose to support yourself and see the good you carry. The way you view yourself will determine how you show up in the world. Right now you are being asked to see things differently and to try things in a new and different way! Step out of that box my friend! You are supported each step of the way.

Remember, it may look like things aren’t going your way, BUT seer reminds you that you must see beyond this current situation! 

This Energy Update resonates so deeply in my being and I hope you are able to take something away from it as well! 

If you enjoyed reading the update on my self-reflection then I highly suggest you to check out this week’s episode of my podcast with my co-host Angie. You can find the episode here. It gives another update on what I’ve been experiencing, how I’ve felt stuck lately, and what I plan on doing to keep moving forward. My podcast is called Carrying Connected Conversations and you can find more info about it here on my website.

If you enjoyed the Energy Update then make sure to join my free community on Facebook called Shifting Forward. You can find the link here. This is where you can always find me sharing more about mental, emotional & spiritual wellness. 

I can’t wait to come back to you next week with another Energy Update and some self-reflection. If you are ready to receive more personalized guidance, clarity and answers for your life then it’s time to book an Intuitive Soul Reading.

Are you wishing for clarity and direction without having to tell your whole story? An Intuitive Soul Reading is perfect for you. Absolutely every part of your life stays private to YOU, yet you receive exactly the guidance you need to take your own steps. Book your reading now here. 

Until then my friend, sending you love & light,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


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