Energy Update for March 29th - April 4th | Change & Miracles

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As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide it is my job and my purpose to guide & support my community and clients in uncovering their Spirit through their soul journey in this lifetime. There is so much greatness that comes from this work, seeing people find their light, heal their past trauma, create their dream life, and share their soul purpose with the world. There is also a lot of challenge that comes from this work, as there is always darkness in life, hard times, difficulties and pains needing to be healed. 

Today, I want to share with you a life lesson I am being reminded of on my soul path AND the Energy Update for this next week of March 29th - April 4th, 2021. 

Learning lessons through life is what allows us to grow and evolve on our journey so we can continue to create more greatness, more joy, more peace, and receive all of our desires. Connecting to the Universe through the energy that surrounds us allows us to create more ease and grace as we learn to flow with this energy, rather than create resistance and strain trying to force ourselves to live against this flow of energy. 

Self-Reflection is imperative in our growth journey and it can be hard work to look into the mirror and try to uncover where lessons need to be learnt, where healing needs to take place and how to support ourselves through this journey. Sharing my self-reflection from the past week with you today is my way of reminding you that we are all still learning, trying our best, and figuring out how to move through what we call life. 

Self Reflection

Dreaming for the future is fun and exciting. 

Healing from the past is hard and painful. 

Living in the present takes commitment and patience. 

This past week I took a break from my regular daily life so I could remember my WHY and get reconnected to my Spirit and my soul purpose. You can learn more about this in last week’s Energy Update here

I have big dreams. I get really excited when I manifest these dreams. For the past couple months I’ve been so focused on working towards these dreams that I lost myself in the process of checking off TO-DO LISTS and excitedly waiting for when I would reach the destination. 

I forgot that life isn’t about living to reach a destination, life is about the journey. I forgot to enjoy each moment as it happens. I forgot to connect to WHO I AM and HOW I DESIRE to live while I’m doing all the things. I forgot my WHY. 

Knowing the WHY behind what we are doing gives us purpose and allows us to be the person we desire to be while we are tackling the tasks on our to-do lists. It’s fun to dream and focus on the future, but I had to remember that the present is all I have. If I am not enjoying my present then how will I ever reach the dreams I desire?

The life lesson I was reminded of this past week. 

Live in the NOW. 

Enjoy what is happening in this moment. 

Allow myself to take inspired action today. 

Trust that as I enjoy life and am happily working towards my dreams, everything is unfolding as it’s meant to for my HIGHER GOOD. 

This week I am choosing to show up and create moments I enjoy living every single day. Yes, I will have to do some hard work because life always requires us to do the work. I will also continue to dream for my future, because dreaming excites me for what is to come. Most importantly, I will actively inspire myself, connect to my WHY, and choose to live my soul purpose each day.

I’m grateful for this lesson because it’s reminded me to step back into the co-creator role of my life!

Now that I have taken the time to reflect on the past week, let us look ahead to the future and what’s to come. 

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Work with Sydney

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Connecting to the Universe through an Energy Update allows us to see what’s coming and how we can show up to support ourselves through this phase. 


As we flow through the Moon Cycle the Full Moon energy for this week is reminding us that energies and emotions are heightened right now. You may notice heavy, harsh emotions move through you; you may recognize people around you being quick to anger, confrontation, and outbursts of emotion; all of this is to say that you are not alone in the darkness, challenges or heaviness that pops up in your life right now. Do not attach yourself to these emotions and energies, allow yourself space to flow through them and release them. These energies and emotions do not define who you are or the life you live. 

The Full Moon is all about climax, clarity and answers.

If you’ve been working on a project you may receive clarity this week on which steps to take next. If you’ve been waiting to sign a contract you may notice that everything falls into place this week for you to make a concrete decision in which direction to go. 

Pay attention, for there are many signs popping up in your life this week. Change is in the air. This current challenge will not last forever. This uncertainty is not the end. Trust that the answers will be clear when it is time to know them. 

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From Gabby Bernstein’s oracle card deck (The Universe Has Your Back)

“In every moment the Universe is conspiring to bring me toward right-minded thinking and the energy of love.”

This message is reminding us that the darkness you feel surrounded by is not the end for you. Your mind may try to make you feel empty, unworthy, limited, and alone. THIS IS NOT TRUE. The energy surrounding us this week is literally saying IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO CONNECT TO RIGHT-MINDED THINKING & THE ENERGY OF LOVE. Recognize what is going through your mind and choose differently if it does not support you. 

You have the power to change your perception. 

You have the power to view things differently. 

You have the power to connect to and create LIGHT even when you feel surrounded by DARKNESS. 

The Universe is letting you know that you are not alone on this journey. 

From Gabby Bernstein’s oracle card deck (The Universe Has Your Back)

“Hope is the conduit for miracles.”

The Divine Universe sees the greatness you carry and is working behind the scenes to ensure that you receive all the blessings meant for you in this lifetime. Are you ready to receive? Are you ready to celebrate? Are you ready for blessings? 

You are the co-creator of your life. The other co-creator is the Divine Universe. This message is very clear, that in order for you to receive all that you desire you CANNOT sit around and wait for it. You must actively believe it is already here for you. You must trust in your higher self and in the bigger picture of life. You must lean into your faith. You must hold onto hope for this is how miracles will unfold in your life. 

The Energy Update for this week is literally saying you do not need to know or understand the HOW. 

All you need to do is be aware of your thoughts and choose supportive, uplifting thoughts that encourage you to create enjoyment in life right now. You also need to lean into your faith in the Divine Universe (or whatever you believe in) so your hope can grow and manifest into miracles. 

Change is happening. Change is here. 

The first step to change may seem challenging, and difficult. You are not alone in all that feels hard. I am here supporting you and cheering you on each step of the way. As you continue to uncover your light while surrounded by darkness you will create the positive change you desire!


If this Energy Update for the week of March 29th - April 4th connects with you then please leave a comment below and let me know! I would love for you to join my free community on Facebook called Shifting Forward. You can find the link here.

This is where you can always find me sharing more about mental, emotional & spiritual wellness. 

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Are you wishing for clarity and direction in your life without having to tell your whole story? An Intuitive Soul Reading is perfect for you. Absolutely every part of your life stays private to YOU, yet you receive exactly the guidance you need to take your first steps. 

If this Energy Update resonates with you and you are ready to receive more direct and personal guidance for your life, then book an Intuitive Soul Reading today. You can find all the details at the link below. 

I look forward to connecting with you again next week for the Energy Update. 

Until next time, I am sending you love & light on your journey. 

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


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