5 Tips for Strengthening Your Psychic Gifts

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Fear is an overwhelming and unending aspect of being human. We can see fears pop up in so many different and obvious ways. However, we often don’t realize how our fears are blocking us from achieving our biggest desires. This was the case for me for many years, so let me break it down for you. 

I am a recovering people pleaser (if you haven’t already I highly suggest you check out this blog post if you find yourself in that people pleaser category). One of the biggest fears that I carried that controlled my people pleasing ways is the fear of rejection. I worried about how people would think of me. I doubted that I was good enough. I feared being judged by others for simply being who I am. 

I was afraid of what people would think of me.

Now in many different areas of my life I started to break free from this fear. However, there was one key aspect of who I am that I was still hiding from the world. I shared it with some of my Spiritual Mentoring clients, a couple really close friends and with my mom. BUT, I didn’t openly share this part of me with just anyone.

Here is the biggest question I had to ask myself.

Why am I wasting my time on being afraid of how somebody else thinks of me?

I can't control them and how they may or may not react, no matter what I say or do. I can only be me and be proud of the me that I am. 

It’s taken a lot of work, healing, learning and evolving to get to the place I am today. I had to heal my own past traumas. I had to learn about my spiritual gifts and how to use them in a way that felt good to me. I had to evolve into the person I am today through life lessons, emotional intelligence and forgiveness towards my past. I needed to believe in myself first and foremost, rather than wait for somebody else to believe in me. A lot of self love was necessary so I could have courage and confidence to show up in the world and BE the person I am choosing to BE.

So, what was I afraid of? What was the part of me that I hid for so long because my fear was controlling me? 

I am a psychic. 

I am a medium. 

I am an intuitive guide. 

I am clairvoyant.

I am clairsentient.

I am clairaudient. 

I have spiritual gifts and abilities. 

I wrote an instagram post about this when I finally pushed past my fear. Now I am standing tall in my truth, who I am and who I am working towards becoming. If you want to read that instagram post you can check it out here.

Today’s blog is not just about my journey of breaking free from my fear, although the backstory is definitely necessary for you to know. Now you have a better understanding of who I am, it’s time to get to know yourself and the gifts YOU carry. That’s why you are here right?! You want to know if you have psychic, intuitive gifts and how you can cultivate & strengthen them.

We are all gifted in our own way.

We are all here to be different. We all have our own passions & purpose in life.

It’s important for us, as individuals, to take the time to get to know ourselves so we can support ourselves in sharing our gifts with the world. Some people are gifted with numbers, and really enjoy working with numbers, so they share their gift by being an accountant or financial advisor. Others are gifted in athletics and fitness, so they become professional athletes or fitness instructors. Well, you are here today because you believe you have intuitive gifts, and you are ready to figure out HOW to use these gifts in your life and share them with the world around you. 

This is YOUR Personal Growth Journey

Life doesn’t have to feel as hard as it does right now. You don’t have to do it all on your own.

I am constantly sharing tips, wisdom, guidance & strategies around personal growth with the focus on mental & spiritual wellness, here on my blog, in my podcast, on social media & in my free community on Facebook.

If you are on your growth journey and looking for more guidance then check out the Personal Growth Blog , follow me on Instagram, join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.

If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here. If you are ready to dive deeper and are looking for personalized guidance & strategies for your life then know you are not alone. I offer one on one mentoring calls where we focus on your specific needs in this moment. Solo Sessions offer a quick 60-90 minute call filled with strategies and tools to put you on the next level of your personal growth. Meanwhile the 1:1 Monthly Mentoring focuses on more in-depth guidance and wisdom for your growth journey.

Work with Personal Growth Mentor Sydney

Work with Sydney

Ready to heal from life’s difficulties?

Ready to step into your own power?

Ready to stop having your emotions control your life?

Ready to have a mindset that supports you rather than holding yourself back?


Let’s break down psychic, medium, and intuitive abilities. How to know if you have them and a couple tips for cultivating these gifts!

What is a psychic?

A psychic is someone who can KNOW something without having any physical proof. 

A lot of people picture a psychic as someone who sits at a crystal ball and can see into the future. This idea has created a “societal belief” around psychics, who they are and what they do. It’s important to know that EVERY psychic is different. WHY? Because every person is different. The way I use my psychic abilities is going to be completely different than the next person, because we are different people, we’ve lived different life experiences, and we have cultivated our abilities in different ways. 

What is a medium?

A medium is someone who can communicate with Spirits.

Having mediumship abilities means that you can receive these KNOWINGS about your life, or someone else’s life as if someone or something TOLD YOU. Typically we think of a Medium as someone who can speak with the dead. This is true, and there is so much more to being a Medium. Again, the way you use these gifts & cultivate these gifts depends on who you are and your own life experiences. 

What is an intuitive guide?

An intuitive guide is someone who listens to their gut instinct (or intuition) to know which step to take next. Again, having no logical or rational reasoning behind making this decision. 

A lot of the time someone who claims to be psychic actually also has the gifts of mediumship and intuition. The crazy thing is we all have these abilities, whether we choose to recognize them and use them, determines if they will be strengthened or not. Similar to what I was saying about numbers and athletic abilities - I have the ability to work with numbers and I have the ability to workout and be physically fit. BUT, these abilities are not things that inspire & motivate me, so even though I am aware that I could have these abilities I choose to not use them as much, so they are not going to strengthen. 

Make sense? Are you still with me?

Ok, let’s now break down a couple quick tips on HOW you can cultivate these Spiritual abilities, like psychic, medium, intuitive guide, clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience.  

The first step to being able to share our gifts… admit we have them! That’s why it was so important for me to explain my fear of rejection and how I’ve recently broken through this fear and chosen to show up as the real me. I would never be able to fully share my gifts with the world if I was only willing to admit I had these gifts with certain people. 

Tip #1 to strengthening & cultivating your spiritual gifts (or really ANY gift you carry)... 

Acknowledge you carry this gift and stand in your power by saying “This is me and I am proud of it!”

Now, it’s not always easy to do this. Again, as I admitted earlier it took a lot of inner work, healing, learning and growing for me to be able to fully embody this first step. The only way I got to where I am today was by surrounding myself with a supportive community that truly wanted me to be the best person I could be. Feeling safe & supported by these people allowed me to grow my confidence in my gifts and myself to then be ready to share myself with the rest of the world. 

Tip #2 to cultivating and strengthening your spiritual gifts...

Surround yourself with supportive people who you can learn from, create community with, and grow by listening to each other's perspectives. 

Please, if you are ready to share your gifts with the world, make sure you have a supportive space where you feel loved no matter what. When the going gets tough we need to have a safe space to land, catch our breath, reset, refocus and ground ourselves before we can continue moving again. If you feel like you don’t have this space then I would love for you to join my free Facebook community Shifting Forward. This is where you will begin to receive the support, guidance & love you’ve been desiring. 

When we want to grow & strengthen our gifts the best way we can do so is by learning how other people use their gifts. This is NOT to say that you will base your gifts off of them, but instead it opens you to new & different perspectives and ways of doing things. 

Tip #3 to cultivating and strengthening your spiritual gifts…

Find what WORKS for you and what FEELS GOOD for you.

I will always repeat this again and again. We are different. We are meant to be different. As much as you learn from someone else, the only TRUE way for you to honour your spiritual gifts is by finding out what works best for you. How can you do this? Trial and error. Try something new. Step out of your comfort zone. Take what resonates and leave the rest. 

How do you know when something FEELS GOOD? Remember what I said about numbers. I could be good with numbers, and actually I am pretty good with numbers. In University I received 94% in Calculus in my first year. Just because I am good with numbers DOES NOT mean that I enjoy working with numbers. Actually I hate doing anything with numbers. Listening to myself and recognizing that working with numbers does not feel good to me is just as important as finding the thing that DOES feel good. Your emotions and your feelings are your teacher. They tell you how you experience life. Trust the feelings you receive because they are the best guide you could ever rely on. 

Tip #4 to cultivating and strengthening your spiritual gifts…

Practice. Practice. Practice. 

The only way you can truly strengthen any ability you carry is to practice it. Practicing is NOT a place where judgment, criticism, and shame live. Constructive criticism, sure. Spiritual gifts are not something we can strengthen by reading a book, watching a video or attending a course. You have to get up and try it. You have to feel what it feels like. You have to listen to whatever you hear. You have to open your mind to seeing whatever you see. 

Clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience are the abilities of seeing, hearing and feeling what is not in this physical realm we live in. Our human selves will always find ways to judge these abilities, shame ourselves for what we “saw” because we are CRAZY to have seen it, and criticize the feelings we have when we cannot physically prove anything. 

Tip #5 to cultivating and strengthening your spiritual gifts…


If you cannot trust yourself and what you saw, heard or felt, then it is going to be extremely difficult to strengthen this ability. Trust takes time with the more you practice, the more you find what works for you and feels good, the more you surround yourself with a supportive community, and the more you are willing to acknowledge the gifts you carry. 

Trust brings it all together beautifully. 

Before I broke free from my fear of rejection I didn’t fully trust myself. I trusted myself to share my gifts with the people who understood me, but I didn’t trust that I would be able to explain myself clearly with the people who didn’t understand me. 

It all comes in time. It all works out as it’s meant to. 

As long as you continue to support yourself on your journey through healing, learning and growing then you are headed in the right direction. 

I hope this information helps you understand your psychic, medium and intuitive gifts more clearly. Now you have some great tips to carry with you as you cultivate and strengthen your spiritual gifts. 

Are you desiring more support & guidance in this area of your life? Definitely join my free Facebook community, Shifting Forward. You can also check out some of my mentoring offers which will bring direct support & guidance into your life as you learn more about your gifts and how to share them with the world! 

I help healers uncover their purpose and how to bring their medicine to life. I help them clear what holds them back so they step into their power, into their medicine, and bring their healing into the world.

Whether in a one-time Soulful Solo Session or in an on-going 1:1 Mentoring session I use a variety of tools to bring my medicine and thus your healing and forward movement to life.

First and foremost I learn more about you and your life/situation to determine which of my many tools will work with you best. My toolbox includes: mental and emotional health strategies; channeled messages from angels and ancestors through psychic abilities, mediumship, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience; guided meditations; and accountability practices. 

After each session you will walk away feeling relief, comfort, clarity and direction.

I’ll put the right tools in your hands to help you make gentle shifts forward in your life. Plus you’ll have me helping, guiding, and reassuring you as you find your power.

Together we will clear and heal any old habits, beliefs, trauma or wounds. We will empower you and help you soar to your biggest desires be they health, wealth, love, success and/or true happiness.

If you enjoyed the information in this blog then please make sure to save it, share it and follow along with me as I continue to share wisdom, knowledge & guidance focused on Spiritual Wellness and Mental & Emotional Wellness! I am so excited to share this journey with you and I can’t wait to see you shine your beautiful light with the world!

Sending you so much love & light as you shift forward on your spiritual journey!

Sydney Smith

Founder of AwP Wellness


This Guidebook will support you throughout the next year & beyond. If you are ready to step into your next level & truly become the best version of yourself then this is the Guidebook for YOU!