Energy Forecast for July 5th - 11th | UNFOLDMENT, MOVEMENT, FOCUS

Blog - Energy Forecast July 5 - 11 Unfoldment, Movement, Focus.jpg

Creating a life you love is about knowing yourself so deeply that you know what makes you happy and what makes you sad and you aren’t willing to compromise your happiness. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide it is my passion to help my clients better understand themselves so it feels easy to create a life they enjoy living. I found myself in this line of work because of my own journey with better understanding myself and why I desire the things I desire. 

It’s important to know what you want and it’s also important to know how to support yourself through life by shifting and adapting as situations and experiences unfold before you. Life is a co-creation process. You get to create half and the Universe creates the other half. In other words, you can be actively working towards your goals and dreams and there will always be things out of your control. You need to learn how to prioritize what you want and how to create inner peace as the uncontrollables start affecting your life. 

This is exactly why I bring an Energy Forecast to you each week. I hope that through channeling the weekly energy for the collective you can have a birds eye view of what may be coming so you can support yourself through those uncontrollable situations. 

I also love sharing my Self Reflections from the week because it’s a constant reminder that we are always given opportunities to learn, heal and grow. All we need to do is be willing to experience the process. 

So, let’s jump into the reflection for this week. 


If you have been following along for a little while now you know I am online dating. WOW! What an experience this is. 

I have not been in the dating world for long and I am already learning very key lessons through this process. Ultimately, I am choosing to actively date because I desire to find my soul-mate and create a life filled with adventure and fun together. I know I have the ability to create a life of adventure and fun on my own because I’ve already done it. I hope that when I find someone this way of life can be even better! 

I am not the kind of person who jumps into relationships just to feel special. 

I am not the type of woman who NEEDS a man. 

I am extremely independent and I have high standards for who I am willing to give my time and energy to. 

Because of this I have gone on a lot of first dates, but I have yet to break through to a second date with the same man. It’s easy to be hard on myself (I’m sure you would agree) and my thoughts often lead me to “come on Sydney, maybe your standards are too high” or “how do you know for sure this isn’t the person for you if you’ve only met them once”. My thoughts are always trying to convince me that I’m not doing it right and I am going to be single forever if I keep going on this path with my high standards. 

This is when I say STOP!

I have to be so present in my thoughts and bring myself back to my reasons for dating in the first place. I’m not looking for someone to simply have fun with at this moment. I am looking for someone who will make my life better overall. I don’t need someone because I feel lonely and I desire affection.
— Sydney Smith

I am looking for someone who can be my partner, my best friend, my adventure buddy, my lover, and a safe space that feels like home. Yes, I will not know all of this from a first date… BUT, I do know the feeling I am looking for and I cannot explain it in words. I know what my values and morals are in life and I am looking for someone who is on the same wavelength as me. I do know the experiences I desire to have in life and so far I haven't found someone who is aligned in this way. 

This is a process. 

Life is a process. 

Each new day I gain more information, through self reflection, and I can better understand how to support myself in this process. In life we are not just handed our dreams and desires, we need to CHOOSE to actively work towards them. That is exactly what I am doing. I am not quick to judge. I am not expecting anyone to act or be a certain way. All I am doing is holding my values and morals as a guidepost in who I am looking for. 

Over the last 3 and a half years I have worked hard at uncovering who I am and what I want to experience out of life. Just because I meet a cute boy is not a good enough reason to walk away from my goals. I am dedicated to finding my soul-mate and I am committed to bringing my dreams to fruition. I can have both. I can be both. 

There has been a lot going on in my mind in this dating process and I had to take some time over the weekend to really reflect on where I am, where I’ve come from and where I am desiring to head. So I am going to break it down simply for you. Here are 4 main lessons I have learned in the past few months of online dating…

1 Be clear on your values and dreams for life

I don’t need to be changing what I’ve worked so hard for for a boy. I understand myself more than ever before in life and I know the life I have created I really enjoy! If a guy doesn’t match this life then see ya later dude! 

2 Check yourself before getting lost in attention

Everyone wants to be the focus of someone’s admiration because it feels good to be seen. My happiness cannot depend on receiving attention and love from someone else. I am reminding myself to not attach myself to those emotions. Check ins and reflection are important!

3 The more advice and perspectives you get from others the better

My vision is only one sided, so it’s easy to misinterpret or judge a situation. I don’t have to do what others suggest, but it’s good to open my mind to different views before I make a decision. 

4 Be willing to be uncomfortable and awkward

Meeting new people can be awkward and I may feel like I’m stepping out of my comfort zone (ummmm hell yes!). I am still safe and I can trust myself. The more I practice something new the easier it becomes. Get out there and date. I never know what I’ll experience. 

These 4 lessons are guiding me through this entire process. Step by step I am feeling more comfortable, I am learning more, and I am meeting different people. It’s all moving me that much closer to finding a man I actually want to spend time with. A man who is an adventure and a home all in one. 

Let’s be honest… I also live in a city for the first time in my life, and as much as I am enjoying my time here, city life is not my ultimate destination. So finding someone in a city who also doesn’t want to be in a city long term, it’s a little more difficult. I work for myself so I can go anywhere at any time. Like I said, I have high standards in what I am looking for and that is OKAY! 

Let the journey continue, and hopefully soon I will have more exciting news to share on this topic. Until then, let’s support each other through the dating process. Check out my podcast with my co-host Angie, as we are sharing more of our dating experiences over there!

If you too are dating then I encourage you to take some time for self reflection and get really clear on what you desire and what you do not want. 

Now, let’s jump into the weekly energy forecast so we can better understand what energies are coming in for the collective this week. 



2021 Guidebook

For the person who desires more peace, more joy, more clarity, more connection, more love and more self-confidence to reach their biggest dreams.


Intuitive Soul Reading

For the person questioning something about their life and desiring clear answers. Your reading will provide support, guidance, and clarity for the direction you need to take.


Soulful Solo Session

For the person who is lost and overwhelmed and needs support. You will leave the session knowing exactly what the problem is; what steps come next; and you’ll gain courage and confidence to move forward to a resolution.

If you are on this journey and desire more guidance check out the Personal Growth Blog , join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.

If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.



We are currently in a phase of release as we connect to the energy of the Moon Cycle. The moon’s cycle is 28 days long, so every month we experience every phase. The moon is the Queen of Emotions, so as women, it’s no wonder our emotions shift and change constantly. When we connect to the energy of the moon we can harness the power within us as we better understand how to support ourselves through each phase. 

Are you feeling more anxious this week? More emotionally drained? More overwhelmed? 

As the Moon moves from Third Quarter Phase (July 1st) to the New Moon (July 9th) we are experiencing the release and heal phases. It’s important this week to take time to feel your emotions and allow them to flow through and out of you. Give yourself time to rest and reflect when necessary. 

The New Moon is always a time for a fresh start and new beginnings. In order to take advantage of the new energy we need to make space by releasing the old that does not serve us. Maybe you are working through past trauma healing, maybe you had a challenging experience last month you need to learn from, maybe you are simply tired and need to refuel. It does not matter what you are working through, all that matters is you give yourself time and space this week to release and heal. This will prepare you for the New Moon and the next cycle! 

As I connect to the energy of the collective I am asking “what do we need to know in order to flow through this week with more ease and grace?”

Energy Forecast July 5th - unfoldment, movement, focus.JPG


You are on your journey of spiritual evolution. You are in the space of transitioning into a new way of being. You are wading through the darkness as you heal and learn and you are finding your way to the light. 

The message for this week is that you CANNOT rush your unfoldment process. You cannot predict how it will go and where you will end up. Sometimes it feels as if you are surrounded by darkness. If you are finding yourself in this space then make sure you have a support system close by so you don’t feel alone. You may be in a state of starting to see the light, but you don’t feel like things are moving fast enough. Wherever you are in this journey this message is reminding you that you are where you need to be at this moment. Trust the process. Trust yourself. You are learning. You are healing. You are evolving. 

The light is coming. 

The next cycle is almost here. 

Keep supporting yourself along the way. 


Don’t stop moving. It may seem like you’ve hit a dead end, but you have not. It may feel like you are not where you want to be and that’s because you are correct, you have not arrived yet. Just because you have not arrived does not mean that now is a good time to quit. Quite the opposite actually. You are in a state of flowing with life, rather than pressuring yourself, forcing things, or pushing life to go your way. You are recognizing what is happening around you and you are choosing to carry peace as you flow through this moment. 

This message is reminding you to do whatever you can to keep holding onto peace. Keep holding onto trust. Keep allowing yourself to go with the flow. Even when the flow feels wrong, this is still an opportunity to learn from this situation. Rather than forcing things there may be an opportunity for a big lesson. Once you learn this lesson the right opportunity will present itself. 

Life doesn’t happen by mistake. There is a rhyme and reason to pretty much everything. Learning to flow with life allows you to create so much more enjoyment. Putting pressure on yourself and trying to force things makes life a lot more challenging to you. 

Ask yourself this week “am I flowing?” “how can I find peace now?” “what can I do to support myself in flowing?”


The last message for this week is perfectly inline with the New Moon that is coming at the end of the week. We can carry focus AND flow with life. The point of focusing is that you know where your priorities are and you choose to put your time and energy into these priorities. There are so many distractions - ahem, boys, ahem - so how can you bring yourself back to what your focus is, and where your priorities are in life. 

You desire something you currently don’t have in your life. By focusing on what you want and supporting yourself in creating that you are shifting into a fresh start with this new cycle. Remember, it’s not about forcing your priorities. It’s about enjoying them and finding flow with life. 

Focus on what you want. Learn from what you don’t want. Take advantage of the opportunities that are presenting themselves right now. Everything is unfolding as it’s meant to. Keep flowing. If life becomes challenging, ask yourself how you can carry peace in this moment. 

Beautiful messages of support for this week. I really hope they resonate with you and give you some guidance in how to move through the next 7 days. 

If you are desiring more support and accountability in creating peace on a regular basis then the Meditation Membership is for you. We have 2 live calls every month focused on a different spiritual lesson, we connect in conversation with like-minded beings, and we move through a guided meditation to start embodying the peace we desire. 

Join us at the link below!

I hope you are able to support yourself through this next week in an uplifting way. 

Until next time, sending you love & light along your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


Are you dealing with a past trauma?

Are you needing help finding your way?

Are you determined not to make the same mistakes again?

Having Sydney as your mentor guarantees you’ll heal and build the life of your dreams. 


I look forward to hearing how this week’s Self-Reflection and Energy Update has impacted and supports you! Send me a message, leave a comment below or join my free community on Facebook, Shifting Forward, so we can connect in a new way! You can find the link here.

This is where you can always find me sharing more about mental, emotional & spiritual wellness. 


Are you wishing for clarity and direction in your life without having to tell your whole story? An Intuitive Soul Reading is perfect for you. Absolutely every part of your life stays private to YOU, yet you receive exactly the guidance you need to take your first steps. 

If this Energy Update resonates with you and you are ready to receive more direct and personal guidance for your life, then book an Intuitive Soul Reading today. You can find all the details at the link below. 


This Guidebook will support you throughout the next year & beyond. If you are ready to step into your next level & truly become the best version of yourself then this is the Guidebook for YOU!