Listening to Your Intuition - CLARITY, TRUST, EMPOWERED

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The power of listening to your intuition, your inner knowing, is living a life you were meant to live.

We are all different, we have different desires, passions etc. The only way for you to know how you are meant to experience life is by listening to your intuition and allowing it to guide you. 

What is your intuition/inner knowing?

It is the BEST way for your soul to speak directly through you. 

As a human we get caught in our humanness, which is a nice way of saying you're stuck in your mind overthinking every decision you have to make, big or small. 

Your inner knowing is a direct channel to the voice of your soul. 

Whenever you have to make decisions in life, you want to know what is the best choice of action to take. You spend your life looking for the answers all around you, asking everyone you encounter, reading every piece of knowledge and you may even speak to your guides, Creator, & the Universe asking for a sign. This is all fine and dandy, and it may get you to where you are meant to go, BUT you are wasting precious time and energy over-analyzing, second guessing, and waiting. It’s so easy for you to trust someone else in the decision they offer, and you send yourself into overwhelm trying to process mentally which way you should go. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I focus my work in guiding and supporting you to connect with yourself deeper and understand who you are as a soul. I could sit here and tell you what your future will entail, but I believe that makes a lazy human. The best thing I can do for my clients, my community, and myself to be honest, is instead remind us how to support & trust ourselves. 

Life is challenging, there are always going to be difficulties, changes and decisions to make. When you can better understand what you need in those moments, how you move through them, and how to support yourself through the decision making your life will be filled with more ease and grace. 

Learning about your inner knowing, or intuition, will be an integral step on your journey as you build and strengthen your connection to your soul, thus allowing you to trust more easily. 

Now, the next thing we need to get clear about…


Your inner knowing is going to sound different than mine. Whether your knowing is actually your intuition speaking through you, or it’s something else entirely, it’s important to know what your inner knowing sounds like or feels like to you. 

No matter what, it is 100% a knowing you just have. A piece of wisdom when you receive it, you automatically know it to be true, without having any proof or needing any information to back it up. 

THE ISSUE is you end up listening to your mind say “oh you can’t trust that. There are no facts to back that up. What are you going to do? Just step out of your comfort zone into the uncomfortable based on a ‘feeling’, ya okay, go ahead and let me know how it turns out. I wouldn't trust it if I were you.” Your mind/ego plays this head game with you and instantly you question what you knew to be true a millisecond ago.

Now, the question I get all the time from clients and community members is, “but how do I know that was my knowing and not my mind?”

This is the work that I love to dive into, because it truly is different for every person. Being able to guide you through the right questions so you can begin to understand what YOUR knowing sounds like is so powerful and fulfilling. 

My first piece of advice to you is, start to pay attention, be aware of what your body feels like when you are asking yourself questions about the decision you have to make.

Your spirit speaks through your body much more clearly than your mind. You cannot always trust the thoughts you have, but your feelings don’t lie. 


Personal Development & Spiritual Growth

A Guidebook for Connection

For the person who desires more peace, more joy, more clarity, more connection, more love and more self-confidence to reach their biggest dreams.

Intuitive Soul Reading

For the person questioning something about their life and desiring clear answers. Your reading will provide support, guidance, and clarity for the direction you need to take.

Soulful Solo Session

For the person who is lost and overwhelmed and needs support. You will leave the session knowing exactly what the problem is; what steps come next; and you’ll gain courage and confidence to move forward to a resolution.

If you are on this journey and desire more guidance check out the Personal Growth Blog , join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.

If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.


Back to the blog - Listening to Your Intuition

My second piece of advice is start small with your decisions when listening to your knowing. Jumping in 2 feet at a time with a big decision is scary, I’m not saying it isn’t doable, it’s a lot harder and requires complete faith and trust in yourself. 

As much as your spirit speaks through your feelings, your mind can also trick your body into feeling a certain way. Your feelings don’t lie, but sometimes your feelings are coming up from past pains, trauma, or limiting beliefs that are running through your mind. Your body can’t distinguish between what’s reality and what’s happening in your mind. Watch your thoughts! They may be leading you in a direction that doesn’t actually feel good to you.

Learning the difference between these takes time, so starting with smaller decisions allows you to build awareness of yourself and what part of you might be leading your decisions.  

As I briefly mentioned earlier, there is a difference between your mind and inner knowing.

We can see this difference in…


To put it simply, your inner knowing is clear, focused and brings you inner peace. Meanwhile, your mind brings confusion, overwhelm, indecision, and uncertainty. 

Now, you say you haven’t reached that clarity ever in your life? Well, now is the time to start to contemplate what type of life you could live with having that clarity. 

The number one reason you ignore, avoid or can’t even hear your inner knowing, your intuition, is because you don’t TRUST IT! 


1 Practice

The only way for you to actually trust yourself is by practicing. It’s the same as when we trust someone else, we slowly put our trust in them with small actions, little tests, and eventually over time when we see they don’t fail us our trust strengthens. But, we also know that humans make mistakes, so they don’t have to lose our trust in every mistake made. We can check in with them to try and understand why they made the decision they did, and through understanding we can forgive them and our trust builds again. 

What if you practiced this with yourself?

2 Small Decisions First

The best way to start practicing is making small decisions in your life based from your inner knowing. 

When someone is first learning to drive they go through several stages before being able to operate a vehicle on their own with no help. First they take a written test, then they start practicing with a teacher, then they take a driving test, then they get their license. And in Canada, I’m not sure about other countries, once they have their license to drive they are still restricted in some ways. For instance, only so many people can be in a car with them, they can't drive after a certain hour etc. and eventually over time when they show they can handle that responsibility they finally get their FULL license with no restrictions. 

This is the process of building trust. 

3 Connection to Self

Small steps over time, and with each decision you make you check back in with yourself. How did it feel? How did it turn out? What can you learn from it? 

Trust builds because you have a stronger connection with yourself. It’s harder for you to trust a stranger than it is a parent or guardian. When you feel connected to someone it’s easier for you to understand why they are the way they are, and the same can be said for yourself. When you have a better understanding for who you are, then you can support yourself in the decision making process. 

When you feel supported it’s easier for you to trust that supportive being. 

All of this leads you to life where you make every decision feeling empowered. 

You are empowered to live your life for yourself, you feel confident in who you are and the choices you’re making, and you feel fulfilled and peaceful each step of the way. 

This is the power of listening to your intuition. 

Clarity. Trust. Empowered. 

It may seem far away at this moment, and you are 100% capable of creating it for yourself.

If you are ready to take the next steps, then check out the Masterclass Event - Strengthen Your Intuition

Want to learn more in a one on one setting? Then book a Soulful Solo Session with me!

Do you desire more 1:1 attention and guidance for your life? A Soulful Solo Session is focused on creating a safe space for you to receive support, guidance & direction for your life specifically. This is where you learn how to uncover and step into your power! Check out more information or book your session today here!

Is it time for you to create more peace & joy in your life on a regular basis? Join the Meditation Membership where you will create more love, more success, more faith, more connection, more confidence, and more joy in a loving, supportive community of like-minded beings. 

I am sending you love & support as you learn to listen to your intuition!

Until next time, 

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


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