BALANCE - It's OK to Not Be Positive All the Time
Positivity - is it the end all be all? should we be aspiring to only have positivity in life? what if I am trying so hard to be positive, but it’s just not working?
I will be the first to say that living your life with positivity is one of the best practices in order to find happiness and balance, and move in the direction of your dreams. However, I will NEVER say that one must ALWAYS be positive in life, and if you aren’t positive then you have failed. I spent a long time trying to find the positive in every day and every moment, in order to keep me moving forward in a life that no longer supported me and my soul purpose. I thought I could make it through if I just focused on the positive, and luckily, there were still positive things in my life at that time; however, because I was trying so hard to focus on the positive I was ignoring all the signs that something wasn’t right and I was hiding from the moments that smothered my inner light. Eventually I was pushed to recognize that it was time for me to learn some hard lessons and allow myself to grow and reconnect to my soul purpose, my ultimate dreams and desires for my life.
This is just a glimpse at one moment in my life when I had to come to terms with the idea that I couldn’t always be positive about everything, and THAT’S OK! I needed to understand that sometimes life hands us hard times, and it isn’t always right to just persevere and push through to the other side with a half-smile on our face. Sometimes we need to sit in these moments, we need to let the anger, frustration, sadness or confusion seep in to our beings fully. We need to experience these emotions and the distress they bring us; for it’s in the moments that we feel the uncertainty or the suffering, that we can then understand these emotions, where they come from and why they affect us, then move forward knowing the changes we need to make in order to grow from this experience.
Yes, we don’t always need to be positive in our lives, because we are faced with different situations in life that will bring different emotions and feelings. I believe it is so important for us to recognize each emotion we have in that moment. Once the emotion is recognized we can put a name to it, and when we’ve put a name to it we have a greater chance of understanding why we have that emotion. The most important part in this is understanding and recognizing why we HAVE that specific emotion and not that we ARE the emotion. When you distinguish between the two you become a lot stronger in your journey, for understanding that you experience emotions rather than becoming an emotion allows you to release the emotion once it no longer serves you.
So, be ready to experience every emotion that comes to you, recognize it for what it is, understand why you are going through that emotion, accept the emotion and what it taught you, then release the emotion when you are ready to move forward in your journey. Once you have released the emotion look back on how it made you feel and what caused you to feel this way, then decide if you can change your life to not let this happen again. If you can’t change something, then remember how you moved through it, so the next time you are stronger and can hopefully move forward with more knowledge and understanding than the first time.
Always remember, we have emotions, we do not become them, so when the time is right we can release them and not let them control us.
Work through the hard moments, and come out of them stronger, healthier, more mindful and more balanced then ever before. For this is your life, and it’s time for you to care for yourself so you can support your own growth and happiness along your journey!
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