BALANCE - Uncovering Ego versus Intuition

ego versus intuition

What is Ego?

I believe this is when we allow our self-esteem and self-importance to influence decisions we make in our journey. We let the importance of material things, opinions of others, and the idea of societal norms affect the space in our mind where decisions are made.

What is Intuition?

I believe this is a feeling we get straight from our core without reason or conscious thought. Our spirit, our true being, our vibes, our instinctual knowing takes over and guides us to make a quick decision based off of no knowledge or information, just a gut feeling.

How do we move forward with this knowledge?

There are going to be all sorts of people in the world that have an opinion on which of the two is better; which of the two you should trust; which of the two moves you in the best direction for your life. I’m sure many of us could argue either way, when one is better than the other or vice versa; however, I am here to shed light on the one thing we are all hoping for, whether consciously or subconsciously we want balance in life. It is up to you and only you to make the changes and decide how you are going to achieve said balance.

Reflecting on my past and lessons I have gone through I know that following my intuition over my ego will always bring me closer to balance. When I follow ego I am lead astray from my soul purpose; I create relationships with people who are not like-minded souls, and I begin to change who I am to better fit their lives, rather than live my own life.

Ego stokes negative thoughts, anxiety, doubts, fears and worries in my mind, and the more that I trust ego the harder it is to release that which no longer serves me. In a place where I have always been able to rise above these thoughts and emotions, ego brings me down and makes me believe I am not good enough. Looking back now, I begin to think, why didn’t I change and trust intuition earlier? Why didn’t I forgo ego? The thing about ego, as much as it has it’s downsides, I was blinded by the abundance I seemed to have: the material things, the higher pay, being part of the popular crowd, and believing I was better than the people around me.

At different times in my life I was able to escape ego’s strong grasp in different ways. A quick separation, not by my choice, pushed me to find new friends and surround myself with like-minded people who honoured my intuition and my true self. Or a long downward spiral that pushed me to a point where I either had to make a huge change, or continue to suffer mentally. No matter how I got out of ego’s hold, I came to the other side and reacquainted myself with my intuition. Allowing myself to grow through this has pushed me forward in life becoming a better version of myself than I was yesterday.

Following intuition means saying no when I believe something won’t serve me, or my future; it means trusting my instinctual knowing about a person or place without having the knowledge to back it up; it means not judging others, their lives or choices, but knowing I can choose to live the way that is best for me; it means learning from my fear, doubt or negative emotions by trying to understand where they are coming from and how to move forward by releasing them. I choose my intuition over my ego any day. When I have an intuitive thought, I recognize it and use the knowledge I have to make an informed decision that best suits me.

How can you increase your intuitive knowing?

Start by checking in with yourself as new opportunities present themselves. What is your initial thought? Quick, don’t over analyze, what comes to you first? As you start to trust this intuitive knowing more in life, it becomes stronger and you are able to recognize it faster without even needing to check in. But you have to take it slow at first and each time you connect and in-turn trust you will strengthen your intuition, moving you closer to a state of balance and following your soul purpose for your journey through life.

I wish you all luck in learning which decisions are best for you and moving towards a state of balance.

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