How to Decide you Need a Mentor/Coach/Healer

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There are many different times in our life when we need help and a Mentor, Coach, Healer can step in and help guide us through. But how do we know when to ask for help? How do we know when we can’t do it on our own? What are the signs we should be looking for? 

I am going to break it down for all of us to know when we might need help. The most important part of receiving help though is actually being ready to do the work. A Mentor or Coach isn’t going to give you a quick fix, so you need to be willing to learn and grow with their assistance. 

Here are some signs that it might be time to ask someone for help.

Major Life Change

When we’ve experienced a major life change we can often forget who we are and it becomes difficult to know how to shift forward. 

A major life change can include:

  • Relationship ending

  • Career change

  • Move to a new place

  • Illness/Death in the family or a friend

A major life change can be an event or occurrence has taken place, it can be positive or negative, but the main idea is that your life will never be the same and it can never go back to the way it was before.

These Emotions Have Taken Over

When you are living a life where these negative emotions have taken over and you can’t seem to break free from them. 


  • Resentment

  • Bitterness

  • Anger

  • Jealousy/Envy

  • Loneliness

  • Unworthiness

  • Limiting beliefs about yourself

Lost Your Power

Through a relationship, romantic, family, friendship or work, the other person has taken your power away. You don’t notice when it first happens, and they usually have no idea that is what they are doing. 

This person has told you to be a certain person, live a certain way, have certain values and standards. 

You feel like you have to be a certain way for this person. 

You are constantly changing to make them happy. 

You are constantly worried about how they will react. 

Your world and your life revolves around them, in a negative way.

Forgotten how to live for yourself

You have forgotten how to make yourself happy and how to put yourself first. You have been so busy working on someone else’s dreams that you don’t even know who you are and what your dreams are. 

Have dreams but don’t know how to get there

You know you have dreams and you think of them often, but they seem so far in the distance you don’t even know if you’ll ever reach them. You’ve been too busy focusing on just getting through the day that your dreams seem like a farfetched idea that will most likely never come true.

Life seems too stressful

Future? It’s not even a thought on your mind because you are just trying to get through today. There is so much stress piling up on your shoulders that you can’t seem to take a moment to breathe. 

You have been put on the back burner to care for others

Your life desires have been pushed aside because you are busy caring for others. You have no energy to give to yourself because the care you do for others consumes all of your time and energy. 

You are busy waiting for the destination

You mindset is only on the future and dreaming about the end destination. You keep thinking to yourself I just have to get through another day and I’ll be closer to the end. You have forgotten to enjoy the journey because your present life is filled with too much stress and negativity that you don’t even want to stop to think about it. Any spare moment you have is filled with dreaming of a future moment, which again you don’t know when you will ever get there. 

You’ve experienced trauma

Some sort of traumatic event has taken place in your life, whether recently or in the distant past, and you never fully healed from it. You still carry anxiety and negative emotions around this situation or person. Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience, so you can experience physical, mental, emotional or spiritual trauma. 

You don’t know how to experience these emotions

You have become so disconnected from positivity that you have no idea how to connect to any of these emotions:

  • Happiness

  • Peace

  • Joy

  • Gratitude

  • Success

  • Support

  • Love

  • Serenity

  • Hope

  • Kindness

  • Purpose

  • Confidence

  • Satisfaction

  • Pride

  • Inspiration

  • Enjoyment

These signs are just some that you may experience when it is time to get help from a Mentor, Coach and Healer. 

As I mentioned earlier, the most important part of knowing it is time is that you WANT to break free from these signs. You want to be able to enjoy your life on a daily basis. You want to step back into your light and power. You want to create a life you love. You want to actively work towards your dreams. You want to dream. You want to live in the present. 

If you feel this way, then it’s time to ask for help. The most important part in finding a Mentor, Coach and Healer is finding someone you trust, connect with, and you can truly feel that you have something to gain from them. 

Most Mentors offer a free preliminary call for you to get to know them and make sure their mentoring program is the right fit for you. 

Are you ready to invest in yourself? Feel free to check out my 1:1 Mentoring program here to see if it’s the right fit for you. If not, no worries, but it’s time to put the work in and start looking for someone who can help you! 

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Needing help to get through the difficulties of life?

The 1:1 Mentoring Program can help you:

  • find your INNER LIGHT

  • step into your POWER

  • HEAL from your past

  • receive GUIDANCE for your life

  • gain SUPPORT

  • learn practices & strategies to help give you the confidence you desire

  • create the life of your DREAMS