What are you here for? The Soul Journey | Messages for the Empath Soul Podcast


A common question I hear from other empath souls, and a questions I've pondered a lot myself is, "What am I here for?".

Whether you see life as your soul path or your soul journey, you wonder what your true soul purpose is in this lifetime. In connection with the Universe, I've channeled many messages that have helped to bring clarity to the question "what are you here for?", and it all comes back to harvesting your light. Learning how to live with presence, fully experiencing what life has to offer is how you can tune into your innate light. Then as you learn to share your gifts with the world around you, you begin to truly harvest that light. 

In this episode I share the meaning of harvesting your light and why I'm led to believe this is the ultimate truth to what you are here for. I share much deeper on this topic inside my membership community, The Soul Care Space, but for now gain a glimpse into your soul's purpose by pressing play on this episode. 

The sixth episode is called What Are You Here For? The Soul Journey and Harvesting Your Light.

Listen here, or scroll down to read more on what this episode is all about!


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Back to the blog - What Are You Here For? The Soul Journey

Here I will share the transcript of the podcast episode, and I highly encourage you to give it a listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.


Hello hello hello. Welcome back to a new episode of Messages for the Empath Soul. We are here with episode six and as you can see from the title we are talking all about the question: what are you here for, the soul journey. Ultimately you are here to harvest your light and I am so excited to dive into this topic. Before we begin, here is a little intro.

This is your soul journey and I am here channeling messages from the Universe to help guide and support you. 

This is Messages for the Empath Soul.

If you’re new here, I’m Sydney a ⅖ generator, with a deep intuitive connection. My mission is to empower as many spiritual empaths in this community, creating a ripple effect of compassion and peace that is felt around the world. 

That is ultimately what we are here for, but more specifically today we are here to answer the question, what are you here for? The soul journey. Harvesting your light. 

Right now inside my membership, The Soul Care Space, we are talking about harvesting your light, which is ultimately the ability to give and receive with love as the foundation. To harvest your light, when we think about harvesting we think about reaping the rewards, gaining the fruit off the tree that you’ve put so much tender loving care into growing that tree so that it can then bear fruit. Harvesting your light is reaping the rewards, the benefits of living from that light, the ability to give and receive with love as the foundation. 

The question that started this conversation, harvesting your light, is “what are you here for” and this is in terms of your soul journey. Let’s be honest, that’s what I am here for, I am here to talk about your soul journey, your journey of soul connection, your healing, your growing, your intuition, trusting your intuition, knowing your intuition. All the things aligned with soul journey. I wanted to discuss this broad topic and maybe narrow it down a little bit, what are you here for, harvesting your light. 

The two things I am going to dive into are 1, what are you here for, the experience of life. That is what you are here for. Number 2, what are you here for, sharing your gifts. The purpose and the meaning. That is what I believe we are all here for, to experience life and to share our gifts. You can get so much more detailed and complicated in answering this question, what are you here for, but when we choose to look at things more simply we can grow our understanding of life, have a broader perspective and understand that as humans we overcomplicate things. We gain more depth on an individual basis, we are so unique as individuals and that's where we can go deeper. But when we answer a question for the collective, we can look at it more simplified, then you get to, in your own soul connection, go deeper in that answer.

I hope today’s episode gives you a broad perspective on the question “what are you here for” and then you take that question and go deeper into your own journey and your own uniqueness.


So, let’s start off with The Experience of Life. 

That is what you are here for, you are quite literally here to experience life. Your soul decided to reincarnate in this lifetime to be here on earth and to experience the physical reality of humanness. That is what you are here for, the journey of life and the experience of life.

We then ask, what is involved in the experience of life? The emotional spectrum of being a human. That is a big one. In the last 6 years of my journey I have really dove deep on understanding emotions, especially as empaths. As empaths we are so sensitive to the emotions and energy of other people and the world around us. So this generally means we are going to feel so many different emotions. Then not just being an empath, but being a sensitive soul, I feel my own emotions. I’m not just feeling and understanding the emotions of other people, but I have my own emotional experiences. This is such a human trait. 

Your soul, or as a spirit, you do not have an emotional experience. An emotional experience is a human experience. The spectrum of emotions, from the heavy ones and the hard ones to the light ones and the ones we all want to experience. The ones that are “good”. There is such a spectrum and I think when we start to look at the emotional experience with a bit of a different perspective we start to understand that there is no such thing as good emotions and bad emotions, instead there is just contrast. There are heavy ones and lighter ones. There are ones we want to experience and ones we don’t want to experience. But if we ignore, deny and avoid the heavy emotions, we end up numbing ourselves so we don’t get to experience the uplifting emotions. 

What are you here for? Your soul journey is to embrace the emotional spectrum of being a human. The more you allow yourself to feel the frustration the more you are willing to understand where this frustration is coming from so you can then understand how to guide yourself forwards with peace. You can learn to stay motivated and dedicated to the task at hand so you can reach that feeling of satisfaction by finishing the task. This is your emotional experience, this is the spectrum of emotions that you move through in being human.  You feel the frustration and if you don’t admit to yourself that you feel frustration, then you won’t reach the satisfaction. I’m going to reframe this, because it’s not that you won’t achieve the satisfaction, instead that it becomes harder. If you are not willing to admit that you’ve become frustrated and you aren’t willing to understand where this frustration is coming from then it’s going to be a lot harder and take a lot longer for you to reach the feeling of satisfaction, the emotion of satisfaction. 

The same can be said for stress and peace. If you are feeling stressed and you aren’t allowing yourself to acknowledge the stress that you are feeling and you aren’t allowing yourself to process or learn where this stress is coming from; where is it being triggered; how are you allowing the stress to pressure you in life; how are you allowing this stress to force you into things you don’t want to do, but you are only doing them because of the stress. Underlying this stress, where is the fear and how is the fear discombobulating your mind so you become disconnected from the truth of your desire, which is to live more peacefully, to live more freely, to live with more purpose rather than pressure. That was a whole lesson for me and I actually have a training session inside my membership, The Soul Care Space,  about leaving pressure and finding purpose. 

When you acknowledge the emotional spectrum of being human you quite literally flow through the experience of life more gracefully. That is what you are here for, that is part of your soul journey in this lifetime. 

When I acknowledged, “damn I am feeling a lot of pressure in my life” I went deep into the root of that pressure and the fear behind the pressure, the distorted masculine energy of feeling forced to take action all of the time to prove my worthiness. It goes so deep. By looking at this I was able to acknowledge that I don’t want to live from pressure, I want to live from purpose. I want to feel inspired and dedicated and committed and devoted to this purpose, to this meaning that gives me life. 

Moving through that emotional spectrum I was able to self reflect, to strengthen my connection to myself, to better understand the conditioning that I have taken on from society and to really align with my authentic truth, in order to harvest more of my light. Living from pressure, from stress, from frustration, dims my light, it’s the shadow. By working through that shadow with emotional understanding  it allowed me to harvest my light. Now I am quicker to acknowledge when I am in frustration or feeling pressured, I know what I need to do to get myself back into that state of purpose, to release that frustration or work through the frustration. This way I can guide myself to satisfaction and this is harvesting my light. 

The emotional spectrum of being a human is what you are here for, it is part of your soul journey and it is how you harvest your light. The experience of life. 

Now along with this, living with presence allows you to bask in the energy and emotions of the experience. This one is really good because in the experience of life so many of us get caught up in that future oriented mindset. “What do I want in the future? What do I want to experience in the future? What am I working towards?” The other half of us are caught up in the past perspective. “I don’t want to experience that again, it’s overwhelming me. It’s affecting the way I see the world.” We are missing out on the presence, which is what we are here for. 

You are here to experience life and part of experiencing life is to live with presence. When you live with presence you end up allowing yourself to bask in the energy and emotions of the experience. You bask in that frustration. Let yourself feel it. I think a couple of weeks ago in the episode where I was talking about my move I was talking about my anger. Something had triggered me and in my anger I got in the car with my best friend and I told her to guard and protect herself because I just needed to let it all out. Quite literally I basked in the emotions of the experience, which was anger for me. By doing that, and letting it out and moving through the anger, within 15 minutes I got to a point of saying “okay, I don’t want to keep repeating this story now. I’ve let the emotion out and I don’t want the story of my anger to be the energy I carry with me moving forward. I want to shift this and I want to shift the way I move forward.” 

If I hadn't allowed myself to bask in the anger and I repressed it, suppressed it, denied it, avoided it, I would not have gained the clarity as quick as I did to realize that I needed to make the move. This move then allowed me to live with more peace. So, living with presence, this is the experience of life that you are here for. 

The experience of life is to give and receive love, joy, peace and connection. The experience of life is to remember that I am not here just for me, but I am here to connect with other people. Part of my healing journey I hermitted myself, I just found this cozy little sanctuary, I worked on my energy, I worked on my mindset and I worked on my emotions, and I thought life was so peaceful and great. I connected with my Spirit Guides and my Angels and I thought life was so great, and it was. I needed that time and space to work through a lot, but I got to a moment where I realized I am missing out on half of what life has to offer. The half of life that I was missing out on was connecting with other people. That give and receive energy is part of the experience of life and part of what you are here for. 

What are you giving and what are you receiving? The base of that give and receive, is it love, joy, peace and connection? That is what we are asking ourselves. That is what we are aligning with. What are you here for? Your soul journey. Harvesting the light. You are here to experience that harmony between give and receive when it comes to love, joy, peace and connection. 

The experience of life. You are here for the experience of life which can be broken down into the emotional spectrum of being human, living with presence which allows you to bask in the energy and emotions of the experience, and then of course the harmony of giving and receiving love, joy, peace and connection. That is what you are here for, the experience of life. 


The other side of what you are here for in harvesting your light through the soul journey is about sharing your gifts. 

I see it as two reasons why you are here, you are here to experience life and you are here to share your gifts. Simplified. You get to go deeper. You get to go deeper in this unique understanding of what you are here for. 

In the sharing of your gifts, this is the epitome of harvesting your light. I gave the analogy already of harvesting your light as picking the apple off the tree. The tree is bearing the fruit because of all the nurturing energy you have already poured into the tree. So, sharing your gifts and you getting to a place of feeling the joy in sharing your gifts, comes from you having moved through the experience of life. Experiencing the emotional spectrum, living with presence and experiencing the give and receive energy. Now you get to share your gifts. 

Harvesting your light is all of the energy you have poured into yourself, the work you’ve done on yourself, the personal growth, personal development, this energy healing, the soul connection, whatever you want to call it, consciousness. Now you have a better understanding of who you are, what brings you joy, what you are passionate about, you now get to harvest that light by sharing it with others. When you share it with others you get to receive more of that light back to you, it is the ripple effect you create. That’s what harvesting your light is, it’s the ripple effect of you pouring into others and then others are going to pour into you and they are pouring into themselves and we are creating this ripple effect around the world. You are here to share your gifts. 

This is what brings purpose and meaning into your life. The experience of life feels great, it’s where we create the life of our dreams. We understand our emotions more, we understand what we want to create more of and what we want to experience less of, all because we live with presence, in the moment. We understand how we are triggered and what makes us feel joyful, and we are in that state of giving and receiving, which is what brings purpose and meaning into our lives because we are sharing our gifts. 

My life feels purposeful because I have poured into myself. I know what brings me joy, I know what brings me peace, I know what excites me, I know what hobbies I love to do, I know how to communicate with people, I know what friends and family members fuel and nurture me and I nurture them. All of that brings purpose and meaning into my life because I want to create more joy in the world around me. I want to create more depth in the connections that are around me, the connections I experience, and the connections you experience. 

All of this, understanding myself on a deeper level through experiencing life, brings me purpose and meaning because I get to now share my gifts because I understand myself and my passion. I want to show up more to help others. Sharing your gifts brings purpose and meaning into your life. All of this is living authentically you. 

When you are sharing your gifts, first of all you have to do some work on yourself. Are you sharing those gifts because you are coming from a people pleasing energy? Because if you are coming from this energy, the root of behaving this way is you desiring someone else to validate you. You need someone else to tell you that you are worthy because you have helped them feel a certain way. That is not living authentically you, that is not what you are here for. Knowing the energy behind what you are coming from, what intention is behind your actions is really important. 

When you begin to share your gifts from an aligned and intentional place you start to understand how you are finally living authentically yourself. You are not worried about how someone else receives your energy, instead you are just enjoying who you are and what you are doing and you are sharing that light because it feels good. Being your true self no matter how silly or goofy you may look feels good. It brings that childhood innocence back into your experience. 

So, what are you here for? You are here to share your gifts which is the epitome of harvesting your light. Sharing your gifts brings more purpose and meaning into your life. Sharing your gifts allows you to live more authentically you. 

Sharing your gifts is when you say “it just is, I’m just good at this, I can’t explain it, how I’m good at this”. I think that is always so hard, when someone asks you how you did something and you can’t explain it, you think “I don’t know I just did it because I wanted to, I just knew it, I just had that wisdom”. That is what it feels like when you are living authentically you. People overcomplicate what a soul purpose is, because we are human and we love to overcomplicate things. It’s not complicated, whatever naturally comes easy to you and is the most natural way of you enjoying life and spreading your light, that will bring purpose and meaning into your life and it will feel good because it will leave other people feeling good. That is the difference between people pleasing and living authentically you. When you are living authentically you, whatever you are doing feels good and it brings purpose and meaning into your life because it leaves other people feeling good. When you are people pleasing you don’t feel good if you don’t become successful in making someone else feel good because they didn’t accept you, they didn’t validate you because they didn’t walk away feeling good. When you are living authentically you, you just feel good in the act of doing whatever you are doing, not because someone has walked away feeling good. You just feel good doing what you are doing and other people start to feel good because you feel good. It’s not the outcome. You don’t feel good because of the outcome, you feel good because you are living with presence. 

There is so much and you can go so much deeper in all of this. I want you to go deeper into your own experiences. 

Wrapping this up, what are you here for, you are here for two main things: the experience of life and sharing your gifts. Understanding the experience of life is the emotional spectrum of being a human, living with presence allows you to bask in the energy and emotions of the experience, and giving and receiving love, joy, peace and connection. Sharing your gifts is the epitome of harvesting your own light. You have worked so much on your own light that now you just share those gifts. By sharing your gifts you are bringing purpose and meaning into your life. By sharing your gifts you are living authentically you and that is what you are here for. 


I want to move into the last category of this episode which is always self reflection creates soul connection. Your growth journey becomes a whole new level, or you enter a whole new level when you begin to self reflect. You understand yourself more.

You can harvest your light by knowing more deeply what you are here for in this lifetime. Remember I simplified it for the collective, it’s very generic, now you can go deeper for yourself. 

Self reflection is a powerful tool that helps you to better understand yourself and strengthen your connection with the Universe. Which is where you build trust and find a way to surrender more easily to your soul path.

I have three journal prompts for you to write down when you have a moment to reflect on. Actually journal, don’t just think about your answer, there is so much power when you actually write down your answer.

1 - What fuels me or lights me up or excites me?

I want to know. You should want to know.

2 - What no longer feels aligned?

Friend, you have to take a moment and acknowledge your emotions. You have to, it’s part of the experience of life and it’s part of what you are here for, and it’s how you create positive change.

3 - How can I share my light easily with others?

Don’t over complicate it, just answer whatever comes to you. Here is an example on how I can share my light more easily with others. I can go do the things I like to do. For instance I have found a love for bouldering, it’s like rock climbing but with no ropes. There is a bouldering gym in the town that I live in. When I go bouldering I am so happy, that the friends I end up hanging out with can feel my light. Then I end up building stronger connections because I am doing the things I like doing and I can talk to them and ask them questions. How else can I share my light easily with others? This podcast, this creates joy for me. I am having the time of my life right now sitting under this blanket, sharing my thoughts and perspectives. There might only be two people listening and I really don’t care. I am having so much fun by actually taking the wisdom that has moved through me from my lifetime and sharing it in hopes that it impacts you or it gives you a little bit of a different perspective on life. It’s why I created my membership, The Soul Care Space, because I have this love for soul connection, meditating and journaling, and acknowledging our emotions and energy and working through it. I love to do this work in my own life and so I thought, hey maybe other people would enjoy it too. That is how I share my light and that is a deeper one, I’ve worked hard to determine that one. 

For you, start simple, how can you share your light more easily with others? Do you like to have chats with your best friend? So you get a coffee and have a deep chat. Maybe you are sharing your light. 


This is our episode for today, what are you here for, the soul journey, harvesting your light. I really hope this has brought a different perspective, a deeper understanding for your soul journey and what you are here for in this lifetime. I strongly encourage you to go a little deeper with what I shared  and maybe take some time for reflection on what it means to you. 

As I wrap out today’s episode, I want you to remember, your life is happening right now. There is not some future moment you need to rush forward to. Be here, take a deep breath, know that you are meant to be in this moment. 

Life will always bring more lessons. 

Your soul will always guide you to more healing. 

Your mind will always require support to see from a bigger perspective. 

You will always desire to be seen, heard and understood. 

Be here now for yourself. In time you will feel the call to share more light and compassion with the world. 

I’m Sydney, signing off and saying “thank you, thank you, thank you”.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness