Feeling Unmotivated & Drained? | 5 Ways Your Environment is Affecting Your Energy


In life we’ve been taught to value ourselves based on our output, our motivation, and our hustle mentality to simply “just get the job done”. This mindset has led us to feeling pressured and forced into working even when we are feeling drained and unmotivated. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author I know that the most important thing in life is not your output, but actually your input, or rather the spirit, the soul, the heart, the purpose you pour into your life. We’ve put too much focus on the outcome and the end result that we forget to enjoy the experience, live in the present and find joy in the now. 

There are a lot of different things that can and will affect your energy and lead you to feeling drained and unmotivated. Especially if you consider yourself an empath, sensitive soul, people pleaser or intuitive, you are constantly picking up on different vibrations (or frequencies) of energy that are not in alignment with your soul vibration. When you are surrounded by these lower energies you can easily feel drained and unmotivated. 

Life is not about “bucking up” and getting the job done. If you desire to live a soul-led life, an intuitive life, then it’s important you pay attention to the different situations and experiences that are lowering your energetic vibration. As an empath and sensitive soul you need to learn to guard and protect your energy in order to not let your environment drain you and shift you into an unmotivated state of being. 

When you take action from a drained and unmotivated state you are prioritizing the societal pressure of hustle, and you are forgetting to listen to your spirit. Your energy matters. Learning which situations trigger you into a lower energy is how you can step back into control over your life. Rather than living from survival mode, you will be able to live from creation mode. 

Here are 5 different ways your environment is affecting your energy.

Drama & Gossip

When you are in an environment that is filled with drama and gossip you are attaching yourself to the energy of judgment. Whether or not you are partaking in the drama or gossip, this energy is still attaching onto your energetic aura and your body. 

The energy of judgment is focused on hierarchy. Our ego minds lead us to judging others because we feel at a disadvantage and we want to bump ourselves up on the hierarchy level. “The higher up I am, the more power I have, the better I am.” is what our Ego-Mind says. When we raise ourselves up the ladder, so to speak, we often are lowering someone else. There will always be a new situation or experience where you feel lower on the ladder and need to rise up to “feel better”. This is a never ending cycle because we never reach the fulfillment we desire and it’s a constant battle to prove your worth against someone else’s. 

The more often we are surrounded by the energy of judgment through drama and gossip the easier it becomes to feel drained and unmotivated. 

Constant Complaining

There is a difference between venting to get something off your chest, so then you can create positive change in your life versus constantly complaining about all the things that are wrong. 

When you, or someone in your environment, is constantly complaining the energy is very much attached to the victim mindset. “Let’s point out all the things that are wrong in life and let’s bitch and complain that it’s not the way we want it to be.” When you are surrounded by this type of environment it doesn’t matter how much work you put into a job, project or task, you are always going to feel like it’s not enough because someone (or yourself) is always there to point out what’s wrong. 

Let’s get one thing straight, life is never going to be perfect, which basically means there is always going to be something that you don’t like. Your power lies in your willingness to create positive change in your life. Recognizing what’s not working is part of the process, but constant complainers are missing the most important aspect, actually creating the necessary change. 

If we are only ever recognizing what’s wrong then we will never feel motivated to create the necessary change. 


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Everyone is on a different path and everyone has a different gift/strength to offer the world. When you are always focusing on what other people are doing you are pressuring yourself to live in a way that is not in alignment with your soul path. 

We are all here to gather soul wisdom and we do this by learning the lessons that are on our path, healing and growing from our life experiences and then applying what we’ve learned in order to share our gifts with purpose. When you are always comparing yourself to the people in your environment you will end up forcing yourself to live based on someone else’s journey. It’s extremely draining to try and do as others do. It may seem like the easier option at first because their path is clear, but you will never feel fulfilled or satisfied if you are trying to follow someone else’s path. 

Comparison keeps you focused on someone else’s purpose and feeling pressured to try and keep up with them. The moment you redirect your energy and focus on your purpose you will find that your heart and soul will lead you forward in a way that feels good. 

Psychic Attacks

Generally speaking, you have no idea when a psychic attack has occurred and it’s the process of someone else sending low vibrational energy your direction. There are a multitude of ways someone can do this and usually it’s because they are angry with you, resentful towards your actions, or jealous of the life you are living. 

A psychic attack is when this low vibrational energy, that is unseen in our physical world, attaches onto your energetic aura and body and you feel its effects. It’s a lot harder to learn about these experiences because they aren’t as obvious as the first 3 examples. Typically, if you cannot explain why you are feeling drained or unmotivated it could be because someone has psychically attacked you. Often people don’t even realize that this is what they are doing. 

Personally, I’ve experienced psychic attacks showing up in my life in the form of headaches, nausea and other physical illnesses. Upon reflection I’ve recognized they were indeed psychic attacks because the illnesses healed after taking care of my energetic body.

As an empath and sensitive soul learning how to protect your energy is extremely important so your energetic aura isn’t as open and inviting to energies outside of you.

Energy Leaks

The broadest aspect of your environment affecting your energy is energy leaks. There are so many different ways your energy can leak into the environment around you and this is extremely personal to you. You can find energy leaks based on your life lessons, your past trauma, the emotional wounds you carry, the societal beliefs passed onto you, and the conditioning and programming you were raised to carry. 

An energy leak is anything that you are giving energy to, usually without even realizing it. If you have a fear of lack then one of your energy leaks could be associated with the worry that pops into your mind about your financial situation. Let’s say you are out to dinner with some friends at a fancy restaurant and you know it’s out of your budget, rather than originally declining the offer to join, you show up and your mind is in a constant cycle of worried thoughts. You can’t enjoy your time at all because your energy is slowly leaking due to your fear of lack. This energy leak can drain your energy easily and leave you feeling unmotivated for days if you aren’t cautious. 

Your worried thoughts are only one of many ways that you can experience an energy leak. The point is when you are feeling drained and unmotivated it might not only be the environment you are in, it could very well be the way you are reacting to your environment. 

The good thing about feeling drained and unmotivated because of your environment is that you can learn how to guard and protect your energy as an empath and sensitive soul, so you aren’t as easily affected. There are different responsive and proactive practices and strategies you can use to better understand your energy and create boundaries to support yourself. 

The most important thing is awareness. The more often you notice when your environment is affecting your energy the easier it becomes to instill behaviours that protect your energy levels. This is a reminder to stop pressuring yourself to push through despite how you feel. When you can learn what’s affecting you and how it’s affecting you, then you can create positive change in order to lead yourself back to feeling uplifted and motivated to follow your purpose. 

Self awareness is your best friend because you can’t always change your environment to be more supportive. Sometimes you need to look within and make some subtle changes in order to carry an energy that feels good. Check out A Guidebook for Alignment as a tool to support you through self awareness. It’s filled with lessons and over 180 journal prompts that will guide you in better understanding yourself so you can create a life that is aligned with your soul purpose. Click here to learn more about this spiritual EBook.

I hope this blog has brought some insight into why you are feeling drained and unmotivated and how you can start supporting yourself. Even if your environment is affecting your energy, you can stand your ground to create positive change for yourself. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness