Energy Forecast for January 17th - 23rd | BACK TO BASICS


The cycles we are moving through so far in January are really asking us if we truly learned the lesson and are willing to do things differently.

After the holiday season you may have thrown yourself back into your regular routine of life because you have a million things to catch up on… OR… you may have chosen to slow down and create a life that fully supports you each step of the way. If you find yourself in the first category then you may be feeling more drained and exhausted and the same old problems and challenges are continuing to pop up on your path. If you find yourself in the second category then you may be noticing it’s easier to create peace in your life and you can easily spot the challenges as they occur, allowing you to stay centered and grounded through the challenge. Either way, right now you are being asked to notice how you’ve chosen to move through life and create any small shifts and adaptations necessary. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide every single week I tap into the energy of the collective in order to bring clarity and direction into your life. There are Universal Energies that surround us every single day and influence our own individual energy. The more we can understand how our environment is impacting us the easier it becomes to flow with life as we create more ease and grace for ourselves. 

This week’s energy forecast includes a message from the Full Moon, Mercury has gone retrograde,  the Winter Season is in full swing, and I will share a channeled psychic message on how you can support yourself through these energy shifts. 

Today, Monday January 17th the Moon Cycle has shifted into the Full Moon phase. This is when energies are amplified and heightened more than any other phase. If you are an empath and sensitive soul, you may notice you’re more exhausted and emotional than normal. This is because during the Full Moon it’s easy for you to pick up on everyone else’s emotions. The Moon is the Queen of Emotions and she is constantly influencing our energy and emotions throughout each phase. The Full Moon is about clarity, answers and climax, which means projects that aren’t meant to work right now may come to a stand still, or if you are meant to move in a particular direction all other doors will seem closed. 

A lot of times people don’t know how to handle the amplification of their emotions during the Full Moon and this can cause them to shift into anger quicker, and frustration more easily than normal. The Full Moon is a reminder to Surrender to the Divine, meaning it’s important to remember that you are not in control of most things, so slow down and pay attention to your surroundings. If you are meant to act on something right now the signs and messages will be clear. Don’t act because you think it’s a good time to move forward, act because everything around you is pointing in that direction. Pay attention to your surroundings, protect your energy and emotions, don’t let other people’s emotions get under your skin, take time for yourself when necessary. 

At this time the planet Mercury has turned retrograde, which means it’s slowed down in transit and appears to be moving backwards. Mercury is the planet of communication, technology and logic. When the planet turns retrograde it means that the situation may not be as it seems. Now is a time to reflect internally before being quick to communicate or act on logic. It may appear that more problems arise during this time, but that is only because you are trying to move too quickly. Slow down and really consider if you need to act on that project now, or if you really need to broach that subject in conversation now. Be careful about your choice of words, don’t let someone else’s words affect your emotions too much, and really consider if a certain direction is actually the most logical right now.  Your sense of logic may be playing tricks on you.

You’ve learned a lot in 2021, or at least you were given a lot of opportunities to learn. Mercury retrograde is saying, how can you take what you’ve learned and make sure you are applying it at this time. If you want to learn more about Mercury Retrograde and what NOT to do, then check out this blog post

I mentioned earlier that in the Northern Hemisphere we are in the middle of Winter Season, which is all about healing and rest. This is the time of the year where we need to gather wisdom and knowledge, slow down to integrate this new found knowledge into our being completely, and rest in order to prepare for the new cycle come Spring. If you haven’t already, check out The Guidebook for Alignment as it will support you through self reflection in order to integrate the lessons that have popped up on your path this past year. 

Every challenge that comes into your life this season is an opportunity for you to see if you will do things differently. What have you learned from past challenges that you can use as wisdom while you traverse this challenge?

Basically, with the energy of the Full Moon, Mercury Retrograde and Winter Season, the message is MOVE SLOW and pay attention to your surroundings. There will be a lot of signs and messages popping up on your path this week if you are willing to look and listen. Take what you see, hear and know through these Universal Signs and Messages, and reflect on them with your journal.

Are you wanting to strengthen your ability to decipher Universal Signs and Messages? The Spirit of Air program is the place for you. In this year-long group program we uncover the limits of your mind that have been blocking you from trusting your spirit and we work on strengthening your connection to the Universe in a way that feels good to you.

It is the journey of listening to the voice of your soul, aligning with the limitless energy of your spirit, and creating harmony between your ego and spirit. Check it out here! 


A Guidebook for Alignment

$25.55 CAD - Spiritual EBook

This EBook is the resource that will support you in creating harmony between your ego and spirit as you move through the year.

Through self awareness and reflection you will lead yourself to feeling empowered and uplifted as you create a life that feels good to you. This guidebook is filled with wisdom, lessons and journal prompts to guide you in the process of your spiritual expansion.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for January 17th - 23rd 2022

Now that we have a better understanding of the Universal Energy that is influencing us this week, let’s take a look at the channeled message in how you can create more ease and grace for yourself. 

I take the time every week to connect with my psi-abilities and intuition as I channel a message from the Universe. I use Oracle Cards as my divination tool of choice and I listen to the messages moving through me from the Spirit world in the form of my clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities. (By the way, these are the exact abilities we strengthen in the Spirit of Air program, as everyone has access to these psi-abilities)

This week I am using Sonia Choquette’s Trust Your Vibes oracle deck. 

The question I am asking my Divine Team in order to bring the right guidance forward is, “how can we support ourselves through this week as the Universal Energy shifts and changes?”


It’s time to reconnect mind, body, spirit by focusing on the basics. 

If you desire to have a strong connection with the Universe you first need to take care of yourself by focusing on your most innate needs. It’s time to step out of your mind and focus on your body. Are you eating well? Are you drinking enough water? Are you getting adequate rest? Are you moving your body? Are you bringing self-love into your day?

Self-awareness is the key in order to have a strong and reliable connection with the Universe and Spirit World. Do you have dreams you want to manifest? Well, first you need to take care of yourself! 

The only way you can connect with your Higher Self, your Inner Spirit, is if you are taking care of your human self without guilt. 

As the Universal Energies shift and change this week you are being reminded to take care of yourself by prioritizing the basic care you need. Grab your journal and a pen and reflect on exactly that. What does it mean to you to go back to the basics? How can you support yourself through this basic level of care? What can you do on a daily basis to listen more closely to your body and it’s needs?

Remember, now is not a time to rush ahead, instead it’s a time to slow down and pay attention to yourself and your needs. The clarity and guidance from the Universe will come when the time is right! 

In order to up-level on your path and to allow spiritual expansion to guide you forward you need to be willing to look within. In the Spirit of Air program we are not only focused on learning lessons and strategies to aid your spiritual growth as you connect with your Angels, Ancestors and Spirit Guides. We are also focused on doing all of this in the right way for you as an individual. If you are ready to step into the limitless energy of your spirit, then it’s time to join Spirit of Air! 

Check out some of my other offers if Spirit of Air doesn’t feel right for you at this time. 

Spiritual EBooks - strengthen your spiritual connection through self-awareness

Meditation Membership - create more joy and peace as you release stress and overwhelm

I hope this weekly energy forecast has brought great insight into how you can flow through this week with more ease and grace! 

Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness