Energy Forecast for January 24th - 30th | RELEASE & PURIFICATION


Notice how you feel and ask yourself “how can I support myself in this moment?”.

It’s time for another weekly energy forecast in order to gain clarity and guidance on how the Universe is influencing our energy and emotions this week. It’s important to remember that there is a vast amount of knowledge and wisdom in the world, especially in the spiritual world because everyone interprets messages and signs with their own human perspective. The best thing you can do is learn how to interpret energy, signs and messages yourself. It’s time to become aware with how you feel, recognize your own patterns, and build knowledge on the patterns and cycles you move through. All of this information is just that, information, until you take it and apply it to your life in a way that feels good, that’s when it becomes wisdom. (this is the work we will master in the Spirit of Air program - join before February 22nd)

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide every single week I tap into the Universal Energies that are coming forward and impacting the way we move through life. I share the main message from the Moon Cycle and how the current phase is affecting our emotions and energy. I also channel a message from Spirit on how we can show up and support ourselves as individuals in order to flow with more ease and grace. 

On Tuesday, January 25th the Moon Cycle will be shifting into the Third Quarter Moon Phase. As the moon gets smaller in size and makes its way to the next cycle we are being reminded to release. 

This week you may notice you have less energy, you tire faster than the previous couple of weeks, and you seem unmotivated more often. This is not because there is something wrong with you, it’s because the Moon Cycle is influencing your emotions and energy. We are being reminded not to shame and guilt ourselves when our energy levels diminish, instead we have to learn how to support ourselves through this. 

What are you carrying that is wasting your energy? What are you holding onto that is keeping you stuck in the past? How are your thoughts pulling you into a judgmental space? Where are you not allowing yourself to let go and rest? 

Mercury Retrograde is happening until the first week of February, so you may notice communication problems arise this week. People from your past may be popping up on your path as well. Remember, this isn’t a time to rush into action and reaction. Move slowly. Check in with yourself and how you feel. Notice if you can respond to each situation differently than you would have in the past. Release the old way of doing things. Release the old emotions and thoughts you’ve been holding onto. Release control of the situation. Release expectation on the outcome. 

Need help with learning how to release or what to release? Check out the Releasing Guidebook for all your releasing needs!


Releasing Guidebook

$11.11 CAD - Spiritual EBook

A guidebook to help you shift forward to a life of peace, clarity and joy through releasing the weight you are carrying, mentally, emotionally, and energetically.

Gain a stronger connection to the Universe and your Inner Spirit as you release old pain that’s been triggering you. Create Soul Alignment through daily releasing practices that feel good to you.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for January 24th - 30th 2022

Now that we have a better understanding of the Universal Energies that are influencing us this week, let’s tap into Spirit and see what main message is coming to guide us. 

I am using Steven Farmer’s Earth Magic oracle deck for the intuitive reading for this week’s energy forecast. 

The question we are asking is, “what do we need to know about the release process this week?”


The release process we move through individually this week is not about reaching a specific outcome, it’s not about mastering the project you are working on, it’s not about receiving all of your manifestations. 

A lot of the time when we hear the word release we (a) struggle to let go because we’ve been gripping onto something for so long that we don’t know who we are without it or (b) we think that once we release the resistance and block we are carrying all of our dreams will come true. 

This release process is actually about coming back to your true essence. It’s about releasing layers of conditioning you’ve been wearing, layers of pain and suffering that have built up over time, and layers of preconceived notions of who you should be. 

You are moving into a phase of purification.

When you cleanse your mind and body, you purify your soul.  

You are being asked to grab your journal and pen, write out all that has been holding you back. What are the thoughts that fill your mind that feel heavy? What are the habits that you know don’t support you? Write out everything that you know needs to be released. 

Once you’ve gotten clear on what you are releasing, then the purification process can begin. Spend time in the bath allowing the water to cleanse you. Stand in the shower and feel the sacred water cleansing any of the energy that has been sitting stagnant within you. Visualize yourself swimming in a pond of sacred water. Spend time in nature near a body of water, a lake, ocean, river etc. Feel the energy of the water cleansing your mind and your spirit. 

Your connection with water this week will help you through your release process. You aren’t releasing to reach a specific outcome, you are releasing to come home to your spirit. You are releasing to feel calmness settle over your mind, body and soul. You are releasing in order to purify your entire being so you can prepare to step into the next cycle. 

I channel these messages every single week not for you to only read them and then continue living in the same way. I share this insight with you so you have knowledge and guidance to start taking steps forward in a way that feels supportive. Use this information, find what resonates and reflect on what it means to you. Take time to honour your energy throughout the week knowing you aren’t alone and there is always a way to reach a better feeling moment.

Join the Meditation Membership in order to receive even more support, guidance and uplifting energy from me along your growth journey. The theme for February 2022 is Routines to Soothe Your Soul. You don’t have to feel like you are all alone on this journey. Come join our sacred, supportive community of like-minded beings! 

There are only a couple weeks left to join the Spirit of Air program for the 2022 group. This is the space where you take your connection to the Universe and your trust in your spirit to the next level. Learn how to protect your energy as an empath, how to decipher Universal signs and messages, how to feel your intuition, and most importantly how to trust yourself as you follow your soul path. Let’s hop on a call and make sure this 12 month group program is the right fit for you. 

I’m excited to see where 2022 leads you on your spiritual journey. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness