Receiving Signs & Messages from the Universe

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You are on a spiritual journey trying your best to stay connected with your soul path and soul purpose. You recognize that the Divine Universe will send you signs and messages, but you aren’t always sure what to make of them. You easily get excited when you receive a sign and then you are quick to be confused by said sign. 

Let’s get a whole lot clearer on how to better understand the signs and messages you are receiving. There is a process that we all flow through when we receive signs and messages from the Universe and when you are aware of this process you can better support yourself next time you receive a sign. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide one of the questions I receive most often is “how do you interpret a sign or message from the Universe?” This is the hardest question to answer because ultimately it depends on what the sign/message is, who is receiving it and what phase of life they are in. 

As humans we tend to overcomplicate everything, including the messages and signs we receive from the Universe. Most often then not, the sign or message is simply reminding you that you are not alone. If you are wanting to take your interpretations to the next level then the first step is always to better understand yourself. When you have a strong connection with your Inner Spirit, your soul, you can better understand how to interpret the signs in your life. 

If you are ready to build a stronger connection to yourself, but don’t know where to start then check out one of these offers below. 

Ready to do the work on your own - Buy the Guidebook for Connection

This guidebook is filled with information and journal prompts that will guide you in strengthening your connection to yourself. 

Ready to receive support from a community as you do this work - Join the Meditation Membership

This membership is a space where you will be guided to better understand yourself in a supportive, community environment. 

Ready to up level yourself and receive guidance each step of the way - Start the 1:1 Monthly Mentoring program

This one on one space is where you will be able to deep dive into who you are as a Spirit so you can build the life of your dreams right now. Work directly with Sydney to receive clarity, support, guidance and accountability in each moment. 

Back to learning the 3 stages of receiving signs and messages. 

I’ve been on my spiritual journey since I was 16 years old, and even though I had a few periods where I wasn’t fully dedicated to my practice, there is one thing I know to be true throughout my entire process. 

You will never fully trust the FIRST sign/message you receive from the Universe, especially if you are asking for guidance for a specific aspect of your life. 

Signs and messages from the Universe are meant to guide and support you as you create alignment with your soul path. 

But, we are human and there is such a thing as free will. This means that we can see the sign and still choose to ignore it for one reason or another. It’s funny how easy it is for us to trust our minds rather than our Spirit. Our mind is always making up a load of crap, from “you’re not worthy” to “nobody likes you” to “you’ll never achieve what you desire”. This is exactly what our mind says to keep us stuck in a space that actually doesn’t support us. 

Your Spirit would never speak to you in this way. 


Personal Development & Spiritual Growth

Spiritual EBooks

These spiritual development guidebooks help you connect to the universe, release pain, blocks and resistance, and create a bright and beautiful future.

Intuitive Soul Reading

For the person questioning something about their life and desiring clear answers. Your reading will provide support, guidance, and clarity for the direction you need to take.

Soulful Solo Session

For the person who is lost and overwhelmed and needs support. You will leave the session knowing exactly what the problem is; what steps come next; and you’ll gain courage and confidence to move forward to a resolution.

If you are on this journey and desire more guidance check out the Personal Growth Blog , join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.

If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.


Back to the blog - Receiving Signs & Messages from the Universe

Why aren’t we willing to trust the signs and messages we receive? Because we are afraid of the unknown. Our fears always end up trying to control us and lead us to take action on things that are completely out of alignment. 

So, let’s dive into the 3 stages of receiving signs and messages, so you can better support yourself in creating soul alignment on your path. 


The very first time you receive a sign or message that is pointing you in a certain direction, or asking you to take action on something your response will always be denial

Okay, let’s get clear. Your initial response is actually clarity and calmness, but within 2.54 seconds the denial creeps in. What exactly does this denial look like? Let’s get into an example. 

A little over 6 months ago I received the message that I needed to write books. I got really excited immediately because I’ve always wanted to be an author. The message came in very clearly and I was extremely calm when I heard the message. A short while later I was having all these thoughts that led back to denial. Some of these thoughts were “well, that will happen far in the future, it’s not time to write yet, I’ve barely built my spiritual business. I can’t be qualified to write these types of books. There is no way someone would want to buy a book from me. Who am I to even be an author? I’m sure first I’ll need to work with more clients, then it’ll be time to write. I think maybe I’m getting ahead of myself. Maybe this wasn’t even a message from the Universe, maybe because it’s my dream I’m just creating this thought. How do I even know for sure that this is a message? Well, if this is actually a message from the Universe they will send a sign that’s even clearer.”

Can you see how my thoughts spiraled into the space of denying the clear message I received? This is the power of your mind. This is the power of your thoughts when you let them rule the house. Have you been here before? Have you received a very clear sign that felt reassuring one moment and then a complete flip the next moment you were second guessing all of it?

This is the first stage of receiving signs and messages from the Universe. Denial. 


By the time you enter stage two of receiving signs and messages from the Universe some time has passed and you’ve begun to receive more signs. Now you aren’t simply denying one sign because there has been some repetition in the messages you’ve been receiving. You see the same sign catching your attention every week. The signs that are popping up in your life are all different, but the message behind them all lead back to the original sign. 

You’ve gotten to a place where you can no longer deny the repetition in the signs and messages. Now you are beginning to get excited. You read the message loud and clear! You are excited for the direction these signs are guiding you in and you know it’s meant for you. 

Wait… don’t move too quickly now. Excitement easily turns into fear if you aren’t careful. Remember how your mind denied the original sign. Well, now your mind is going to push you into the fearful stage. The unknown is scary. How are other people going to respond to you if you make this change? Will people understand why you are doing what you are doing? What if they judge you for your life choices? What if this sign is actually wrong and it leads you down a path you aren’t meant to go? 

All of the what if’s are created in your head and keep you stuck in a state of fearing the unknowns. 

The beautiful part about stage two is that you actually have a choice. Ultimately in stage one you have a choice as well, but it’s much harder to choose to trust the sign in stage one than it is in stage two. 

Building trust in stage two can be easier because of how many signs you’ve received by this point. When you are far along on your spiritual journey, trusting yourself and the Universe off of one Universal Sign can be a little easier because you’ve practiced this. When you are still fresh on your spiritual journey, meaning you’ve been committed to your spiritual practices for less than 10 years, it’s really hard to trust after the initial sign. 

This leads you to experiencing excitement or fear. Sometimes you’ll experience both throughout stage two. The key as you move through this stage is constantly checking in with yourself and asking which emotion is leading your choices. Are you acting based on fear or excitement? 


Quickly you are led into stage three depending on the choices you’ve made in stage two. In stage three you will receive more signs and messages of support, however these signs and messages are going to look different depending on what you choose to do in stage two. 

If you acted out of fear then all the signs and messages that pop up in stage three are going to be the same repetitive signs you’ve already been receiving. The Universe is literally saying to you “are you avoiding this?”

If you act out of excitement then all the signs and messages that pop up in stage three are going to be confirming your actions, celebrating the direction you are headed in and they may even be giving you the next step to take action on. 

Stage three will either lead you back to stage one again, or the Divine Universe will be excited for the action you’ve taken and will be sending you more support to keep going. This is the phase in receiving signs and messages where you show up for yourself and you start taking inspired action that keeps you aligned with your soul path. 

Listening to the signs and messages from the Universe is fun and meaningful, but we aren’t meant to only listen to these signs and messages. We are being asked to take action. We are being asked to pay attention. We are being asked to do things differently. Whenever we move into a space that is full of unknowns our fears can easily be triggered. The more you are aware of your fears the easier it becomes to stay in control of your life. Don’t let your fears be the driver of your car. See the Universal Signs for what they are and start building trust in yourself and the Universe as you take action on these signs. 

If you want to learn more about signs and messages from the Universe then check out the Meditation Membership. Every new member that joins gains access to all the replay calls, and one of those calls is on the topic of receiving signs and messages.

This is a great way to build your spiritual knowledge, stay connected to your spiritual practices and feel supported by a beautiful community of like-minded beings.

This is where you create soul alignment on your path!

Now that you have more knowledge on receiving signs and messages you can start building your trust in the Universe as you receive these signs. I’d love to hear what resonates with you the most in this blog. Leave a comment below or join my free Facebook community, Shifting Forward!

Do you desire more 1:1 attention and guidance for your life? The 1:1 Monthly Mentoring is focused on creating a safe space for you to receive support, guidance & direction for your life specifically. This is where you learn how to uncover and step into your power! Check out more information or book a free clarity call today!

I am sending you love & support as you learn to build trust in the signs and messages you receive from the Universe!

Until next time, 

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


Are you dealing with a past trauma?

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Are you determined not to make the same mistakes again?

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This Guidebook will support you throughout the next year & beyond. If you are ready to step into your next level & truly become the best version of yourself then this is the Guidebook for YOU!