Energy Forecast for July 19th - 25th | Fear of the Unknown vs. Leading with Curiosity

Blog - Energy Forecast July 19 - 25 Fear of the Unknown vs. Leading with Curiosity.jpg

When life changes before you it can be one of the scariest moments of your life, for the fear of the unknown takes over. When you change before life it can be one of the most exciting moments of your life, for the curiosity of the unknown leads you. The only difference in these two scenarios is allowing your fear to control your experience versus allowing your curiosity to guide you. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I focus my work in helping others to feel supported and guided as they transition through life’s changes. Ultimately every single one of us has desires, dreams and goals that we wish to one day achieve. I believe that in order to achieve what we haven’t already we need to be willing to step out of our comfort zone and do things differently. This is where fear can hold us back or curiosity can support us. 

Change is the only constant in this world. So, how do you flow through change? 

Every week I bring forward messages for the collective via an Energy Forecast. The point behind channeling these messages is to bring more clarity into your life so you can better support yourself through the coming week. I also share my most recent Self Reflection to encourage you to always find the lessons in life. Self reflection is a great way to better understand who you are so you can learn to support yourself the best way possible in order to achieve all of your desires. 

So, let’s get into my Self Reflection from this past week. 


Over the last 3 and a half years I have been on a journey of shifting forward. What does this really mean? I’ve done the whole auto-pilot thing. Living each day the same as the day before, stuck in a pattern and not even being aware that you are stuck in a pattern. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, because maybe you love your life and everything about it. Maybe you enjoy the repetition of the same day over and over. What did I learn post auto-pilot life? I had been ignoring the clear signs and messages that were pointing me in a different direction. I forgot to actively self-reflect to see if I enjoyed my days fully and completely. I allowed the blessings and positive moments to outweigh the challenges and difficulties. In doing so, I didn’t learn from the challenges, I didn’t create change in my life to stop experiencing the same difficulties over and over. 

That is what a life on auto-pilot is. As much as you experience the same blessings day in and day out, you also experience the same challenges, the same problems day in and day out. 

So, almost 4 years ago I took a stand for myself and my life. Without even realizing it I have been on a journey to constantly shift forward in life. What does this mean to me? It means that in each phase of life I choose to reflect on what I’ve currently experienced, how it felt, what the purpose was, and I ask myself, do I want to continue down this path? I have big dreams. Big goals. Big desires. I know that I need to be willing to change and adapt through life in order to achieve all that I desire. I know that there is a Divine Plan for me that is far better than any plan I can put together. I know that there is a possibility I could achieve a life that is beyond my wildest dreams. If I believe all of this fully, then I also must know that I will be guided every step of the way in order to experience the life that is meant for me. 

Through this journey of shifting forward I have learnt 2 main lessons. 

1 I will KNOW when it’s time to shift. 

When I live on auto-pilot I prioritize the plan. My plan.
When I live intentionally I prioritize myself. How I feel.
— Sydney Smith

When I focus on how I feel it becomes a lot easier for me to enjoy the life I am experiencing. It also becomes a lot easier to recognize when something is no longer supporting me and the life I desire to live. When I focus on how I feel I prioritize my Spirit, my heart, rather than the thoughts my mind creates. I can feel something is NOT right well before I have the facts to prove something is not right. This is how I KNOW when it’s time to shift. 

2 Shifting forward into the unknown is never easy. 

This is one of the hardest commitments I’ve made to myself in life. 

When I choose to be committed to myself everything becomes a little easier. 

The unknown is scary because of exactly that, you don’t know. There isn’t certainty and that can bring a lot of confusion forward. 

Something I’ve learnt is that there are always going to be unknowns in life. If we lived only based on the known then life would be boring and predictable. I do NOT want to live a boring and predictable life. I desire the extraordinary. I desire adventure. I desire the exploration of life. 

This past week life has made it very clear that I am in a state of shifting forward once again. The plan that I had made was no longer flowing. I was causing a lot of pressure and forcefulness to try and live based on the plan I made. The Universe was saying “ummmm, no.” 

I want to be very clear. When I said earlier I know when it’s time to shift forward I am not always a saint in practicing this. I am still human. I still waiver. I still second guess. I still become fearful of the unknown. 

I have known for 7 months that the Universe has been guiding me to shift forward. I saw it. I knew it. I received the message loud and clear. But, my humanness got the better of me. Meaning, I stayed stuck in the plan I wanted. I had too many fears of how everything would unfold that I chose not to listen to the knowing. I thought, well if I do this first then it’ll make that next step a lot easier. The Universe doesn’t work that way. When the Universe gives you a step to take you are expected to take that step. Once you do take it, then the Universe will bless you with the next step. I haven’t been blessed with the second step because I haven’t fully taken the first. 

So, I am making it known to the world now. I hear you Universe, loud and clear. I am taking the step. I am choosing to shift forward as the Universe guides me. 

How can I support myself in this process? How can I shift forward without fear controlling me and instead let curiosity guide me?

First, I am creating a supportive space for myself.

It’s easy to feel unsupported in life, especially when we are in the midst of change. So I am connecting with my Divine Team more than ever before in order to feel supported by the Universe. I am connecting with friends and family so I can feel supported in my humanness. The important part is that I am choosing to connect with people who understand the difficulty of stepping into the unknown. If I surround myself with people who trigger my fears and worries then I will NOT receive the support I desire. Choosing who to connect with in this transition of shifting forward is so important. Lastly, I am connecting with my spiritual community in the Meditation Membership. These are people who I know are all choosing to shift forward and create a life they love living. When I connect with other people in this space it becomes easier for me to trust my path. 

Second, I am taking inspired and aligned action every single day. 

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all that I “should” be doing or all that I “have” to do. These types of actions are never in alignment with my highest good. It’s basically asking someone else “hey, do you think I will enjoy the party?”. How would someone else know if you are going to enjoy something? I mean if they know you well enough then maybe they’d have a good idea, but what it comes down to is you need to be the one that knows yourself best. We need to stop doing things in life because it’s the cultural norm, or someone else told us we have to do it. 

Taking action that is inspired and aligned with your soul path can only be known by you. What lights you up? What gets you excited? What feels good to you at this moment? As I am choosing to shift forward in life I am focusing my time and energy on the things that feel good to me. The only way I know what feels good to me is by being in the present and simply asking myself “does this feel good?”. 

By focusing on these two things - support & inspired action - I am courageously shifting forward and trusting myself as I follow my Divine Plan. The moment something no longer feels good, I will check back in with myself and ask what I need in that moment. 

So, here we go. Let us see where the wind takes me. I am excited to watch it all unfold and I am even more excited to explore and experience each moment as it happens. 

Cheers to shifting forward and creating a life we love living! 

Are you too, shifting forward through something?

Do you feel your life changing and evolving?

Are you changing and evolving yourself?

Now is the time to surround yourself with a supportive community so you can build trust in yourself as you create soul alignment on your path. Join the Meditation Membership today, for this is where you will learn how to create alignment, how to support yourself and how to create connection with the Universe. 

Now, let’s jump into the Energy Forecast and see what we need to know as we move through this next week. 



2021 Guidebook

For the person who desires more peace, more joy, more clarity, more connection, more love and more self-confidence to reach their biggest dreams.


Intuitive Soul Reading

For the person questioning something about their life and desiring clear answers. Your reading will provide support, guidance, and clarity for the direction you need to take.


Soulful Solo Session

For the person who is lost and overwhelmed and needs support. You will leave the session knowing exactly what the problem is; what steps come next; and you’ll gain courage and confidence to move forward to a resolution.

If you are on this journey and desire more guidance check out the Personal Growth Blog , join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.

If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.



As we flow through this next week we will see that the Moon is growing from the First Quarter Phase into the Full Moon phase. This is a time to take action, and know that you will surmount any obstacles that come your way. Now is not a time to sideline your goals, instead it’s a time to reconnect to your why behind the action you are taking. Why are choosing to shift forward? Why are you working on this project? Why are you taking a step back? Why are you wanting that specific desire? When you get more connected with your why you build and strengthen the purpose behind your actions. 

You may not have all the clarity you want right now, and that is going to come in time as we reach the Full Moon. The Full Moon takes place this Friday, July 23rd and it’s a time for clarity, answers and when projects come to a climax. What you are waiting for is coming and you’ll have a better view into how it’s coming into your life later this week. Don’t simply sit on your ass and wait until Friday, because that’s not how you receive your desires. Take inspired action, follow your passions, and allow yourself to trust that everything is unfolding as it’s meant to. 

Trusting is not an easy task. This is why when you surround yourself with a supportive community it becomes easier to trust and easier to take action in a way that feels good to you. 

Now that we know what is going on with the Moon this week, let’s see what other messages are coming through for the collective. I am channeling messages for all of us by asking, “what do we, as a collective, need to know about the energy that’s flowing in this week?”

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Real blessings are flowing into your life this week. They may not look the way you originally expected them too and yet that does not mean they aren’t here. Often when you are desiring blessings you are expecting the end result, meaning you plant a fruit tree in order to receive the fruit. The tree offers so much more than fruit, most importantly it teaches you the beauty in the process of growing. Every part of a tree is important, from the roots to the leaves to the flowers and eventually the fruit it bears. 

This week you are going to notice true growth occurring in your life. Take a moment for reflection and see how you’ve grown. Start to recognize that the way you respond to challenges is different than the way you used to react. Look back on your life and see how you’ve already achieved desires and goals you had held onto in the past. 

This message is reminding you that there is always growth occurring in your life. When you take a moment and carry gratitude and recognition for the areas you have grown, whether big or small, you begin to open yourself to receive more growth. Blessings are here for you now. You are the one creating the blessings in your life. 


This next week your fears and worries are going to be heightened. You will be pushed into situations that may be triggering and the fear is going to try and pull you into old ways of behaving. Pay attention to how you feel. Pay attention to how you are reacting to life. 

Slow down and make sure you are carrying the energy of peace in all that you do, all that you think, and all that you feel through life. It’s easy for fear to control how you show up in life. It’s hard to hold onto the energy of peace when you are moving through a challenge or obstacle. 

If you want to flow through life with more ease and grace then PEACE is necessary this week. Don’t rush to conclusions. Don’t stop taking action just because it’s become hard. Don’t let your mind push you into believing you aren’t worthy of everything you desire. 

Peace is real. Peace is love. Peace is the space where trust becomes easier to carry. 

This next week you need to ask yourself, how can I carry the energy of peace in this moment?


This week you need to stand up for yourself, and your desires. Your seeds are growing, meaning your dreams are coming to fruition. You will be tested which is why the embrace peace card came forward. Lastly, you are being asked to take clear action from a space of knowing what you are doing and why you are doing it. 

Remember the energy of the Moon phases that we are moving through? The Lord is telling you that you are allowed to be the master of your life. You know what is best for you at each moment. Don’t focus on the big picture. Instead focus on how you can take action right now that feels good to you. It’s time you trust in the strength and wisdom you carry. 

You are guiding yourself along your path. Stand up for yourself and what you believe you deserve! Call it in. Now is not a time to waiver on your desires. Now is a time to get clear on why you desire it and allow that to inspire you to keep going. 

The energy this week is powerful and I can feel a massive shift we are all moving through. You get to choose this week, are you going to let fear stop you on your path or are you going to let curiosity guide you through each experience. 

This is a powerful moment, don’t waste it away by letting the fear, worry and doubt push you into a space that doesn’t feel good. You are capable of everything you desire. You are worthy of experiencing a life you love. Everything is here for you now. How are you going to support yourself in the process?

If you are ready to take the next step in your journey and you want guidance, support, and accountability in building a life you love then the 1:1 Monthly Mentoring is the space for you. This is where you build and strengthen your connection to your Inner Spirit, you will learn how to support yourself through life’s challenges, and you will feel empowered to bring all of your dreams to fruition.

Now is the time for you to grow into the version of you where you trust in yourself and all of your dreams. Book a free clarity call now to see if this is the right fit for you. Learn more about the mentoring program below. 

I cannot wait to see what you make of this week as you flow with the Universal energies that are guiding you.

Until next time, sending you love & light along your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


Are you dealing with a past trauma?

Are you needing help finding your way?

Are you determined not to make the same mistakes again?

Having Sydney as your mentor guarantees you’ll heal and build the life of your dreams. 


I look forward to hearing how this week’s Self-Reflection and Energy Update has impacted and supports you! Send me a message, leave a comment below or join my free community on Facebook, Shifting Forward, so we can connect in a new way! You can find the link here.

This is where you can always find me sharing more about mental, emotional & spiritual wellness. 


Are you wishing for clarity and direction in your life without having to tell your whole story? An Intuitive Soul Reading is perfect for you. Absolutely every part of your life stays private to YOU, yet you receive exactly the guidance you need to take your first steps. 

If this Energy Update resonates with you and you are ready to receive more direct and personal guidance for your life, then book an Intuitive Soul Reading today. You can find all the details at the link below. 


This Guidebook will support you throughout the next year & beyond. If you are ready to step into your next level & truly become the best version of yourself then this is the Guidebook for YOU!