Energy Forecast for July 26th - August 1st | EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, PAY ATTENTION
Everything is energy. If you are not aware of how you are using your energy then you could very well be wasting it. If you are not aware of how external energy is affecting you then you could be leading yourself down the wrong path.
As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I am constantly learning about the energy that is influencing me and how I can best support myself by using the energy I have in a soul-aligned way. By understanding the influences of energy and the creation of energy you can learn how to live in alignment with your soul purpose.
Your spiritual awakening is not a moment in time to create a simple change so you can live your dream life. A spiritual awakening is a moment where you realize the way you’ve been living, your external environment, or the people you are connected to are no longer supporting you and the life you desire. A spiritual awakening is not about fixing or changing one thing, instead it’s about recognizing that your lifestyle affects how you experience life and the direction you are heading.
Every single week I come to you through these blog posts to share the Energy Forecast and what we can expect to witness or experience as we move through the next 7 days. I also show up in this space to share where I am learning, healing and growing in order to give you an example of what it could look like to flow down your spiritual path.
This week I am remembering, and reminding you, that life is a journey. Meaning if you have goals, visions and desires for your future you need to be willing to take aligned action today, that feels good to you, in order to enjoy the process. Being on this spiritual path does not mean you need to do one month of healing and learning in order to achieve all your desires. It actually is a reminder that you can achieve a lot of your desires right now, as long as you are committed to supporting yourself along this spiritual path of evolution.
So, what exactly am I learning or moving through right now?
Life is hard.
There are always going to be challenges, problems, difficulties, obstacles and breakdowns. I cannot ignore this fact. There is always something I could heal; a new life lesson to learn; a perspective to shift; and sometimes these shifts don’t come easily.
Life is magical.
There is always support, guidance and clarity that surrounds me. I have the power to create a moment of bliss even when I’m in a challenging phase of life. I’m allowed to be grateful while also desiring more. Even when life is hard I can still feel aligned with my soul path.
As I mentioned earlier, everything in life is energy and sometimes we do not get to choose which energy is affecting and influencing us. I went on a week-long road trip with my best friend last week and there were a lot of great learning opportunities for me. One of the lessons I was reminded of was the fact that we cannot always control our external environment and how it affects us.
I’ve always been a very independent person and over the last 3 and a half years I’ve really leaned into my independence more. How has this affected me? It means that I’ve walked away from environments that don’t feel good. I’m cautious with which type of environments I put myself in. I am always checking in with myself and adapting when an environment no longer supports me.
This literally looks like me saying no to get-togethers, leaving gatherings earlier than normal, making decisions for me and not worrying about how those decisions affect others, and most importantly prioritizing my energetic space.
It’s easy to do those things when I don’t need to take someone else into consideration.
Well, I fell back into old habits and behaviours last week, meaning I forgot to prioritize my energetic space. I forgot to be aware of what energy I was carrying that did not support me.
As an empath I am easily affected by my environment and the people around me. As a hermit in Human Design (my profile is 2/ 5 - Hermit/ Heretic) it’s important that I have space for myself to reflect, release and prioritize my energy.
My friend came to visit and I fell into my people pleasing ways of making sure she was happy, always checking in with her emotions and how she felt. I wanted to make sure she had a good time and was enjoying the adventure. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve come a long way on my path and I prioritized myself in some ways over the past week. However, I can now see where I lacked in some areas as well. It’s always a learning process.
Because I wasn’t alone on this adventure I had to compromise in the decision making process. I couldn’t expect that what was right for me would be right for my friend too. Compromising isn’t all bad, because sometimes the other person has perspectives, thoughts and ideas you would’ve never seen. It can actually open you up to greater opportunities and blessings.
“Something I’ve learned in my life is that I can easily lose myself, my inner spirit, when I am in my people pleasing ways. If I’m not paying attention to my energy, and the external energy that is influencing me I can fall into the habit of prioritizing everyone else’s needs. This can lead me to feeling frustrated, irritated, resentful or angry. It’s never the other person’s fault as to why I feel the way I do. It’s always because I didn’t prioritize my needs at that moment. I didn’t recognize where my energy levels were at and what was affecting me. ”
Example from the past week.
We went on a big hike that was a popular trail, meaning we passed a lot of people on the way. When we got to the top of the mountain there were even more people, because there is a gondola option for this hike, so it’s quite popular. Having already been in someone else’s energy for the past 4 days, 24 hrs a day, I was already out of my regular routine of prioritizing my energetic space. Now I was surrounded by hundreds of people, walking through their energetic spaces.
By the time we finally started hiking down I was irritated, not because of anything specific, simply because I had picked up on so many other people's energy. My friend was asking simple questions and through my response she felt like I was being short with her. I was not at all irritated with her, I was simply NOT in my supportive energy space. I could have easily said “Hey, I need a few minutes, can we be silent for a little while?” but I couldn’t admit to the fact that I didn’t prioritize myself well enough beforehand. I didn’t want to recognize that I made a mistake.
It was a lesson.
It was a beautiful opportunity to be reminded of how easily I am affected by my environment.
It was a moment to remember that my spiritual journey is exactly that, a journey, and I need to be dedicated to my practices every step of the way.
My spiritual practices are not about NOT experiencing the difficulties and challenges.
My spiritual practices are about creating a supportive space, so I feel uplifted and energized to tackle whatever comes my way, as I create a life I enjoy.
It’s step by step.
It’s not an end result destination.
Everything is energy.
This moment I am experiencing the energy of calmness and purpose because I am connected to myself and the Divine Universe as I reflect and share my experience. I am in the energy of support and kindness as I learn from my experience and choose to grow from this moment. I create peace and joy because that is the energy I desire to be in.
You have the power to create whatever energy you desire.
First, you need to determine what energy you desire to be in.
Next, you need to understand how you can create that energy.
Then, you need to be aware of how you are affected by the energy that surrounds you.
Lastly, you need to learn to find a balance in flowing through life, by releasing the energy that does not serve you and creating the energy that feels good to you.
Ready to shift forward and create a commitment to yourself in living a soul-aligned life?
The 1:1 Monthly Mentoring may be exactly what you are looking for.
If you’d like to work with me, then learn more here.
Now, let’s see what is coming forward for the collective this week via the Energy Forecast.
A Guidebook for Connection
For the person who desires more peace, more joy, more clarity, more connection, more love and more self-confidence to reach their biggest dreams.
Intuitive Soul Reading
For the person questioning something about their life and desiring clear answers. Your reading will provide support, guidance, and clarity for the direction you need to take.
Soulful Solo Session
For the person who is lost and overwhelmed and needs support. You will leave the session knowing exactly what the problem is; what steps come next; and you’ll gain courage and confidence to move forward to a resolution.
If you are on this journey and desire more guidance check out the Personal Growth Blog , join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.
If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.
Last week the Moon Cycle passed through the Full Moon phase and now we are watching the Moon slowly get smaller in size. On Saturday, July 31st the Moon will reach the Third Quarter phase. This week the energy of the Moon is reminding us to slow down and reflect.
Now is the perfect time to look at where you are and reflect on the action, or in-action, you’ve taken in the last month. Did it support you? Did it leave you feeling worse? Pay attention to how life influenced you and how you influenced your life. The Moon is asking you to look internally and reflect on who you are and how you support yourself, or how you don’t support yourself.
We are preparing to release old patterns that no longer serve us on the path we want to head down. We are getting ready to enter a new cycle, but first we need to learn from the current cycle we are in.
Remember, the Moon is the Queen of Emotions, so it’s important to reflect on your emotions so you can create positive change in your life.
Let’s take the next step in seeing what energy is coming forward this week. As I tap into the energy of the collective I am asking “what do we need to know in order to flow through this week?”
In connecting to the energy of the collective, before I even picked up the cards, this channeled message came through the voice of my soul.
The Divine Universe wants us to become aware of our fears so we can more easily release them and step forward into love. When we are taking action in our life from a space of fear we are not leading ourselves from a soul-aligned space. By connecting to the knowing within you are strengthening your trust in yourself and in your soul path.
Knowing is not about having all the answers.
Knowing is about trusting that you are a Divine Being and you are here for a Divine Reason.
Now, let’s see what the cards have to say about this week.
You are being asked to do things differently.
You are being guided to see that your dreams are part of your path and in order to achieve them you have to look at them with a different set of eyes.
Shapeshifting is not about becoming someone else. Shapeshifting is about realizing that you are already the greatness you desire.
Shift your thoughts to something more supportive.
Shift your actions to inspired and aligned actions.
Shift your direction by the small steps you take every day.
Rather than let fear guide you, shift your perspective so you can allow the knowing within to guide you.
This message is literally saying YOU NEED TO DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY.
So my question to you is - are you ready to create positive change in your life?
If you are looking for support on this journey then check out my free Facebook community, Shifting Forward.
Okay, now the message is coming in CLEARLY! You need to step out of your comfort zone in order to create the soul alignment you are desiring.
Stop living on auto-pilot. Now is a time to try something new. Be aware that opportunities are going to start popping up in your life and it’s time for you to take action on them.
When we make a choice to live differently we don’t have to stay committed to that new way. The point this message is saying is - try something new, pay attention to how it feels, and adjust where necessary.
If you are ready to enter a new cycle of life, if you want to experience life in a better way, if you want to create more for yourself then now is the time to step out of your comfort zone. Get ready to shift forward because that is the only way for you to achieve what you desire.
It may feel uncomfortable. Actually, it will be uncomfortable, awkward and even difficult at times. So make sure you have a great support system to guide you through this shift!
Lastly, you are being reminded to find love once again. Fear is not your friend. Worry, and doubt only create more stress and anxiety. Judgment and blame keep you stuck in the space you are already in.
Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings as you work through the introspection the Moon is guiding you to take. If you are feeling confused, overwhelmed, distracted and unmotivated it is because you are focusing too much on your fears, worries and doubts. You may not even realize that this is where you mind is leading you on a daily basis.
Now is the time to become more aware. Pay attention. Then guide yourself back to love where you can.
I’ve already said it before, but if you are ready to do this type of spiritual work and you don’t know how or where to start then it’s time to reach out to me. You aren’t meant to have all the answers right now, and moving through this work on your own is extremely challenging. When we work together you will feel uplifted and empowered each step of the way.
If you are ready to create soul alignment and a life of passion, purpose and soul-driven action then it’s time to book a free clarity call with me. This is where we will determine if the 1:1 Monthly Mentoring is the right step for you.
This is a powerful week and it’s important you don’t let it float on by. You have the power to create whatever you desire. Pay attention and show up for yourself in a newly supportive way.
I hope you are ready to take advantage of this powerful energy by staying dedicated to your spiritual journey.
I cannot wait to see what you make of this week as you flow with the Universal energies that are guiding you.
Until next time, sending you love & light along your journey,
Sydney Smith
Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness
Are you dealing with a past trauma?
Are you needing help finding your way?
Are you determined not to make the same mistakes again?
Having Sydney as your mentor guarantees you’ll heal and build the life of your dreams.
I look forward to hearing how this week’s Self-Reflection and Energy Update has impacted and supports you! Send me a message, leave a comment below or join my free community on Facebook, Shifting Forward, so we can connect in a new way! You can find the link here.
This is where you can always find me sharing more about mental, emotional & spiritual wellness.
Are you wishing for clarity and direction in your life without having to tell your whole story? An Intuitive Soul Reading is perfect for you. Absolutely every part of your life stays private to YOU, yet you receive exactly the guidance you need to take your first steps.
If this Energy Update resonates with you and you are ready to receive more direct and personal guidance for your life, then book an Intuitive Soul Reading today. You can find all the details at the link below.