Understanding Universal Signs & Messages | Spiritual Meaning of Animals


Deciphering the meaning of universal signs and messages is extremely personal.

Any Intuitive Guide, Psychic or spiritual person can offer insight to the meaning of animals guides, angel numbers, or signs & messages, however the most descriptive understanding of a universal sign is when you decipher the meaning yourself. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide one of the most common inquiries I receive from people is about deciphering the meaning of the message or sign they received. Over the years I have strengthened my intuitive abilities and I fully trust my connection with Spirit, so it’s rather easy for me to decipher a Universal Message for someone else. The problem I’ve uncovered with giving someone the answer is it’s created a co-dependency in others. 

I used to love doing Intuitive Soul Readings for clients, but then one day Spirit spoke to me and said “why don’t you teach them how to read universal messages themselves?”. The quote “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” (origins unknown) came into my mind. 

It’s time for you to start strengthening your own intuitive abilities so you can connect with the Universe. Deciphering the meaning of Universal Signs and Messages is how you can guide and support yourself through life. I wrote a part one blog called, 3 Ways to Understand Animal Messages, that you can check out here

In this part two version of understanding Universal Signs and Messages I want to share a better understanding of how you can decipher the meaning of the animal messages that you receive. The important thing to remember is there is always a simple message that could give you enough support to move forward feeling good. However, if you receive universal messages all of the time you probably want to start understanding the more detailed description of these messages. 

Here are three things to pay attention to when you receive a message or sign from the Universe. 

1 What emotion did it bring forward?

2 What were you thinking about right before?

3 What action are you currently taking?

There can be many reasons why a message from Spirit pops up on your path, so you need to start to pay attention to your human reaction to these messages. As well, pay attention to how you move through life because if there is a repeating sign on your path you may be missing what it’s connecting to. 

Here are a few examples for you to better understand how I decipher messages from the Universe. I encourage you to use a journal to start building a practice of deciphering your own messages. Remember, I have years of practice and my work is dedicated to spiritual connection. This means I already have a vast knowledge base on the simple meanings of messages. When you already understand the simple message of a particular sign you can begin understanding the more detailed description. 


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Back to the blog - Understanding Universal Signs & Messages

EXAMPLE 1 - Squirrel

Sally is on a walk with her dog and a squirrel crosses their path. The dog starts barking and lunging at the squirrel. The moment Sally gets her dog calmed down and they continue walking the squirrel runs across the path again. This keeps happening and Sally has become frustrated and irritated at the situation. 

How would YOU determine the meaning of this Universal Sign?

This is how I would decipher the message if I were Sally. 

Squirrel means preparation. A little more specifically, squirrels signifies that now is a time to prepare as big changes are coming. 

Sally experiences frustration and irritation when this sign crossed her path. 

I would ask myself, what current changes are happening in my life right now that are making me frustrated and irritated? Then I would start looking at how I can prepare to support myself with a little more ease and grace through these changes so I am not carrying resistance through the shift. 

Often we receive a sign to show us where we are limiting our own growth. Carrying frustration can usually signify that you are looking at the situation with a closed mind and you need to shift your perspective to either look at things differently, or come at the situation from a different angle. 

Understanding the message of squirrels truly depends on your current life situation. The reason why I believe the squirrel was a message is because it kept on running in front of Sally over and over again and it really grabbed her attention. Remember, the Universe is sending you signs and messages all of the time, you simply need to be aware and be willing to let these messages guide you. 

EXAMPLE 2 - Crow

Frank has been seeing crows consistently everyday for the last 3 weeks. He has looked online to try and find the meaning of this spiritual message and all he can find are descriptive words. He is so confused because he doesn’t know what it means and how it applies to his life. He understands it’s a message from the Universe, he understands what the descriptive words mean, but he is stuck on understanding a more detailed description of what the crow is trying to tell him specifically. 

I love this example because I could see how I too would be confused if I were in Frank’s position, but through my work and practice with strengthening my intuitive abilities it is now clear to me. By the way, you too have the ability to strengthen your intuitive abilities. This is exactly what we work on in my Spirit of Air group program.

How would YOU determine the detailed meaning of this message?

This is how I would decipher the message if I was Frank.

Crow is all about manifestations. Crow is reminding you of the power you carry in manifesting all of your desires. 

As I decipher a more detailed meaning of this Universal Sign I want to point out that Frank was feeling confused. I can imagine him saying “what does this mean about my manifestations? Is it working? Are they coming? Do I need to do more manifesting?”. The detailed message is that Frank is carrying resistance and blocks around his manifestations because he doesn’t fully believe they will come true for him. He may also be confused on what he actually wants to manifest because maybe he doesn’t really know what he wants to call in. He is confused because his ego desires and soul desires are not in alignment and he doesn’t know what way he wants to go. 

In this message crow is asking you to look at the energy you are carrying around the idea of manifesting and whether or not you are manifesting something you actually desire from a soul centered space. 

EXAMPLE 3 & 4 - Eagle

I have two examples to share with this message because I actually had an eagle come forward on my path several times today and I want to show you the difference between these messages and the detailed description of what the Universe is telling me. 

Example #3 

I saw an eagle sitting in it’s nest and I put my binoculars up to my face to look more closely at it. Almost immediately it decided to leave it’s nest and fly off. My initial response was “did I scare it away?”. 

Eagle is all about trusting in the bigger picture and trusting in your higher self. It says you are too stuck in the mundane aspects of life and you need to look from a larger perspective. It’s time to see things differently. 

Can you spot the resistance and block I created? 

This example really shows how our minds can be so limiting in life. I immediately thought that I was the reason the eagle flew off, and if I were to translate this into other aspects of life (business, romance, etc.) I could see how my mind could limit me by believing that I am scaring people away. Whether or not I actually am scaring people off, why would I want to hold onto such a negative mindset about life? 

The eagle says, look from a higher perspective, step away from the limits of your mind and see that there is more beyond what you can see currently. The detailed message is, don’t believe what your mind thinks when it’s immediately reacting to a situation because there is so much more behind the scenes. Take a step back and trust that everything is unfolding as it’s meant to. 

Example #4

I was in line at the grocery store and I saw a cute guy walk up to the customer service desk. I thought to myself, oh he looks cute, then I thought, I wonder when and how I will meet my soulmate. I shrugged it off and turned to look the other way. A complete 180 degree turn of my head and my eyes landed on a shelf filled with wine bottles and the only one that really caught my attention had a bald eagle’s head on the label. 

This message was obvious immediately. The eagle was saying trust in the bigger picture Sydney. You don’t need to worry about how your love life will unfold, in due time it will all take place beautifully. 

Now that you’ve seen 4 different ways to decipher the meaning of Universal Signs and Messages when animals appear on your path I hope you feel more confident in stretching your own ability to decipher the signs you receive. 

Learning about your connection with the Universe through signs and messages gets to be fun. The more you support yourself as you practice using your intuition the more you will expand beyond the limits of your mind. 

This is the type of work we focus on in the Spirit of Air group program. You will walk away from this year long journey feeling connected to the Universe through your Angels, and Spirit Guides, feeling confident in your intuitive abilities, and having mastered your practice of deciphering signs and messages from the Universe. 

Take the next step in trusting your spirit by joining today. If the program is currently full then there is an opportunity to join the waitlist for the next run! 

Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness