Energy Forecast for January 31st - February 6th | CLEAR YOUR SPACE TO DREAM BIG


Whew! I sure am glad last week is over and I’m excited for the fresh and rejuvenating energy that I can feel flowing through this week. 

Every single week I tap into the energy for the collective so we can receive a forecast as to what’s coming. As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that we cannot control what’s happening outside of us, we can only control our response to life. Meaning, if things are feeling hectic and overwhelming it’s not a time to rush and pressure yourself to overcome everything all at once because you are only amplifying the hectic, overwhelming energy. Life is about balance and harmony, how can you support yourself through a challenge by bringing more peace into your space.

If you were paying attention, last week you would’ve most likely felt lower energy, tired, and you may have even felt frustrated, annoyed or angry at something that happened out of your control. Last week’s energy was all about release and rest. Before we start a new cycle we have to be willing to look at what’s not working and let go of the patterns, behaviours, beliefs and emotions that aren’t supporting us. Once we take time to rest we end up refueling ourselves so we are prepared to head into a brand new cycle without bringing the old outdated patterns with us. A new cycle is an opportunity to do things differently!

On Tuesday, February 1st the Moon Cycle shifts into the New Moon phase and it also happens to be Lunar New Year. Wow! This is an amplified energy of new beginnings, wiping the slate clean and having that fresh start you’ve been waiting for. 

Remember, the Moon Cycle only influences your energy and emotions, it doesn’t always create the positive change for you. The Universe may bring you great opportunities, but it all falls into your lap. What are you going to do with this fresh energy? How are you choosing to better yourself and the life you are choosing to live? Don’t waste this fresh start by continuing down the same path that hasn’t been serving you. 

The New Moon is the dark phase, and the spiritual significance of this is reminding you even when things seem dark you can dream up miracles and expansive experiences. You may not be receiving the fresh opportunities this week, it may not look like things are changing in your physical reality, yet you have this rejuvenated energy and you are ready to bring more uplifting experiences in your life. Just because you can’t see the positive changes in your physical reality doesn’t mean they aren’t taking place. 

Now is the time to dream. Ask yourself, “how do I want to move forward in a more uplifted and positive manner?”, “how can I support myself in the direction I desire to go?”, “what do I want to embody this month?”. This is your opportunity to start fresh and bring in some supportive thoughts, actions, habits, and choices into your life. Your past doesn’t have to define your future, and the choices you make in this present moment are what will lead you forwards. 


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Your intuition is meant to guide you on the most aligned path. Are you willing to listen?

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Your ego and spirit are meant to be in harmony, not constantly battling against each other. Are you willing to create this harmonious relationship?

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Enrollment for 2022 closes on February 20th. Secure your spot now.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for January 31st - February 6th 2022

Now that we have a better idea of how the Moon Cycle is affecting our energy this month, let’s go a little deeper. 

As a psychic and intuitive guide I am tapping into the spirit world through my psi-abilities in order to receive more information for the collective this week. I use the divination tool of oracle cards to get a glimpse into how the Universe is guiding us, then I pay attention to the messages moving through me via my clairaudient, clairvoyant and intuitive abilities. If you are interested in strengthening your psi-abilities and mastering your connection to the Universe, so you can hear your intuition and trust your spirit then check out the Spirit of Air group program. Click here to learn more. 

This week I am using a mix of Doreen Virtue’s Magical Mermaid and Dolphins & her Archangels oracle decks and I am asking the Universe, “how can we support ourselves in starting this new cycle?”.


Archangel Jophiel: “Get rid of clutter, clear the energy around you, and use feng shui.”

There is still old energy lingering around you in your environment and in your mind. If you aren’t actively cleansing and clearing your space and your mind this week then you will easily find yourself falling into worry and doubt. 

Remember, the moon is dark, meaning it’s up to you to hold the light. 

Archangel Jophiel is reminding us that in order to start a fresh cycle we need to start with cleaning our environment because that helps to cleanse the energy that surrounds us. Take time this week to clean out your workspace and your home. If things are cluttered around you then you will continue to hold onto clutter in your mind. 

Starting fresh is always much easier when your environment feels fresh and clean. This week if you notice thoughts of worry, doubt or fear creep in, acknowledge that your mind has wandered in a direction that isn’t supportive. Take time to cleanse your mind by actively cleanse your physical space. 

If a problem pops up on your path and you are unsure how to overcome this problem, then find something in your home that needs to be cleaned and as you clean the space trust that you are cleansing the energy around the problem so clarity can more easily find you. 

Your physical space represents your internal space. Bring harmony to both by choosing to take action with cleansing practices. 

This is great advice for our week ahead so we can dream big without our worries or fears blocking our dreams. The energy you carry internally will always impact where you are heading in life. Being proactive in clearing your space and cleansing your internal energy will only be beneficial for you. 

I hope these messages help you to flow through the week with more ease and grace! If you want to learn more from me, then don’t forget to check out my Spiritual EBooks that are available! The Spirit of Air program starts on February 22nd 2022, so make sure to contact me to secure your spot if you are ready to expand on your spiritual journey. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness