Energy Forecast for February 7th - 13th | OBSTACLES, CHANGES, SELF LOVE


Some say that February is the month of love because of Valentine’s Day. My angels and spirit guides are reminding me today that February is the month of self-love because we need to be reminded of the divinity that is within each of us. 

Weekly Energy Forecasts give us an insight into what Universal energies are at play and how, as a collective, we may be influenced by these energies. As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide, each week I take the time to connect to the energy of the collective so we can better understand how to flow through the week with more ease and grace. 

As empaths, intuitives and sensitive souls we are easily affected by our environment and it can feel challenging to carry inner peace at times. The energy forecast is not about when your manifestations will come true, it’s about how you can support yourself as a spiritual being through this often challenging human existence we live in. 

If you are one to receive signs, messages and synchronicities from the Universe, including angel numbers and animal signs, then these weekly energy forecasts can be of great benefit as you continue to strengthen your connection to the Universe. 

February, the month of self-love, means that we are having to prioritize how we take care of ourselves and how we receive love. We often think of love as an outside energy that we receive when the right people come into our lives, when in reality you are made of love. The divine energy within you is of unconditional love and it’s your job to learn how to tap into this unlimited energy that is always available. The more you understand how to love yourself the easier it will become to receive love from others. 

As I connect with my Spirit Guides they are reminding me of the boundaries we need to create for ourselves this week. On Tuesday, February 8th the Moon Cycle will shift into the First Quarter Phase which is all about taking action. Don’t rush into action though, you first need to make sure that you are taking action from an aligned energy.

Why do we need to be clear on our boundaries? This week you may notice some obstacles popping up on your path, seemingly making things more difficult in reaching your desires. The old version of you would want to rush ahead into action, feeling pressured to overcome challenges. Or maybe the old version of you would get overwhelmed and stressed and use these obstacles as an excuse to stop moving, assuming the desire isn’t meant to come true. 


If you have a desire in your heart, it is meant to be. 

My Spirit Guides are reminding all of us to use discernment when we witness obstacles appearing. Not everything is as it may seem at first. Your boundaries are about protecting your energy so you can stay aligned with your values. This means, walk away from environments and people that are filled with negative (or low vibrational) energy. Your boundaries are about affirming the love and support you carry for yourself, rather than leading yourself into doubt or judgment. Once you slow down and connect back to the love that is within you, you will see things from a different perspective. The obstacle that once felt overwhelming and filled you with pressure to act quickly will dissipate and an effortless flow will take over. 

The true obstacle that will appear this week is that of your old self. Are you willing to do things differently? Are you willing to leave pressure, prioritize self care, and trust in the Divine Plan? Yes, it’s a week to take action, but not in the way you’ve always taken action. This obstacle is a reminder to step out of your comfort zone, move with purpose and grace, use discernment, and be willing to see from a different perspective. With these aligned energies guiding you, you will surmount the obstacle with an ease you’ve never known before. 


Spirit of Air - 12 Month Group Program

Learn to TRUST YOUR SPIRIT & master your connection with the Universe

A year long journey to receive guidance and support as you build trust in yourself.

Your intuition is meant to guide you on the most aligned path. Are you willing to listen?

Your Divine Team is offering clarity, support and guidance daily. Are you ready to feel this connection?

Your ego and spirit are meant to be in harmony, not constantly battling against each other. Are you willing to create this harmonious relationship?

The Spirit of Air group program is the support and guidance you’ve been praying for.

Enrollment for 2022 closes on February 20th. Secure your spot now.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for February 7th - 13th 2022

Now that we have a better understanding of the energy from the Moon Cycle and the Universe, let’s see if we can gain a little more clarity and guidance for our week ahead. 

As a psychic and intuitive guide I take a moment each week to tap into my clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities in order to understand the messages from Spirit. (You too have access to these abilities, learn more here)

This week I am using Steven Farmer’s Power Animal oracle deck to gain more insight for the collective energy. The question being asked is, “what are we forgetting about that is necessary this week?”.


“Adapt to the changes that are happening.”

Well, that’s aligned with the message that was channeled already. 

Changes are happening all around us, externally and internally. These changes are neither inherently good nor bad, it’s how you choose to move through these changes that decides the outcome. 

A lot of us carry a fear of the unknown which comes from our desire to control everything. The moment we choose to live an intuitive life we have to be willing to recognize that the Divine Plan is always better than any plan we could possibly come up with ourselves. 

Fox is a reminder that you have strengths and gifts that are innately yours and these strengths will always guide you forwards through anything that comes your way. The more you resist change and grip onto the past or your version of control the more challenging life will become. When you let go of the riverbank and you let yourself flow with the water everything moves with a beautiful ease and grace in your life. 

Changes are happening, this is inevitable. So the question is, “how can you support yourself through these changes?” Remember, you don’t know what the Divine Plan is, so stop fretting about the future. Fox says, show up right now with the situation that is currently in front of you and be willing to adapt with the information you have right now. If you are focused on planning step 5 and 10 then you will miss out on the opportunities that are presenting themselves right now. Plus you are only adding to the stress, worry and overwhelm in your mind.

Take a deep breath, feel your feet rooted to the earth below you, call in support from your Spirit Guides and Angels, and fill yourself up with a loving energy. Then ask yourself, “what feels like the best step forward for me in this moment?” Notice how I said feel and not think. Your mind will always overwhelm you with a million options and pros/cons to each option. When you drop into your heart space and allow yourself to feel through the decision you are able to flow with ease and grace. You may not be able to explain why you’ve chosen what you’ve chosen, and I say that is completely normal with this intuitive lifestyle. 

Learning to heed the guidance of the Universe and decipher the messages from your Spirit Guides takes practice and a commitment to living intuitively. In my journey I have learned many tools and strategies to support me through this process and I know these tools will help you too. I would love nothing more than to guide and support you through your own journey of trusting your spirit and mastering your connection to the Universe. Join the Spirit of Air program and we can walk the path together. Doors close for the 2022 program on Sunday, February 20th. Message me to secure your spot!

Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness