Tips for Trusting Your Intuition with Human Design


An intuitive-being is someone who knows they have an intuition, often feels their intuition guiding them, and believes that following their intuition is how they’ll follow their soul path. Being an intuitive-being and actually trusting your intuition are two different things. So many intuitive-beings carry fear, self-doubt, imposter syndrome and self sabotaging patterns that block their ability to fully trust how their intuition is guiding them through life. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and an Intuitive Guide my work is focused on supporting empaths, sensitive souls and intuitive-beings to master their energy, heal the blocks of fear, and fully embrace the voice of their soul. In my group program Spirit of Air, my clients desire to better understand their soul, feel their intuition guiding them, and strengthen their connection with the Universe. It’s my passion to simplify spiritual connection and guide my clients to creating a fulfilling life with soul purpose. 

In this blog I will share key tips for you to start trusting your intuition and how Human Design plays a factor in being able to trust your intuition. Every single person is different and has unique energy, so rather than generalize what it means to trust your intuition I am focused on guiding each individual client towards how their intuition feels for their unique energy. 

This blog is all about trusting your intuition with Human Design and what that means for you. If you do not have any knowledge on Human Design then I encourage you to check out this blog post of mine. If you have a basic understanding of Human Design and you know your authority, then this blog will provide some great information to support your journey. 

Making Aligned Decisions through Your Intuition

Your intuition is considered your internal compass. It is the feeling of how you are being guided in this moment for your well-being. 

Most people live based on logic, which means they’ve gathered information through past experiences and other people’s experiences to be able to make a decision with knowledge that explains why this is the right decision. 

People who live from the basis of intuition understand that the future is not defined by the past and so what worked in the past may be limited in the future. These people make decisions based on an internal feeling of where they are being guided because they trust the intuitive feeling they have and they know they are making their own path through life. 

This concept is about knowing your energy and knowing what feels aligned for you and your life. You cannot always logically explain why this is how you feel guided, but you have mastered your energy and you are trusting that this is what feels best for you in this moment. 

Intuition is an in the moment feeling and it can change as the moment changes. People who follow their intuition are willing to change their minds based on how their intuition shifts and changes over time. The idea is that you are most trusting of yourself and the life you are feeling called to create rather than trusting society and how you are “expected” to live. 

How Human Design Affects Your Intuition

Human Design is a great tool to better understand your energy as the unique individual that you are. Learning your energy type in Human Design can be the difference between constantly being frustrated or resenting people around you versus feeling satisfied with your choices and experiencing the feeling of success in your life. 

I have studied Human Design as a personal tool for over 3 years, which began my interest in being able to use Human Design as a tool for my client work as well. The most interesting information I’ve ever learned from Human Design is how everyone’s intuition/gut instinct can feel different based on your authority type. 

I always spoke about intuition as a way to be your internal compass to making the most aligned decisions for your life. I still believe your intuition is helpful in this way, however through Human Design I’ve learned that different people experience different blocks to being able to feel and trust their intuition. 

Roughly 50% of the world’s population has an Emotional Authority in Human Design, which will hugely impact your ability to feel your intuition when trying to make aligned decisions. Personally, I have a Sacral Authority, so I never experienced the blocks that an Emotional Authority would. This is why in my client work I’ve found it empowering to understand this information and how it affects someone’s ability to trust their intuition. 

As a basic explanation of an Emotional Authority in Human Design, it means that you experience emotional waves and when you are in a high high you can easily make decisions that are affected by your emotional state. You will not be able to feel your intuition or make aligned decisions when you are in a high high or a low low because your emotions sway your perspective of the situation. 


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Back to the blog - Tips for Trusting Your Intuition with Human Design

Your intuition is not an emotional feeling, it’s an energetic feeling. With almost 50% of the world’s population being an Emotional Authority this means that many people throughout the world might perceive their intuition is saying yes to something, when in reality it’s their emotional state that is swaying them to say yes. Learning the difference between your emotions and your intuition is a huge lesson that will help you to start building trust in your intuition. 

Meanwhile, 33% of the world’s population has a Sacral Authority in Human Design, which is best understood as a gut feeling or gut instinct. The way your gut instinct feels can be different than how your intuition feels when making an aligned decision. Being a Sacral Authority myself, I now have a lot of experience of tapping into my gut feeling and learning the difference between my intuition and how it guides me. 

When you are an intuitive-being it means that you want to be able to feel your way through making the best decisions in your life because you know your Spirit speaks through feeling, rather than always listening to your mind. As an intuitive-being, learning about your Human Design and your authority type can be a huge benefit to following your soul path and building trust in your intuition. 

Key Reminders for 3 Main Authority Types

There are 8 different authority types in Human Design, for simplicity sake I will share a few key reminders for the 3 main authority types: Emotional Authority (~50%); Sacral Authority (33%); Splenic Authority (9%). 

Emotional Authority (Solar Plexus)

1 - Don’t rush into decisions.

You are not able to trust in the moment if this is the right decision for you because your emotional waves can easily overpower your intuitive feeling. You need to sleep on it before confirming your decisions. Some emotional authorities may even learn they need to take 2-4 days before making a decision to ensure they’ve flowed through the full emotional wave.

2 - Find peace first.

The best moment to feel your intuition is when you are in a neutral state of peace. Learning the difference between your high highs, low lows, and your emotionally neutral states will help you to better understand when your intuition is guiding you. 

Sacral Authority

1 - Full body yes.

Your gut instincts are an energetic feeling in your body that you can trust. When you feel your entire body become excited about an option or decision you know that is your gut instinct saying, “Yes this is for me”. 

2 - Heaviness in your gut. 

Your gut instinct feels like an uplifting feeling that rises through to your chest, or it feels like a heavy drop deep in your gut. Learning when your gut instinct feels a heaviness can show you that either, this is not the right decision for you to move forward on; or that you are carrying resistance around this decision that will not support your forward movement. Pay attention to these feelings to better learn how to make aligned decisions in your life. 

Splenic Authority

1 - In the moment feeling. 

People with a Splenic Authority make aligned decisions from their intuition, as your intuition is located in your spleen. You will feel an immediate knowing of what is right or wrong for you and if you try to explain it logically it can mess up your understanding of your splenic/intuitive feeling. 

2 - Be in your own energetic space. 

Emotional and Sacral Authorities have strong energy and can easily influence people with other authorities. The intuition or spleen is quite quiet and it’s not repetitive like your mind can be. When you are in someone else’s energy it can be challenging for you to feel into your splenic/intuitive yes. Take time in your own energy and space to build awareness on how your intuition feels without being affected by someone else’s energy. 

Tips to Build Trust in Your Intuition

You will never trust your intuition without practicing listening and feeling into your intuition. If you know you are an intuitive-being and you know that fear and doubt can sway off course, then it’s important to start building trust in your intuition. 

1 - Start small.

You’ll never be able to trust your intuition in the big decisions if you haven’t practiced with smaller decisions. When the consequences are high you are more likely to doubt yourself and what you feel. Start small with listening to your intuition and how it’s guiding you. 

2 - Learn your fears. 

Your fears are directly connected to your desires and often your intuition is trying to guide you on the path towards your desires. If you don’t know your fears then they will easily swoop in and try to control the choices and decisions you make, blocking you from trusting your intuition. Take time to learn about your fears to begin the healing process so you can fully trust your intuition. 

3 - Talk to others. 

Learning how other people feel their intuition can open your perspective to different ways you might be able to feel your own intuition. This isn’t to say that what one person is doing is what you should be doing. It’s to say that when you are in a spiritual conversation with others it can open your mind to seeing things differently. You might not even realize you are blocking yourself until you speak to someone else and they share their experience. 

There are so many different ways you can begin to build trust in your intuition and from my experience, learning about your own energy is the biggest factor. This is why I believe Human Design to be an imperative tool in the process of learning how to trust your intuition. 

Inside of my group program, Spirit of Air, I support my clients through the process of trusting their intuition so they can have a strong sense of self and live with a sense of freedom and fulfillment in their life. 

If you want to stop doubting yourself and letting your fear of the unknown or fear of failure block your ability to live a life of fulfillment and purpose, then check out the Spirit of Air group program now!

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness