11 Tips to Create a Soul Soothing Routine


A soul soothing routine is not something you should feel pressured or forced into. 

When you live a soul-led life, following your intuition as it leads you down your soul path, the most important thing is that you trust your soul and how it’s guiding you. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I’ve witnessed clients and peers ferociously manifesting and hustling trying to create their dream life. They come to me saying they are doing all of the things, affirmations, meditating, journaling, visualizing, ceremonies and rituals, and still they aren’t seeing their manifestations in their reality. It can be challenging to find fulfillment when you feel like you are simply surviving through the ups and downs of feeling pressured to do more and be better. 

There are two main reasons why your manifestations aren’t coming true when you are carrying this energy. In this post I want to explain why there is resistance around your manifestations and 11 tips for you to create a soul soothing routine. 

Your manifestations aren’t coming true and you don’t know why because you are doing all the things that the internet told you to do. Let’s get something straight, the internet has no idea who you are on a soul level. That’s right, even me, as I type this I don’t fully know your soul (unless maybe we’ve worked together one on one, then there is a good chance I’ve gotten to know you, but that’s not the point). 

The two main reasons why your manifestations aren’t coming true are that you’re pressuring yourself to do all the things, which comes from a very forceful energy, and two you aren’t present and grounded fully soaking in the energy behind your intentions with each action.  

If you are taking action from a mindset of “the internet told me to do this so my manifestation will come” then you are in a pressured energy that resists whatever you are calling in. 

If you are taking action from a mindset of “I have to cross this off the list so it’s done and then my manifestation will come” then you are not actually embodying the energy behind the practice which defeats the purpose, and of course blocks whatever you are calling in. 

There are a lot of other reasons as to why your manifestations may not be showing up in your physical reality, like Divine Timing, and deep seeded beliefs that resist the energy you are calling in, but for simplicity sake we are going to stick with those two main ones for now. 

The reason why you are manifesting something in your life is because you desire to feel fulfilled, satisfied, successful and at peace. When you are calling in a soul desire the energy of that desire is a certain vibration, or frequency, that you are able to match. Your soul desires are a vibrational match to your soul’s energetic frequency. You were literally designed to call those desires into your life. 

This means when you are naturally living your life, feeling at peace and fulfilled you are aligning your energetic frequency with the desires your soul carries. Creating a soul soothing routine is about aligning your energetic vibration with your soul's natural state. I mentioned earlier that the internet doesn’t know your soul and what I meant by this is that through self awareness you need to determine what your soul desires in order to align with your soul’s energetic frequency. 

For instance, my soul desires connection and I’ve learned through my life that I love being around trees. When I am present in a forest I can align my energy with the same vibration of my soul's desire for connection. Now simply doing this once doesn’t mean I’ll manifest all of my soul’s wants and needs. Living in a way where I am prioritizing a soul soothing routine is about embodying the next level version of me that already has everything she needs in life. I am creating alignment with my future self by simply soothing my soul in the present moment. 

Your soul soothing routine is about living in the way that your soul came here to live. There are many different actions you can take that will allow you to embody the fullest expression of your soul. The idea behind a soul soothing routine is that you are creating a lifestyle that prioritizes your soul over anything else. Hence, living a soul-led life. 

Now that you have a better understanding of this, let’s jump into 11 tips so you can create your own soul soothing routine. 

1 Create a list of all the things that make you feel joyful. 

Knowing what moments bring you joy is only the beginning. You also have to take action on those things and be fully present allowing yourself to feel the energy of joy.

2 Have a practice that brings stillness to your mind.

Your mind is usually the furthest thing from soothing, so being able to step away from your thoughts on a daily basis is important. It’s about learning that your mind doesn’t have to control your experience. There are many different ways you can go about this, I prefer meditation. 

3 Find love and compassion for yourself.

If you are always judging yourself then how will you ever trust your soul and the way it guides you. Find a way for you to show yourself love and compassion and do it on a daily basis. Personally, I created a list of ways I can show myself love and compassion and I make sure to do multiple of them every day.

It doesn’t only have to be about the way you talk to yourself, although the way you talk to yourself is very impactful. I show myself love by allowing myself to take breaks from work. I also show myself love by listening to music while I make dinner. The point is once you have your list, make sure to be very aware when you are taking action. If the energy isn’t behind the intention then it defeats the purpose. 


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4 Talk to your angels.

Your soul knows there is love beyond this physical world and often your soul speaks to you through the non-physical. Your intuition and clairvoyant/clairaudient abilities are one of the ways your soul speaks through you. When you lean into your communication with the Spirit world you can more easily soothe your soul, especially when you feel alone or unsupported. This practice also strengthens your psi-abilities, or your sixth sense. 

5 Ground yourself daily.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the humanness of life. We often feel out of control, especially when surrounded by challenges and obstacles. If we aren’t careful we can easily resort to old outdated behaviours and habits as our ego-mind shifts us into survival mode. Grounding yourself is the practice for bringing your energy and focus back into the present moment. Your mind will lead you astray focusing on the future or the past which creates more worry, stress, fear and doubt. Grounding yourself reminds you that your power is in the present moment and it allows you to bring focus back to your soul truths. You can ground yourself by going outside and connecting with Mother Earth. You can even take 5 deep breaths and focus on your 5 senses in order to bring your attention into this grounded moment. 

6 Talk to animals. 

This one is my favourite. Animals pick up on your energy and they are always here to comfort and support you. The more often you open yourself up to connecting with the animal realm the more you will receive signs and messages from the Universe through Animals. It’s not just about talking to your dog or cat. Try talking to the squirrel you walk past, and the bird that is singing outside your window. 

7 Follow your passions.

Your passions call on your heart and soul and ignite a fire within you. Your soul desires to create more with your life and when you follow your passions you will always align your energy with your soul vibration. 

8 Be present through all of it.

Your routine, whatever it’s filled with, is not about simply doing the tasks. Every single action, thought and feeling is energy. The saying “fake it till you make it” doesn’t always work. Think about it, you aren’t following your passions to reach an end result, you are following them because it gets you excited. You aren’t talking to your angels so you can reach a specific outcome from the conversation, you are talking to them in hopes to feel their energy and presence within you. The most important part out of all of this is that you are present, experiencing the moment and allowing the energy to guide you. Don’t pressure yourself to do something simply to get it done. Slow down, be present, feel the experience, bring purpose into your action.

9 Don’t make it a routine that you have to do, make it a lifestyle that you want to embody. 

It starts off as having a routine because you are trying to create new habits, but the goal isn’t to perfect your routine. The goal is to embody this as your lifestyle so these soul soothing actions become second nature to you. 

10 Slow down and listen. 

Pay attention to the way you feel. If you are doing something that once brought you joy and now it no longer does, pay attention to that. You are allowed to change and evolve, and that means what you like doing and don’t like doing may change and evolve too. Some practices and habits may be great in some seasons whereas you may not enjoy them in other seasons. The more you are willing to go with the flow and listen to what feels good to you the easier it becomes to follow the voice of your soul. 

11 Have fun. 

If you aren’t having fun then you need to make some changes. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Laugh, play, have fun. Bring a sense of carefree innocence back into your life! 

Remember, this is your journey, your soul path, no one else can tell you how to live it. The more you pay attention to the way you feel the easier it becomes to support and guide yourself through life. When you find a way to soothe your soul you will lead yourself to a life that is filled with joy, peace, success and fulfillment. Life isn’t about manifesting to have things. Life is about living in a way that feels good. When you learn to soothe your soul, you will live a life that feels good to you. 

In order to strengthen your self awareness and learn more about your ego and soul check out A Guidebook for Alignment. It’s filled with lessons and over 180 journal prompts to support you in creating alignment in your life. Click here to learn more about the spiritual EBook. 

Don’t forget to start creating a practice that prioritizes calming your mind. The Meditation Membership is a space where as a community we release stress and overwhelm in order to create peace and joy in our lives. There are 2 calls a month that will help you gain a better understanding of your soul while you use meditation to create a peaceful energy in your everyday life. Click here to learn more about the membership.

I hope this blog brought some wisdom into your life so you can start creating a soul soothing routine that feels good to you. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness