Meditation to Release Judgment | VIDEO


Do you feel like someone has been judging you recently? Have you been carrying self-judgment? This guided meditation will help you to release the energy of judgment and guide yourself into a calm and loving space. Judgment is a heavy and harsh energy that can affect us in many ways and it’s important to learn to transmute the energy into love. 

I am a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide and I work directly with empaths, people pleasers and sensitive souls. We are all impacted by energy and emotions differently, however in my experience it's the empaths and people pleasers that feel the heaviest pain and the harshest fear from the world. Judgment is one of the most common triggers I guide my clients and community members through so they can overcome their self-doubt and insecurities to find courage and a sense of empowerment. 

The guided meditation I am sharing with you is one filled with compassion, support and nurturing energy so you are able to release the emotion of judgment, cleanse your mind, and find soul alignment. You can check it out now if you'd like. 

In this blog I am going to share some of the effects judgment has on the trajectory of your life and how this meditation will be beneficial on your spiritual journey. 

Who is this meditation for

I share more about empaths and people pleasers in these three blogs if you’d like to gain insight in a more detailed description. 

5 Signs You're an Empath

4 Worst Habits of Empaths

The Best Tips to Stop Being a People Pleaser

The reason why I am sharing these blogs with you is because as much as this guided meditation to release judgment can be for absolutely anyone, it is best received by empaths and people pleasers. 

As an empath you are easily able to feel and understand the emotions and energy of other people. This means you can pick up on the judgment someone else is carrying and you can sense when someone is judging you. Along with this, if you were to pick up on someone else’s frustrations or anger, even when it has nothing to do with you, it can trigger your own self-judgment. 

As a people pleaser you carry a subconscious desire to make sure everyone around you is happy and the majority of your actions are rooted in the desire to please others, whether you are consciously aware of it or not. This is a huge trigger for your self-judgment because when you are unable to help someone reach happiness or satisfy their needs, you begin to judge yourself and your inability to be successful as a people pleaser. 

This gives you a great idea into who this meditation is for, but now we need to better understand when is the best time to use this meditation on your journey.

When to use this meditation

Judgment is a heavy and harsh energy that can affect us in many ways. It's important to remember that we have no control over someone else's actions, we only have control over which energy and emotions we wish to carry internally. 

Whether someone has judged you or you perceive someone to be judging you, this energy can induce more self-doubt, insecurities and fear. It's important we take the time to release this energy in order to live our lives with enjoyment and peace at the forefront. 

Here are a few of the ways judgment can affect the trajectory of your life, which further shows when you can use this meditation to support you.

1 - Conversions full of gossip, drama and complaining

When you are surrounded by these types of conversations it amplifies the energy of judgment in your life and it pressures you to uncover more aspects to begin judging. This energy is extremely magnetizing and you end up attracting more conversations filled with negativity and judgment. When you’ve experienced these types of conversations, whether you were part of it, initiated it or witnessed it, use this meditation to cleanse your energy. There is no point in judging yourself once you become aware of the conversation, simply acknowledge the energy and press play on the meditation I have provided for you. 

2 - Judgment in the workplace

This type of judgment can be experienced in a few different ways, whether your coworkers are judging management or other coworkers; your boss is judging your work or other coworkers' work; or you received criticism and it pushed you into a space of self-judgment. The effects this type of judgment has on your life can be seen in two different ways. You can feel the power struggle in the hierarchy of your workplace, which produces a lot of resistance in creating supportive connections and efficient results. You can also produce more insecurities and doubt around your abilities, which leads you down the path of imposter syndrome and feeling unworthy. Ultimately this type of judgment has a massive impact on the trajectory of your life. 

3 - Judgment around personal choices (can be seen in familial relationships, or friendships)

This type of judgment is rooted in believing there is only one way to be successful and happy, which is deeply connected to societal norms. You may witness this type of judgment directed towards yourself, you may direct it towards someone else, or you may see it being directed between another two people. What it comes down to is that one person believes another person is making the wrong decisions for their life and judgment is rooted in the perception the first person carries of the second person. This type of judgment strengthens the beliefs and perspectives that success, happiness, and fulfillment are a one way road and you must follow someone else’s path to experience them. It clouds the importance of individuality and prioritizes fitting the “mold”. 

These are only a few of the ways you can experience judgment in your life and the effects it has on your energy. Understanding how you are affected by judgment, what your triggers are and how you can shift forward from a peaceful and aligned space is something I work with all of my 1:1 mentoring clients on. 

Whenever you find yourself in these experiences or overthinking a similar experience you had in the past, it’s time to use the guided meditation in this blog to release judgment. 

How this meditation will help you

This guided spiritual meditation will support you in transmuting the judgment into love and compassion. You will walk away from this meditation feeling uplifted, supported and loved. 

Judgment is an energy and an emotion and it’s actually a very common trait for humans. This means that by releasing it once it doesn’t mean it will be gone from your life forever. It’s important you build awareness around the judgment in your life and how it feels in your body. Through this awareness you will recognize it quicker and be able to come to this meditation, or another releasing practice, in order to transform the energy you are carrying. 

It’s up to you on whether or not you want to prioritize the feeling of peace, love and support in your life. Once you make the choice, you will feel committed to taking care of yourself and honouring your energy. 

Now, there is nothing left except to get into a comfortable position, turn off all distractions and press play to listen to this guided meditation.


Remember, judgment is simply an energy that is sitting stagnant inside your body. The easiest way to shift the energy is through awareness and making a choice to release it and come back to peace. In order to transform from the exhausted and emotional people pleaser into the empowered and peaceful empath check out the Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring program. It is the space where you will transform yourself into the version of you who thrives and enjoys all of life. 

Fill out an application form now to find out if you are the right fit for the program.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness