Living and Working with Angels


I believe in the after-life. It’s quite clear by the title of this post. If you’ve found yourself here then I’m positive you either also believe in the after-life or you are curious and open-minded enough to learn more. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide my life is dedicated to working with angels and connecting to spirits on the other side. As a spiritual being in this human world my life is dedicated to living with angels and feeling supported by them. Let me share what it’s like to live with angels and how I work with them in healing and transformations. 

In this post I want to share some of my personal experiences when working with Angels and some guidance on how you can build a stronger connection with your angels so you can learn to live and work alongside them. 


Learning to live with your angels allows you to never have to say goodbye when your loved ones pass. In grief we don’t know where to place the love we have for our family members and friends who are no longer with us earth side. As a spiritual being, as a soul, you know that they are simply in soul form once again, and we are all connected in the Universal Oneness. You have the power to connect to them just as you had when they were living, you only can’t experience the physical connection. 

Living with angels is a daily practice of connecting to the love that surrounds you and sharing the love you have for them. Living with angels is feeling supported in every moment because you know you are being guided. 

Here are a couple experiences I’ve had while living with my angels. Everyone’s experience may look and feel different, this is the magic of connecting with spirits and receiving messages of support from your angels. 

I was moving through a difficult situation with my business and I remember deciding to go for a walk because I needed to find some peace to guide me through this challenge. I easily get frustrated and overwhelmed when I’m working on something and this frustration guides me out of soul alignment. I’m quick to make mistakes and lead myself to more frustration. This is why I have the practice of going for a walk when I am struggling or feeling frustrated. 

On this particular day I went to a park that I always used to take my late dog, Poseidon to (never heard of Poseidon, but curious about who he was? Check out his story here). I wanted the Universe to give me a sign or message. I wanted to know that I wasn’t alone. I wanted to know that there was a reason as to why I was experiencing this challenge. I wanted the answers on how to get through. 

Have you ever found yourself in that place where everything is going wrong and you are shouting to the air “why me? Why is this happening? What do you want from me?” I’ve been there numerous times, and although I didn’t reach that point on this particular walk, I found myself on a path that would lead me all the way there. 

I had just finished crying and urging the Universe to send me a sign when I intentionally connected to my breath. I had been stuck in my mind yelling, questioning, and demanding answers that I forgot to focus on where I was and the magic that surrounded me in this moment. 

I believe Mother Earth to be filled with magic and all we need to do is slow down enough to witness and embrace this energy. That is exactly what I did when I connected with my breath. I took a deep inhale and noticed my feet taking each step on the dirt path. As I exhaled I watched the trees sway in the breeze around me. That’s when the light twinkled in the sky. Immediately I could feel Poseidon running ahead of me on the trail. 

He wasn’t physically with me, as it had been over 6 months since his passing. But I knew exactly how he would be moving if he was here physically. I could feel his spirit running ahead of me and smelling his way through the trees. 

Then in that instant I felt a hand rest on my right shoulder and a gentle squeeze in my left hand. It was ever so slight that if I hadn’t been present to my breath and my body I wouldn’t have noticed it. I could feel the energy of my Opa to my right standing behind me and I could feel the energy of my Oma walking beside me on the left. 

The Universe had sent the message. I was not alone. I was supported. I was being guided. I would find the answers when I needed them. All I needed in that moment was to trust in myself and trust that my angels were supporting me and encouraging me to keep going. 

The power of living with your angels is in the day to day moments. By building a strong connection with my angels through daily communication, calling them in for support, asking for their guidance, and connecting with their energy I can live with more peace in my heart. 

I have countless other examples of moments just like this where I felt guided by the spirit of my angels and it brought me peace and comfort to know that I wasn’t alone. 


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Back to the blog - Living and Working with Angels


The difference between living with and working with angels is how you are connecting to them at this moment. The experience above I was simply living my life and my angels chose to come forward and make their presence known to me. When working with angels you are actively calling them in to guide or support you through your own healing and growth. 

Here is an experience I moved through a few years back. 

I was on a trip staying in a hotel and I could hear a couple in the room next to me having an argument. Now it wasn’t a big conflict, but I could feel the low, heavy energy drift through the walls as I leaned back in bed trying to read my book. 

I was finding it hard to concentrate on the words in front of me because all I could focus on was the words the woman was saying in the room next to me. I could feel a resistant energy between the two people and at the same time I could feel my energy slowly draining. 

Immediately I got up from my spot and grabbed my crystals and medicine jar. Holding onto the crystals and glass jar with plant medicine helps me to get grounded. I called in my Divine Team of angels, ancestors, spirit guides and animal guides. I asked for support in the space as I needed to protect my energy from the energy next door. 

In this moment I witnessed and felt magic take place. I could clairvoyantly see my Divine Team creating an energetic wall between me and the physical wall behind my back. Every single one of my angels were working together in forming this wall so I could feel protected and safe in this space. As I watched the wall being formed I could feel through clairsentience (an intuitive feeling) that my angels were cleansing the low vibrational energy from my body. In this cleansing it is easier to come back into my natural vibrational state as a soul. 

This is simply one of the many times I’ve connected to my angels and there are so many other ways to connect while living and working with angels. Here are a few quick tips for you to begin strengthening your connection to your angels. 

1 - talk to your angels on a daily basis

2 - call them by their name

3 - ask them to take your worries and trust that they will support you

4 - call them in when you are feeling lonely

5 - ask them to guide you when you are feeling lost

6 - when you are doing shadow work always call them in for support

7 - when you are connecting to the Moon Cycle through ceremony or ritual call on your angels

8 - when you are releasing your fears ask them to support you

9 - when you want to feel at peace ask your angels to fill you with white divine light

You can talk to your Angels at any time, and the more you lean on them the more they will start showing up and helping you on a day to day basis. Over time you will learn the tell tale signs that they are visiting. You can ask them to show you signs, you can even tell them what you want your sign to be. 

When you choose to connect with your Angels, slow down and feel the love transferring from yourself to them and vice versa. This is the most beautiful, and magical part about living and working with your angels, is being able to feel the divine love that surrounds you. 

I hope this post has given you some insight and new perspectives when it comes to living and working with your angels. I would love to hear your experiences, leave a comment below. If you are ready to connect in a sacred and supportive space with more like-minded souls then make sure to check out the meditation membership

If you are wanting to learn more about shadow work, then check out the free mini book The 4 Steps to Shadow Work

Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness 


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